ArcGIS Routing with NAServer
' Copyright 2010 ESRI
' All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
' and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
' You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
' without modification, provided you include the original copyright
' notice and use restrictions.
' See the use restrictions.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Security
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.ArcGISServer
Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.ArcGISServer

Partial Public Class _Default
  Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
  ' Member Variables
  Private Const SERVER_NAME As String = "localhost"
    Private Const ROUTE_SERVICE_NAME As String = "SanFrancisco"
    Private Const LOCATOR_SERVICE_NAME As String = "SanFranciscoLocator"

  Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Page.Title = "Simple Routing Application"
  End Sub
    Protected Sub btnGetDirections_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnGetDirections.Click
    End Sub

  ''' <summary>
  ''' This function
  '''     - sets the server and solver parameters
  '''     - populates the stops NALocations
  '''     - gets and displays the server results (map, directions)
  ''' </summary>
  Private Sub Solve()

            ' Get the NAServer
            Using naServer As NAServerProxy = NAServerProxy.Create(SERVER_NAME, ROUTE_SERVICE_NAME, Nothing)

                If naServer Is Nothing Then
                    Throw (New System.Exception("Could not find the web service."))
                End If

                ' Get the NAServerSolverParams
                Dim naLayers As String() = naServer.GetNALayerNames(esriNAServerLayerType.esriNAServerRouteLayer)

                Dim solverParams As NAServerSolverParams = TryCast(naServer.GetSolverParameters(naLayers(0)), NAServerSolverParams)

                ' Set the NAServerRouteParams
                Dim routeParams As NAServerRouteParams = TryCast(solverParams, NAServerRouteParams)
                Dim time As DateTime
                routeParams.UseStartTime = DateTime.TryParse(txtStartTime.Value, time)
                If routeParams.UseStartTime Then
                    routeParams.StartTime = time
                End If

                routeParams.ReturnMap = False
                routeParams.ReturnRouteGeometries = True
                routeParams.ReturnStops = True
                routeParams.ReturnDirections = chkShowDirections.Checked
                routeParams.DirectionsTimeAttributeName = "Minutes"
                routeParams.ImpedanceAttributeName = "Minutes"

                ' Set Output Spatial Reference
                Dim mapFunctionality As MapFunctionality = CType(Map1.GetFunctionality(0), MapFunctionality)
                routeParams.OutputSpatialReference = mapFunctionality.MapDescription.SpatialReference

                ' Geocode two addresses and create the stop network locations

                ' Solve the Route
                Dim solverResults As NAServerSolverResults
                solverResults = naServer.Solve(solverParams)

                ' Display results
            End Using

        Catch exception As Exception

            pnlDirectionSummary.Visible = False
            lblDirections.Visible = False
            lblTotalDistance.Visible = False
            dataGridDirections.Visible = False
            lblError.Text = "An error has occurred Mesage = " & exception.Message
        End Try
  End Sub

  ''' <summary>
  ''' This function shows how to populate stop locations using an array of PropertySets
  ''' </summary>
  Private Sub LoadLocations(ByVal solverParams As NAServerSolverParams)
    ' Geocode Addresses
    Dim propSets As PropertySet() = New PropertySet(1) {}
    propSets(0) = GeocodeAddress(txtFromStreet.Value, txtFromCity.Value, txtFromState.Value, txtFromZip.Value)
    propSets(1) = GeocodeAddress(txtToStreet.Value, txtToCity.Value, txtToState.Value, txtToZip.Value)

    Dim StopsPropSets As NAServerPropertySets = New NAServerPropertySets()
    StopsPropSets.PropertySets = propSets

    Dim routeParams As NAServerRouteParams = TryCast(solverParams, NAServerRouteParams)
    routeParams.Stops = StopsPropSets
  End Sub

  ''' <summary>
  ''' Geocode an address based on the street name, city, state, and zip code
  ''' Throws and exception and returns null if the address was unmatched.
  ''' </summary> 
  Private Function GeocodeAddress(ByVal streetAddress As String, ByVal city As String, ByVal state As String, ByVal zipCode As String) As PropertySet
    Dim propSet As PropertySet = Nothing

            Using gc As GeocodeServerProxy = GeocodeServerProxy.Create(SERVER_NAME, LOCATOR_SERVICE_NAME, Nothing)
                Dim addressProperties As PropertySet = New PropertySet()

                Dim addressFields As Fields
                Dim field As Field

                Dim propSetProperty As PropertySetProperty() = New PropertySetProperty(3) {}
                addressFields = gc.GetAddressFields()
                Dim i As Integer = 0
                Do While i < addressFields.FieldArray.GetLength(0)
                    field = addressFields.FieldArray(i)

