ArcObjects Library Reference (DataSourcesRaster)  

DataSourcesRaster Library Contents

The DataSourcesRaster library contains the workspace factories and workspaces for file based raster data formats.


Interface Description
IAddRastersParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for adding rasters to a mosaic dataset.
IAdjustXform Provides access to members that control an adjustment (rubber sheeting) transform.
IAISClientObjectX IAISClientObject Interface
IAISImageServerManager Server Manager Interface
IAISImageService2X IAISImageService2 Interface
IAISImageServiceX IAISImageService Interface
IApplanixBuilder Provides access to members that control the applanix builder
IApproximationXform Provides access to members that control transformation approximation.
IArithmeticFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control arithmetic function arguments.
IArrayCrawler Provides access to members that control an array crawler.
IBackgroundFilter Provides access to members that control a background filter.
IBasicRasterSdeConnection Provides access to members that control the RasterSDE connection.
IBinFunction Provides access to members that control a raster histogram bin function.
IBinFunction2 Provides access to members that control a raster histogram bin function.
IBuildBoundaryParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for building the boundary of a mosaic dataset.
IBuilderItem Provides access to members that control a builder item.
IBuildFootprintsByGeometryParameters Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints by Geometry operation.
IBuildFootprintsByRadiometryParameters Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints by Radiometry operation.
IBuildFootprintsByShrinkingParameters Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints by shrinking operation.
IBuildFootprintsParameters Provides access to members that control parameters to the build footprints operation.
IBuildPyramidsParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for building pyramids of a mosaic dataset.
IBuildSeamlinesParameters Provides access to members that control parameters to the build seamlines operation.
ICalculateCellSizeRangesParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for computing cell size ranges in a mosaic dataset.
ICalculateStatisticsParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for calculating statistics of a mosaic dataset.
ICancelListener Provides access to members that control a raster cancel listener.
ICellSizeLevel Provides access to members that control a cell size level.
ICellSizeLevels Provides access to members that control cell size levels.
IClipFilter Provides access to members that control a clipping filter.
IClipFilter2 Provides access to additional members that control a clipping filter.
IClipFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control raster clipping function arguments.
IColormapFilter Provides access to members that control a colormap filter.
IColormapFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control colormap function arguments.
IColorspaceConversionFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control colorspace conversion function arguments.
ICompositeItemURI Provides access to members that control a composite item URI.
ICompositeURIFilter Provides access to members that control a composite URI filter.
ICompositeXform Provides access to members that control a collection of geodata transform.
IComputeDirtyAreaParameters Provides access to members that control how a mosaic dataset's dirty area is computed.
IConstantFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control constant function arguments.
IContrastTable Provides access to members that control a contrast table.
IConvolutionFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control a kernel-based convolution function.
ICoordinateXform Provides access to members that control a coordinate (projection) transform.
ICoordinateXform2 Provides access to members that control a coordinate (projection) transform.
ICreateMosaicDatasetParameters Provides access to members that control mosaic dataset creation parameters.
ICustomXform Provides access to members that control a custom geodata transform.
IDataSourceCrawler Provides access to members that control a data source crawler.
IDefineNoDataParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for defining NoData values for items in a mosaic dataset.
IDefineOverviewsParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for define overviews of a mosaic dataset.
IDEImageServer Provides access to members that describe Image Service objects.
IDEImageServerType Provides access to the Image Service Data Element Type.
IDEMosaicDataset Provides access to a Mosaic Dataset Data Element.
IDEMosaicDatasetType Provides access to a Mosaic Dataset Data Element Type.
IDERasterUtilities Provides access to the Raster Data Element Utilities.
IDescColumn Provides access to members that control a descriptor table column.
IDescRow Provides access to members that control a descriptor table row.
IDescTable Provides access to members that control a descriptor table.
IDEWCSCoverage Provides access to members that describe WCS Coverage objects.
IDEWCSCoverageType Provides access to the WCS Coverage Data Element Type.
