ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Display.Symbol Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Display.Symbol contains classes for displaying symbols for features in a map layer. Currently these are used only for graphics layers.


ClassFeatureSymbol FeatureSymbol represents Symbols that can be used to draw features.
ClassFillSymbol A FeatureSymbol used for drawing polygon features.
ClassGradientFillSymbol FillSymbol used to fill polygons with a gradual gradient based on two colors.
ClassHashLineSymbol Line symbol for drawing railroad symbols.
ClassLineSymbol A FeatureSymbol used for drawing line features.
ClassMarkerSymbol A FeatureSymbol used for drawing point features.
ClassRasterFillSymbol FillSymbol used for filling polygons with a given image.
ClassRasterMarkerSymbol MarkerSymbol that symbolizes point features using a given raster image.
ClassSimpleFillSymbol A FillSymbol used for displaying polygon features with a single, simple fill color.
ClassSimpleLineSymbol A LineSymbol used for displaying line features.
ClassSimpleMarkerSymbol A MarkerSymbol used for displaying point features.
ClassSymbol Abstract object representing features on a map.
ClassTextMarkerSymbol A MarkerSymbol that adds static text to a map.
ClassTrueTypeMarkerSymbol A MarkerSymbol that adds static text to a map.


InterfaceIClientSymbol A symbol that can be rendered on the client.


EnumerationCapType Specifies the cap type for the end of lines.
EnumerationGradientFillType Fill type for gradient fill symbols.
EnumerationJoinType Specifies how lines should be joined.
EnumerationLineAlignment Specifies the alignment of the rendered line in relation to the theoretical zero-width line.
EnumerationLineType Specifies the line type.
EnumerationMarkerSymbolType Specifies the type or shape of marker symbols.
EnumerationPolygonFillType Specifies the type of fill.
EnumerationRotateMethod Method used to calculate the angle of rotation.

See Also

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