Working with the REST API

About the ArcGIS Server REST API

Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style utilized by networked systems, such as the Web, to access resources. As a REST system, the Web is composed of resources. When the representation of a resource is returned to a Web client, the client transfers to a state. 
Upon each new resource request, the client state is changed (transfers). REST systems can use Web standards, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), uniform resource locator (URL), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and mime types to expose and utilize resources as a Web services. 
REST Web services provide access to resources via a uniform resource identifier (URI) and an HTTP GET request. Input parameters used to interact with a resource are provided using a set of argument and value pairs in the URI. REST Web services are characterized by stateless interaction, cached content, and a uniform interface of named resources.  
The ArcGIS Server REST application programming interface (API) adheres to REST Web service characteristics. ArcGIS Server services are exposed as resources for stateless interaction. The REST API can be utilized by ESRI (for example, ArcGIS Server JavaScript API) and non-ESRI clients (clients who are not using an ESRI product). In both situations, REST API interaction is the same. As a result, a stand-alone REST API Help system is available for ESRI and non-ESRI clients. The REST API Help system includes ArcGIS Server service type discussions and a detailed library reference, which can be found in the following locations:
  • The REST API is available on the ArcGIS Resource Center.
  • Each ArcGIS Server instance configured for use with ArcGIS Server includes the REST API. When installing ArcGIS Server with the Web Applications option (default), an ArcGIS instance configures with a Web server and includes the REST API. If installed on a Web server using the default instance name (ArcGIS), the REST API will be available at http://<servername>/ArcGIS/SDK/REST.
  • When installing the Web Application Developer Framework (ADF) with the integrated Help option, the REST API documentation is included in <ArcGIS Developer Kit Install Location>\Help\REST. Program menu item links to the REST Help system, point to this location on disk.

See Also:

Developing applications with the ArcGIS Server JavaScript APIs overview