IDrLoader Provides access to members that controls a distributed raster catalog loader.
IEnumRasterBand Provides access to members that control a raster band enumerator object.
IEnumThreadedJobs Executes in parallel and performs the job.
IERasterStatus Provides access to members that get events from the Raster Engine.
IExcludedAreaFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control Excluded Area function arguments.
IExtractBandFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control band extraction function argument(s).
IFileCrawler Provides access to members that control a file system crawler.
IFileItemURI Provides access to members that control a file item URI.
IFocalMeanFilter Provides access to members that control a focal mean filter.
IFocalStatisticsFilter Provides access to members that control a focal statistics filter.
IFootprintFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control Footprint function arguments.
IFormatData Provides access to members that provide access to information about specific raster formats.
IFormatList Provides access to members that contain information about all raster formats currently supported.
IFormatTest Provides access to members that provide information on the format of a raster .
IFrameCameraParameters Provides access to members that control camera definition
IFrameXform Provides access to members that control a standard frame camera transform.
IFunctionRasterDataset Provides access to members that control a function raster dataset.
IFunctionRasterDatasetName Provides access to members that control a function raster dataset name.
IGCSShiftXform Provides access to members that control a GCS shift geodata transform.
IGenerateOverviewsParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for generating overview images in a mosaic dataset.
IGeodataXformApproximation Provides access to members that control approximation for geodata transforms.
IGeodeticProjection Provides access to members that contain information on the projection of a raster.
IGeometricFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control geometric function arguments.
IGeometricXform Provides access to members that control a geometric transform.
IGrayscaleFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control greyscale conversion function arguments.
IHillshadeFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control hillshade function arguments.
IImportGeometryParameters Provides access to members that control how mosaic dataset geometry is imported.
IIndexedItemURI Provides access to members that control an item URI that references an indexed item within a container dataset.
IISATBuilder Provides access to members that control the ISAT builder
IItemPaths Provides access to members that control item paths.
IItemPathsQuery Provides access to members that allow querying for paths stored in a mosaic dataset.
IItemTemplate Provides access to members that control an item template.
IItemTemplateArray Provides access to members that control an item template array.
IItemURI Provides access to members that control an item URI.
IItemURIArray Provides access to members that control an item URI array.
IItemURICompare Provides access to members that compare an item URI.
IItemURIFilter Provides access to members that control an item URI filter.
ILSRXform Provides access to members that control a Local Space Rectangular transform.
ILutFilter Provides access to members that control a LookUp Table filter.
IMaskFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control mask function arguments.
IMatchATBuilder Provides access to members that control the Match-AT builder.
IMosaicDataset Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset.
IMosaicDatasetJobInfo Provides access to members that control parameters of a mosaic dataset job.
IMosaicDatasetOperation Provides access to additional members that control a moasaic definition
IMosaicDatasetOperationParameters Provides access to members that control parameters to an operation on a mosaic dataset.
IMosaicFunction Provides access to members that control mosaic function.
IMosaicFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control mosaic function arguments.
IMosaicLODInfos Provides access to members that control mosaic LOD information.
IMosaicOperator Provides access to members that control custom mosaic operators.
IMosaicOperator2 Provides access to members that control a custom mosaic operator.
IMosaicOperator3 Provides access to members that control custom mosaic operators.
IMosaicRaster Provides access to members that control a MosaicRaster.
IMosaicRaster2 Provides access to members that control a MosaicRaster.
IMosaicRastersFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control mosaicrasters function arguments.
IMosaicWorkspaceExtension Provides access to members that control a mosaic dataset workspace extension.
IMosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelper Provides a helper for working with a mosaic dataset workspace extension.
IMultibandFilter Provides access to members that control a multiband filter.
INDVIFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control NDVI function arguments.
INoDataFilter Provides access to members that control a NoData conversion filter.
IOverviewBuilder Provides access to members that control an overview builder.
IOverviewImageParameters Provides access to members that control overview image parameters.
IOverviewItemURI Provides access to members that control an overview item URI.
