Bounds Property
See Also  Example
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Display.Renderer Namespace > LabelValueRange Class : Bounds Property

Gets or sets the equality for the bounds.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property Bounds As RangeBounds
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As LabelValueRange
Dim value As RangeBounds
instance.Bounds = value
value = instance.Bounds
public RangeBounds Bounds {get; set;}


For a larger example of using MinValue, see the ValueMapLabelRenderer() constructor .
Visual BasicCopy Code
Dim valueRange As New LabelValueRange

valueRange.MinValue = 1

valueRange.MaxValue = 100

valueRange.Bounds = RangeBounds.Upper

C#Copy Code
LabelValueRange valueRange = new LabelValueRange(); 

valueRange.MinValue = 1; 

valueRange.MaxValue = 100; 

valueRange.Bounds = RangeBounds.Upper; 



Determines whether values exactly equal to the MinValue or MaxValue are rendered by this LabelValueRange. Either or both of the values can be included in the rendering.

This property is provided so that overlapping values can be specified for ranges. For example, one range might be "1-100" and a second "100-200". If a value of 100 is found, this property will determine which class the feature will be assigned to. If Bounds is set to Lower for both classes, the feature will be assigned to the second class, since the lower bound of that class has been included in the range.

The default value is Lower.

See Also

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