                    If field.Name.Equals("STREET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
                        propSetProperty(0) = TryCast(CreatePropertySetProperty(field.AliasName, streetAddress), PropertySetProperty)
                    End If

                    If field.Name.Equals("CITY", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
                        propSetProperty(1) = TryCast(CreatePropertySetProperty(field.AliasName, city), PropertySetProperty)
                    End If

                    If field.Name.Equals("STATE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
                        propSetProperty(2) = TryCast(CreatePropertySetProperty(field.AliasName, state), PropertySetProperty)
                    End If

                    If field.Name.Equals("ZIP", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse field.Name.Equals("ZONE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
                        propSetProperty(3) = TryCast(CreatePropertySetProperty(field.AliasName, zipCode), PropertySetProperty)
                    End If

                    i += 1

                addressProperties.PropertyArray = propSetProperty

                ' find the matching address  
                propSet = gc.GeocodeAddress(addressProperties, Nothing)
            End Using
        Catch exception As Exception
            lblError.Text = "An error has occurred Mesage = " & exception.Message
        End Try

    ' Throw and error if the geocoded address is "Unmatched"
    If (Not propSet Is Nothing) AndAlso (propSet.PropertyArray(1).Value.ToString() = "U") Then
      Throw (New System.Exception("Could not geocode [" & streetAddress & "]"))
    End If

    ' Overwrite the "matched" property with the "Name" of the street
    propSet.PropertyArray(1).Key = "Name"
    propSet.PropertyArray(1).Value = streetAddress

    Return propSet
  End Function

  ''' <summary>
  ''' CreatePropertySetProperty
  ''' </summary> 
  Private Function CreatePropertySetProperty(ByVal key As String, ByVal value As Object) As PropertySetProperty
    Dim propSetProperty As PropertySetProperty = New PropertySetProperty()
    propSetProperty.Key = key
    propSetProperty.Value = value
    Return propSetProperty
  End Function

  ''' <summary>
  ''' Output Results map, Directions
  ''' </summary>
  Private Sub OutputResults(ByVal solverResults As NAServerSolverResults)
    Dim messagesSolverResults As String = ""

    ' Output Solve messages
    Dim gpMessages As GPMessages = solverResults.SolveMessages
    Dim arrGPMessage As GPMessage() = gpMessages.GPMessages1
    If Not arrGPMessage Is Nothing Then
      Dim i As Integer = 0
      Do While i < arrGPMessage.GetLength(0)
        Dim gpMessage As GPMessage = arrGPMessage(i)
        messagesSolverResults &= Constants.vbLf + gpMessage.MessageDesc
        i += 1
    End If
    lblError.Text = messagesSolverResults

    Dim RouteSolverResults As NAServerRouteResults = TryCast(solverResults, NAServerRouteResults)
    ' Display turn-by-turn directions
    If chkShowDirections.Checked = True Then
      ' Or simply display the total impedance for the route
      lblTotalTime.Text = "Total Time: " & RouteSolverResults.TotalImpedances(0).ToString("F") & " mn"
      lblTotalDistance.Visible = False
      pnlDirectionSummary.Visible = True
      lblDirections.Visible = False
      dataGridDirections.Visible = False
    End If

    ' Add graphics from route and stops
    Dim graphicElements As GraphicElement() = New GraphicElement(RouteSolverResults.RouteGeometries.Length + RouteSolverResults.Stops.Records.Length - 1) {}
    AddRoutesToGraphicElements(RouteSolverResults.RouteGeometries, graphicElements)
    AddStopsToGraphicElements(RouteSolverResults.Stops, graphicElements)
    Dim mapFunctionality As MapFunctionality = CType(Map1.GetFunctionality(0), MapFunctionality)
    mapFunctionality.MapDescription.CustomGraphics = graphicElements

    ' Zoom to extent
    Dim polylineN As PolylineN = TryCast(RouteSolverResults.RouteGeometries(0), PolylineN)
    Dim envelopeN As EnvelopeN = TryCast(polylineN.Extent, EnvelopeN)
    Dim width As Double = envelopeN.XMax - envelopeN.XMin
    Dim height As Double = envelopeN.YMax - envelopeN.YMin
    Dim fivePercent As Double
    If width > height Then
      fivePercent = width * 0.05
      fivePercent = height * 0.05
    End If

    envelopeN.XMin = envelopeN.XMin - fivePercent
    envelopeN.YMin = envelopeN.YMin - fivePercent
    envelopeN.XMax = envelopeN.XMax + fivePercent
    envelopeN.YMax = envelopeN.YMax + fivePercent

    Map1.Extent = ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.ArcGISServer.Converter.ToAdfEnvelope(envelopeN)