IOverviewTileParameters Provides access to members that control overview tile parameters.
IPansharpeningFilter Provides access to members that control a pansharpening filter.
IPansharpeningFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control pansharpening function arguments.
IPixelBlock2 Provides access to members that control a PixelBlock.
IPixelBlock3 Provides access to members that control a PixelBlock.
IPixelBlock4 Provides access to members that control a PixelBlock.
IPixelBlockCursor Provides access to members that control pixel block cursor.
IPixelFilter Provides access to members that control a pixel filter.
IPixelFilter2 Provides access to additional members that control a pixel filter.
IPixelFilter3 Provides access to additional members that control a pixel filter.
IPixelFilterCollection Provides access to members that control a raster filter collection.
IPixelOperation Provides access to members that control a pixel operation on a raster.
IPixelReader Provides access to members that control a pixel reader.
IPixelReader2 Provides access to members that control a pixel reader.
IPixelResampler Provides access to members that control a pixel resampler.
IPolynomialXform Provides access to members that control a polynomial transform.
IQueryPathsParameters Provides access to members that control parameters to query paths.
IRaster2 Provides access to members that control a raster.
IRasterAnalysisProps Provides access to members that control the properties for raster analysis.
IRasterAttributeTableManager Provides access to members that controls raster attribute manager.
IRasterBand Provides access to members that control a raster band object.
IRasterBandCollection Provides access to members that control a collection of RasterBands.
IRasterBandColormap Provides access to members that control the colormap of a raster band.
IRasterBandEdit Provides access to members that control a raster band.
IRasterBandEdit2 Provides access to members that control a raster band.
IRasterBuilder Provides access to members that control a raster builder.
IRasterBuilderInit Provides access to members that initialize a raster builder.
IRasterCalcStatsHistogram Provides access to members that controls calculation of stats and histogram.
IRasterCalcStatsHistogram2 Provides access to members that controls calculation of stats and histogram.
IRasterCalcUniqueValues Provides access to members that controls calculation of unique values.
IRasterCalcUniqueValues2 Provides access to members that controls calculation of unique values.
IRasterCatalogLoader Provides access to members that control rastercatalog loading.
IRasterCatalogTable Provides access to members that control a raster catalog table.
IRasterClassNames Provides access to members that control raster class names.
IRasterCollection Provides access to members that control a raster collection.
IRasterColormap2 Provides access to members that control a raster colormap.
IRasterColormap3 Provides access to members that control a raster colormap.
IRasterColormapToRGBConversion Provides access to members that convert between colormap and RGB Raster.
IRasterConvolutionFilter Provides access to members that control a raster kernel-based filter.
IRasterDataManagementEvents Provides access to events that occur with an raster dataset.
IRasterDatasetBuilder Indicator interface for raster dataset builders.
IRasterDatasetCrawler Provides access to members that control a raster dataset crawler.
IRasterDatasetJukebox Provides access to members that control subdatasets.
IRasterDefaultProps Provides access to members that control the default raster properties.
IRasterDomainExtractor Provides access to members that extracts the raster domain.
IRasterEdit Provides access to members that control pixel block level editing operations.
IRasterFormatControl Provides access to members that control raster format support level.
IRasterFunction Provides access to members that control a raster function.
IRasterFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control raster function argments.
IRasterFunctionCollection Provides access to members that control a raster function collection.
IRasterFunctionHelper Provides access to members that control a raster function helper.
IRasterFunctionTemplate Provides access to members that control a raster template function.
IRasterFunctionVariable Provides access to members that control a raster function variable.
IRasterGeometryProc Provides access to members that allow raster geometry processing.
IRasterGeometryProc2 Provides access to members that allow raster geometry processing.
IRasterGeometryProc3 Provides access to members that allow raster geometry processing.
IRasterHistogram Provides access to members that control a raster histogram.
IRasterInfo Provides access to members that control a raster info object.
IRasterInfo2 Provides access to members that control a raster info object.
IRasterInfoFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control raster info function arguments.
