ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.Design Namespace (ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls)
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.Design contains classes for setting properties of the Web controls at design time in Visual Studio.


ClassAssemblyEditor Drop down editor for assemblies referenced by the project.
ClassBuddyControlCollectionEditor Editor for BuddyControlCollection.
ClassBuddyControlEditor Type editor for the BuddyControl property of TocControl, OverviewMap, NorthArrow and ScaleBar controls. Also, the type editor for the Name property of a BuddyControl belonging to a Toolbar.
ClassBuddyItemEditor Type editor for the BuddyItem property on a Command and Tool
ClassClientToolActionEditor Type editor for the ClientToolAction property of a Tool.
ClassControlTypeEditor ControlTypeEditor is an abstract implementation of DropDownListTypeEditor to show a list of controls found on the page.
ClassCurrentToolEditor Edits the CurrentTool property of a Toolbar.
ClassDataSourceTypeEditorForm Form for editing data sources.
ClassDisplayCharacterEditor Design-time editor for specifying a display character in a font.
ClassDisplaySettingsEditor Editor for the Definition property of a DisplaySettingsEditor.
ClassDisplaySettingsEditorForm Design-time form for settings for display of a map resource.
ClassDropDownBoxItemCollectionConverter Type converter that converts a list item collection to a string.
ClassDropDownListTypeEditor DropDownListTypeEditor can be subclassed to build UITypeEditors that show a drop down list in the Visual Studio.Net property editor. You only need to override the FillInList method.
ClassFieldsEditor Class to edit fields.
ClassFillSymbolSelector Designer form for selecting a fill symbol
ClassFloatingPanelDesigner Designer for floating panel.
ClassGeocodeResourceEditor Editor for the GeocodeResource property.
ClassGeocodeResourceItemCollectionEditor Editor for MapResourceItemCollection.
ClassGeocodeResourceManagerDesigner The designer for the ResourceManager control.
ClassGeocodeResourceManagerEditor Editor for the GeocodeResourceManager property
ClassGeocodeScoreConverter Converter for MinCandidateScore and MinMatchScore properties of GeocodeResourceItem.
ClassGeoprocessingResourceItemCollectionEditor Editor for GeoprocessingResourceItemCollection.
ClassGeoprocessingResourceManagerDesigner The designer for the ResourceManager control.
ClassGISResourceItemDefinitionConverter Type converter that converts a GISResourceItemDefinition to a string.
ClassGISResourceItemDefinitionEditor Editor for the Definition property of a GISResourceItem.
ClassGISResourceItemDefinitionEditorForm Form used to edit a GIS resource item.
ClassGeneric GISResourceManagerDesigner The designer for the GISResourceManager control.
ClassImplementationClassEditor A drop down list editor for selecting the ImplementationClass from an assembly for CustomService.
ClassItemCollectionEditor Editor for a collection. Override CreateNewItemTypes() to define the types displayed in the collection editor.
ClassLayerDefinitionCollectionEditor Editor for the LayerDefinitionCollection.
ClassLayerDefinitionCollectionEditorForm Design-time editor for the collection of layer definitions.
ClassLayerFormatCollectionConverter Type converter for LayerFormatCollection class.
ClassLayerFormatConverter Converter for layer format.
ClassLayerFormatEditor Design-time editor for layer format.
ClassLineSymbolSelector Designer form for selecting the symbol for a line.
ClassMagnifierDesigner Design-time editor for the Magnifier Web control.
ClassMapBuddyControlEditor Design-time editor for defining the map buddy control.
ClassMapDesigner The designer for the Map control.
ClassMapIdentifyCollectionEditor Editor for the Identifiable layer property of the MapIdentify control.
ClassMapIdentifyEditor DropDownListTypeEditor can be subclassed to build UITypeEditors that show a drop down list in the Visual Studio.Net property editor. You only need to override the FillInList method.
ClassMapResourceItemCollectionEditor Editor for MapResourceItemCollection.
ClassMapResourceManagerDesigner The designer for the ResourceManager control.
ClassMapTipsDesigner The designer for the MapTips control.
ClassMapTipsExpressionEditor Editor for the Map Tips format strings.
ClassMapTipsQueryEditor Editor for the Map Tips Where Expression.
ClassMapToolItemCollectionEditor Editor for MapToolItemCollection.
ClassMarkerSymbolSelector Design-time editor for selecting a symbol for points.
ClassNavigationDesigner The designer for the NorthArrow control.
ClassObjectImageUrlEditor Provides an editor for visually picking an image URL.
ClassObjectUrlEditor Provides an editor for visually picking an URL.
ClassOverviewMapDesigner Design-time editor for the OverviewMap control.
ClassPageToolItemCollectionEditor Editor for PageToolItemCollection.
ClassRendererConverter The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ClassRendererEditor Design-time user control for editing a renderer.
ClassServerToolActionAssemblyEditor Editor for the ServerToolActionAssembly property of ToolItems and Tools.
ClassServerToolActionClassEditor A drop down list editor for selecting the ServerToolActionClass from an assembly for Tool, MapToolItem and PageToolItem.
ClassTaskManagerDesigner Design-time editor for the TaskManager control.
ClassTaskResultsDesigner Design-time editor for the TaskResults control.
ClassTocDesigner Designer class for a Toc control.
ClassToolbarCollectionEditor Editor for the Identity property of the Impersonation control.
ClassToolbarDesigner Designer for the Toolbar control.
ClassToolbarGroupEditor Edits the Toolbar's Group property.
ClassToolbarItemCollectionEditor Editor for ToolbarItemCollection
ClassUnusedPropertyEditor Editor for a property that is not used.
ClassZoomLevelDesigner Design time capability for the Navigation web control
ClassZoomLevelEditor Provides the user interface for selecting a MapControl to buddy to.

See Also

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