ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Geometry Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Geometry contains classes used to represent feature geometry. These are used for graphics layers, such as when features are retrieved when querying a map layer and then drawing the returned features on a graphics layer on the Map control.


ClassEnvelope An object that has the properties of a rectangle and can be associated with a map, layout, or a feature.
ClassEnvelopeConverter Provides a way of converting Envelope to and from a string representation, as well as for accessing standard values and subproperties.
ClassGeometry An abstract representation of shapes related to a map or features.
ClassGeometryCollection Represents a thread-safe collection of Geometries.
ClassHole An object that represents a Hole in a Ring.
ClassHoleCollection A thread-safe collection of Holes.
ClassMultipoint An object that represents a related group of Points.
ClassPath The Path class represents a segment of a PolyLine.
ClassPathCollection A thread-safe collection of Paths.
ClassPoint Class that represents an point feature on a map.
ClassPointCollection A thread-safe collection of Points.
ClassPolygon Represents a grouping of Rings.
ClassPolyline Represents a grouping of Paths.
ClassRing Represents a single multi-sided shape in a Polygon object.
ClassRingCollection A thread-safe collection of Rings.
ClassRotationParams Rotation parameters for map/screen transformations
ClassTransformationParams The parameters for Map/Screen transformations
ClassUtility The class supports the .NET ADF infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


EnumerationTransformationDirection The transformation direction

See Also

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