IRasterInfos Provides access to an array of RasterInfos.
IRasterLoader Provides access to members that control data loading.
IRasterMapModel Provides access to member that control RasterMapModel.
IRasterProps Provides access to members that control the most common raster properties.
IRasterPyramid Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset.
IRasterPyramid2 Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset.
IRasterPyramid3 Provides access to members that control the pyramids for a raster dataset.
IRasterResamplingControl Provides access to members that provides raster resampling control.
IRasterSdeCatalog Provides access to members that control the RasterSDE connection.
IRasterSdeServerOperation Provides access to members that control the RasterSDE operation.
IRasterSdeServerOperation2 Provides access to members that control the RasterSDE operation.
IRasterSdeStorage Provides access to members that control RasterSDE storage.
IRasterSdeStorage2 Provides access to members that control RasterSDE storage.
IRasterServiceHelper Provides access to members that controls web services.
IRasterStatistics Provides access to members that control raster statistics.
IRasterStatus Provides access to members that control the raster status.
IRasterStatus2 Provides access to members that control the raster status 2.
IRasterStatusEvent Provides access to members that control the raster status event.
IRasterStatusEvent2 Provides access to members that control the raster status event.
IRasterTable Provides access to members that control a raster table.
IRasterThumbnailBuilder Provides access to members that control a raster thumbnail builder.
IRasterTransaction Provides access to members that provide undo support.
IRasterType Provides access to members that control a raster type.
IRasterTypeEnvironment Provides access to members that control the raster type environment.
IRasterTypeFactory Provides access to members that control a raster type factory.
IRasterTypeHistory Provides access to members that control raster type history.
IRasterTypeItemURI Provides access to members that control a raster type item URI.
IRasterTypeName Provides access to members that control a raster type name.
IRasterTypeOperation Provides access to members that control raster type operation.
IRasterTypeProperties Provides access to members that control raster type properties.
IRasterWorkspace Provides access to members that control a raster workspace.
IRasterWorkspace3 Provides access to additional members that control a raster workspace.
IRasterXform Provides access to members that control raster specific geodata transform.
IRasterXform2 Provides access to members that control raster specific geodata transform.
IRasterXformer Provides access to members that control raster transformer.
IRasterXformer2 Provides access to members that control raster transformer.
IRawBlocks Provides access to members that control raw pixel block access.
IRawPixelReader Provides access to members that control a raw pixel reader.
IRawPixels Provides access to members that control pixel reading and writing from a RasterBand.
IRect Provides access to members that control a rectangle.
IRemapFilter Provides access to members that control a remap filter.
IRemapFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control remap function arguments.
IRemoveItemsParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for removing rasters from a mosaic dataset.
IRemoveSliversParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for sliver removal.
IReplacePathsParameters Provides access to members that control parameters to replace paths.
IRGB32PixelResampler Provides access to members that control a RGB 32-bit packed pixel resampler.
IRPCXform Provides access to members that control a RPC transform.
IRPFItemURI Provides access to members that control an RPF or DTED item URI.
ISAIFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control slope-aspect index (SAI) function arguments.
IScalar Provides access to members that control a scalar.
ISdeRasterTableName Provides access to member that identifies name information about an SDE raster table.
ISeamlineModifier Provides access to members that control a seamline modifier.
ISeamlineModifierInit Provides access to members that control initialization of a seamline modifier.
ISeamlineTaskInfo Provides access to members that control information defining a seamline task.
ISelectionParameters Provides access to members that control selection parameters.
ISensorXform Provides access to members that control sensor specific geodata transform.
IServerThreadedJob Executes in parallel and performs the job on the server.
IShadedReliefFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control shaded relief function arguments.
ISimplePixelReader Provides access to members that control a simple pixel reader.
ISimplePixelResampler Provides access to members that control a simple pixel resampler.
ISlopeFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control slope function arguments.
ISpectralConversionFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control spectral conversion function arguments.
ISplineXform Provides access to members that control a Thin Plate Spline transform.
IStatisticsFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control focal statistics function arguments.
IStatsHistogram Provides access to members that controls stats and histogram.
IStatsHistogram2 Provides access to members that controls stats and histogram.
IStockConvolutionFilter Provides access to members that control a kernel-based stock filter.
IStretchFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control stretch function arguments.
ISynchronizeParameters Provides access to members that control parameters for synchronizing items in a mosaic dataset.
ITableBuilder Provides access to members that control a table builder.
ITableCrawler Provides access to members that control a crawler capable of traversing tables.
ITemporaryDataset Provides access to members that control temporary datasets.
IThreadedJob Executes in parallel and performs the job.
IThreadedJobResult Provides access to members that control a threaded job result.
IThreadedJobResultHandler Provides access to members that control a threded job result handler.
IThreadedOperationParameters Provides access to members that control threaded operation parameters.
IThreadedProcessor Provides access to a multi-threaded processor that executes multiple jobs in parallel.
ITrendFunctionArguments Provides access to members that control trend function arguments.
IUniqueDoubleValues Provides access to members that controls unique double values.
IUniqueStringValues Provides access to members that controls unique string values.
IUniqueValues Provides access to members that controls unique values.
IUniqueValues2 Provides access to members that controls large unique values.
IURIProductNameFilter Provides access to members that control a filter based on URI product name.
IWorldFileExport Provides access to members that export Georeference information to a WorldFile.
IWorldFileExport2 Provides access to members that export georeferencing and spatial reference.
IXForm Provides access to members that control a transformation.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
AddRastersParameters An object that controls how rasters are added to a mosaic dataset.
AdjustXform An adjustment (rubber sheeting) transform class.
AISImageServerManager Image Server Manager CoClass
ApplanixBuilder A raster builder for Applanix files.
ApproximationXform A transformation that approximates other transformations.
ArithmeticFunction A class for an arithmetic raster function.
ArithmeticFunctionArguments A class for colormap raster function arguments.
ArrayCrawler A crawler for an array of strings.
AspectFunction The Aspect function.
BackgroundFilter A raster background filter.
BasicRasterSdeLoader A mechanism to control creation of SDE Raster datasets and load raster data.
BlendMosaicker A custom raster mosaic operator for performing blend value mosaic.
BuildBoundaryParameters An object that controls how the boundary of a mosaic dataset is computed.
BuilderItem An item built by a raster builder.
BuildFootprintsParameters An object that controls how footrints of items in a mosaic dataset are computed.
BuildSeamlinesParameters An object that controls how the seamline geometry for items in a mosiac dataset are computed.
CalculateCellSizeRangesParameters An object that controls how visibility ranges for items in a mosaic dataset are computed.
CancelListener A raster status event listener for handling cancel events.
CellSizeLevel A cell size level object.
CellSizeLevels A collection of one or more cell size level objects.
ClipFilter A class for clipping filter.
ClipFootprintToMosaic A seamline modifier that simply clips the item footprint to the aggregating mosaic geometry.
ClipFunction The class for a raster clipping function.
ClipFunctionArguments The class for a raster clipping function arguments.
ColormapFilter A raster colormap filter.
ColormapFunction A class for a colormap raster function.
ColormapFunctionArguments A class for colormap raster function arguments.
ColormapToRGBFunction A class for a raster Colormap-To-RGB conversion function.
ColorspaceConversionFunction The class for a colorspace conversion function.
ColorspaceConversionFunctionArguments The class for raster colorspace conversion arguments.
ComplexFunction A class for a Complex value conversion function.
CompositeBandFunction A class for a band composition raster function.
CompositeItemURI A composite item URI object.
CompositeURIFilter A composite URI filter object.
CompositeXform A composite geodata transform collection class.
ComputeDirtyAreaParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset's dirty area geometry is computed.
ConstantFunction The raster function of a constant value.
ConstantFunctionArguments The arguments for the constant raster function.
ConvolutionFunction A class for a convolution raster function.
ConvolutionFunctionArguments A class for convolution raster function arguments.