  End Sub

  ' Add routes as blue lines
  Public Sub AddRoutesToGraphicElements(ByVal polylines As Polyline(), ByVal graphicElements As GraphicElement())
    Dim rgb As RgbColor = New RgbColor()
    rgb.Red = 0
    rgb.Green = 0
    rgb.Blue = 255
    rgb.AlphaValue = 32

    Dim sls As SimpleLineSymbol = New SimpleLineSymbol()
    sls.Color = rgb
    sls.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid
    sls.Width = 6

    Dim i As Integer = 0
    Do While i < polylines.Length
      Dim le As LineElement = New LineElement()
      le.Line = polylines(i)
      le.Symbol = sls

      graphicElements(i) = le
      i += 1
  End Sub

  ' Add all stops as black circles
  Public Sub AddStopsToGraphicElements(ByVal stops As RecordSet, ByVal graphicElements As GraphicElement())
    Dim stopRecords As Record() = stops.Records
    Dim stopCount As Integer = stopRecords.Length

    Dim rgb As RgbColor = New RgbColor()
    rgb.Red = 0
    rgb.Green = 0
    rgb.Blue = 0
    rgb.AlphaValue = 255

    Dim sms As SimpleMarkerSymbol = New SimpleMarkerSymbol()
    sms.Color = rgb
    sms.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle
    sms.Size = 16

    Dim iGraphicElement As Integer = graphicElements.Length - stopCount
    Dim iStop As Integer = 0
    Do While iStop < stopCount
      Dim [me] As MarkerElement = New MarkerElement()
      [me].Point = TryCast(stopRecords(iStop).Values(1), PointN)
      [me].Symbol = sms

      graphicElements(iGraphicElement) = [me]
      iGraphicElement += 1
      iStop += 1
  End Sub

  ''' <summary>
  ''' Output Directions if a dataGrid control
  ''' </summary> 
  Private Sub OutputDirections(ByVal serverDirections As NAStreetDirections())
    If serverDirections Is Nothing Then
    End If

    ' get Directions from the ith route
    Dim directions As NAStreetDirections
    directions = serverDirections(0)

    ' get Summary (Total Distance and Time)
    Dim direction As NAStreetDirection = directions.Summary
    Dim totallength As String = Nothing, totaltime As String = Nothing
    Dim SummaryStrings As String() = direction.Strings
    Dim k As Integer = SummaryStrings.GetLowerBound(0)
    Do While k < SummaryStrings.GetUpperBound(0)
      If direction.StringTypes(k) = esriDirectionsStringType.esriDSTLength Then
        totallength = SummaryStrings(k)
      End If
      If direction.StringTypes(k) = esriDirectionsStringType.esriDSTTime Then
        totaltime = SummaryStrings(k)
      End If
      k += 1

    ' Display the direction in a DataGrid
    Dim dataSet As DataSet = New DataSet("dataSet")
    Dim dataTable As DataTable = New DataTable("Results")

    Dim dataColumn As DataColumn = Nothing
    dataColumn = New DataColumn("Step ")
    dataColumn = New DataColumn("Directions ")
    dataColumn = New DataColumn("Estimated Arrival Time ")

    ' Then add a node for each step-by-step directions
    Dim newDataRow As DataRow
    Dim StreetDirections As NAStreetDirection() = directions.Directions
    Dim directionIndex As Integer = StreetDirections.GetLowerBound(0)
    Do While directionIndex <= StreetDirections.GetUpperBound(0)
      Dim streetDirection As NAStreetDirection = StreetDirections(directionIndex)
      Dim StringStreetDirection As String() = streetDirection.Strings
      newDataRow = dataTable.NewRow()
      newDataRow(0) = System.Convert.ToString(directionIndex + 1)

      Dim stringIndex As Integer = StringStreetDirection.GetLowerBound(0)
      Do While stringIndex <= StringStreetDirection.GetUpperBound(0)
        If streetDirection.StringTypes(stringIndex) = esriDirectionsStringType.esriDSTGeneral OrElse streetDirection.StringTypes(stringIndex) = esriDirectionsStringType.esriDSTDepart OrElse streetDirection.StringTypes(stringIndex) = esriDirectionsStringType.esriDSTArrive Then
          newDataRow(1) = StringStreetDirection(stringIndex)
        End If

        If streetDirection.StringTypes(stringIndex) = esriDirectionsStringType.esriDSTEstimatedArrivalTime Then
          newDataRow(2) = StringStreetDirection(stringIndex)
        End If
        stringIndex += 1

      directionIndex += 1

    dataGridDirections.DataSource = dataSet
    dataGridDirections.Visible = True

    ' Display Total Distance and Total Time
    lblTotalDistance.Text = "Total Distance: " & totallength
    lblTotalTime.Text = "Total Time: " & totaltime
    pnlDirectionSummary.Visible = True
    lblDirections.Visible = True
    lblTotalDistance.Visible = True
  End Sub
End Class