CoordinateXform A coordinate transform class.
CreateMosaicDatasetParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset is created.
DblPnt A simple point class.
DblRect A simple rectangle class.
DefaultRasterStatusEvent The default listener of the raster related events.
DefineNoDataParameters An object that controls how NoData values are defined for items in a mosaic dataset.
DefineOverviewsParameters An object that controls how new overview items are created in a mosaic dataset.
DEImageServer Image Service Object Data Element object.
DEImageServerType Image Service Object Data Element object Type.
DEMosaicDataset The MosaicDataset Data Element object.
DEMosaicDatasetType The MosaicDataset Data Element object Type.
DERasterUtilities Raster Data Element Utilities object.
DEWCSCoverage WCS Coverage Object Data Element object.
DEWCSCoverageType WCS Coverage Object Data Element object Type.
DrLoader A distributed raster catalog loader.
ExcludedAreaFunction The raster function for generating excluded area.
ExcludedAreaFunctionArguments The arguments for the ExcludedArea raster function.
ExtractBandFunction A class for a band extraction/selection raster function.
ExtractBandFunctionArguments A class for band extraction/selection raster function arguments.
FileCrawler A crawler for files that reside on the file-system.
FileItemURI An item URI that identifes a file.
FocalMeanFilter A class for focal mean filter.
FocalStatisticsFilter A class for focal statistics filter.
FootprintFunction The raster function for generating a raster footprint.
FootprintFunctionArguments The arguments for the Footprint raster function.
FormatList A collection of information about supported raster formats.
FrameXform A standard frame camera model transformation class.
FunctionRasterDataset A class for a function raster dataset.
FunctionRasterDatasetName A class for a function raster dataset name.
GCSShiftXform A GCS shift geodata transform class.
GenerateOverviewsParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset's overview images are generated.
GeometricFunction A class for a raster geometric function.
GeometricFunctionArguments A class for raster geometric function arguments.
GeometricXform A geometric transform class.
GrayscaleFunction The greyscale conversion function.
GrayscaleFunctionArguments The greyscale conversion function arguments.
HillshadeFunction The Hillshade function Class.
HillshadeFunctionArguments The Hillshade function arguments.
IdentityFunction A class for an identity raster function.
IdentityXform An identity transform class.
IkonosBuilder A raster builder for IKONOS files
ImportGeometryParameters An object that controls how a mosaic dataset's geometry gets imported.
IndexedItemURI An indexed item URI object.
ISATBuilder A raster builder for ISAT files.
ISDefBuilder A raster builder for an Image Service Definition file.
ItemTemplate An item template.
ItemTemplateArray An array of item templates.
ItemURI An item URI object that identifies an item returned by a raster builder.
ItemURIArray An array of item URI objects.
LandsatBuilder A raster builder for Landsat files
LSRXform A Local Space Rectangular transform class.
LutFilter A raster LookUp Table filter.
MaskFunction The mask function for masking out background values.
MaskFunctionArguments The raster mask function arguments.
MatchATBuilder A raster builder for MatchAT files.
MeanMosaicker A custom raster mosaic operator for performing mean value mosaic.
MosaicDataset A mosaic dataset object.
MosaicDatasetJob A mosaic dataset job.
MosaicDatasetSelectionParameters An object that controls how rasters in a mosaic dataset are selected.
MosaicFunction A class for a raster mosaic function.
MosaicFunctionArguments A class for raster mosaic function arguments.
MosaicLODInfos A class containing mosaic LOD information.
MosaicRaster A mosaic of rasters.
MosaicRastersFunction The Mosaic Rasters function.
MosaicRastersFunctionArguments A class for mosaicrasters function arguments.
MosaicWorkspaceExtension A mosaic dataset workspace extension.
MosaicWorkspaceExtensionHelper A mosaic dataset workspace extension helper.
MultibandFilter A class for multiband filter.
NDVIFunction A class for a raster NDVI function.
NDVIFunctionArguments A class for NDVI raster function arguments.
NITFBuilder A raster builder for NITF files.
NoDataFilter A class for NoData conversion filter.
OverviewBuilder A raster builder for overview datasets.
OverviewItemURI An overview item URI object.
PansharpeningFilter A class for pansharpening filter.
PansharpeningFunction A class for a sharpening raster function.
PansharpeningFunctionArguments A class for sharpening raster function arguments.
PixelBlock ESRI PixelBlock, a container of pixel data.
PixelBlockCursor A PixelBlock cursor class.
PixelFilterCollection A raster filter collection.
PolynomialXform A polynomial transform class.
QueryPathsParameters An object that controls how paths referenced by a mosaic dataset and items in the mosaic dataset are queried.
QuickBirdBuilder A raster builder for QuickBird files
RapidEyeBuilder A raster builder for RapidEye files
Raster An in-memory representation of a dynamic raster that can perform resampling and reprojection.
RasterAttributeTableManager A class for managing the association between a raster attribute table and its geodataset.
RasterBand A representation of a single band of a raster dataset on disk.
RasterBands An enumerator useful for iterating through a set of raster bands.
RasterCalcStatsHistogram A helper class for calculating raster statistics and histogram.
RasterCalcUniqueValues A helper class for calculating raster unique values.
RasterCatalogLoader A raster catalog loader class.
RasterCatalogTable A special type of table used to display multiple rasters simultaneously.
RasterClassNames A list of class (category) names.
RasterColormap A container for a colormap used to display a raster band.
RasterColormapToRGBConverter A helper class for converting between colormap to RGB raster.
RasterConvolutionFilter A raster kernel-based filter.
RasterCursor A raster cursor class.
RasterDataManagementEventsHelper The raster data management events broadcaster.
RasterDataset A representation of a raster dataset on disk.
RasterDatasetBuilder A raster builder for raster datasets.
RasterDatasetCrawler A crawler for raster datasets.
RasterDomainExtractor A lightweight object for extracting raster domain.
RasterFunctionCollection A class for a raster function collection.
RasterFunctionHelper A class for a raster function helper.
RasterFunctionTemplate A class for a template raster function.
RasterFunctionTemplateArguments A class for template function arguments.
RasterFunctionVariable The class for template raster function arguments.
RasterGeometryProc A mechanism to perform raster geometric operations, such as flip, rotate, and merge on rasters.
RasterHistogram A raster histogram class.
RasterInfo A class for a raster info value object containing information about a raster.
RasterInfoFunction The raster info function for modifying raster properties.
RasterInfoFunctionArguments The raster info function arguments.
RasterInfos An array of RasterInfo objects.
RasterLoader A raster loader class.
RasterNativeType Native type for raster datasets.
RasterPicture A lightweight object for displaying some raster formats in a simple manner.
RasterRouteFinder A seamline modifier that finds a route along the difference raster.
RasterStatistics A raster statistics class.
RasterStatus The raster event listener object.
RasterStatusEvent2Helper The raster status event helper class for broadcasting events.
RasterStatusEventHelper The raster status event helper class for broadcasting events.
RasterType A raster type object.
RasterTypeEnvironment The raster type environment.
RasterTypeFactory A raster type factory object.
RasterTypeItemURI An item URI constructed by the raster type object.
RasterTypeName The raster type name object.
RasterWorkspace The raster workspace object.
RasterWorkspaceFactory Provides access to members that control creation of raster workspaces.
RasterXformer A raster transformer class.
RemapFilter A class for remap filter.
RemapFunction A class for a remap raster function.
RemapFunctionArguments A class for remap raster function arguments.
RemoveItemsParameters An object that controls how items are removed from a mosaic dataset.
ReplacePathsParameters An object that controls how paths referenced by a mosaic dataset and items in the mosaic dataset are updated.
RGB32Function A class for a packed RGBA raster function.
RGB32PixelResampler A 32-bit RGB(A) pixel resampler class.
RGB32ToRGBFunction A class for a packed RGBA to 3 band RGB conversion raster function.
RPCXform A Rational Polynomial Coefficient (RPC) transform class.
RPDefBuilder A raster builder for Raster Process Definition files
RPFBuilder A raster buider for RPF files.
RPFItemURI An item URI that identifes aN RPF file.
SAIFunction The Slope-Aspect Index (SAI) function.
SAIFunctionArguments The Slope-Aspect Index (SAI) function arguments.
Scalar The class for a scalar value.
SdeRasterCatalogTable A class for managing 8.x ArcSDE RasterCatalogs.
SdeRasterTableName A container for name information about an SDE Raster.
SeamlineTaskInfo A seamline task information object.
ShadedReliefFunction The Shaded Relief function.
ShadedReliefFunctionArguments The Shaded Relief function arguments.
SimplePixelReader A simple pixel resampler class.
SimplePixelResampler A simple pixel resampler class.
SlopeFunction The Slope function.
SlopeFunctionArguments The Slope function arguments.
SpectralConversionFunction The spectral conversion function.
SpectralConversionFunctionArguments The spectral conversion function arguments.
SplineXform A Thin Plate Spline transform class.
SpotBuilder A raster builder for SPOT files
StatisticsFunction A class for a statistic raster function.
StatisticsFunctionArguments A class for statistics raster function arguments.
StatsHistogram A raster statistics and histogram class.
StretchFunction A class for a stretch raster function.
StretchFunctionArguments A class for stretch raster function arguments.
SynchronizeParameters An object that controls how items in a mosaic dataset are synchronized.
TableBuilder A raster builder for tables.
TableCrawler A cralwer for tables.
ThreadedJobResult The result of a threaded job.
ThreadedJobTrackCancel A cancel tracker for threaded jobs.
ThreadedProcessor A threaded processor.
TrendFunction The Trend function.
TrendFunctionArguments The Trend function arguments.
UniqueValues A raster unique value class.
URIProductNameFilter A URI filter object for product names.


Enumeration Description
esriApplanixCameraModel Applanix DSS camera models.
esriBuildFootprintsMethods The types of build footprints methods.
esriCellsizeType Different ways of estimating cellsize.
esriColorspaceConversionType The raster colorspace conversion types.
esriCrawlerDataSourceType Possible input and output types associated with a data source crawler.
esriDistortionType Types of Distortions.
esriDuplicateItemsAction Duplicate resolution methods while adding rasters to a mosaic dataset.
esriFocalStatisticType The statistic types for focal stattistics raster function.
esriFrameCameraUnits Units for focal length and principal point
esriGeoTransTypeEnum The geometric transformation types.
esriImportGeometryTarget Targets of import geometry operation on a mosaic datasets.
esriMosaicDatasetErrors Error codes related to mosaic dataset hierarchy
esriMosaicMethod The raster mosaic methods.
esriPansharpeningType The pansharpening filter types.
esriRasterArithmeticOperation The raster Binary operations.
esriRasterCatalogItemCategory Possible raster categories in a mosaic catalog.
esriRasterCatalogType The types of raster catalogs that can be associated with a mosaic datset.
esriRasterClippingType The raster clipping types.
esriRasterColorInterpretation The color interpretation.
esriRasterError The raster related error codes.
esriRasterFilterTypeEnum The raster convolution filter types.
esriRasterFormatSupportLevel Raster format support level.
esriRasterKonradyType The frame camera Konrady coefficient type.
esriRasterLoaderError Error codes for the IRasterLoaderError event source.
esriRasterPrjMethodTypeEnum The raster projection types.
esriRasterProperties Raster properties.
esriRasterSdePyramidOptEnum Raster SDE pyramid creation options.
esriRasterStretchType The stretch types for stretch raster function.
esriThreadedProcessorErrors Error codes related to mosaic dataset hierarchy
rstMosaicColormapMode The mode for mosaicking pseudocolor raster datasets.
rstMosaicOperatorType Supported types of raster merging operations.
rstRepresentationType The raster representation type.