Identify Method
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.IMS Namespace > QueryFunctionality Class : Identify Method

Name of the map functionality. May be null (Nothing) to use the current functionality.
Features will be found in or near this geometric shape.
The tolerance is in pixels around an input point. It is used to construct an ArcIMS Envelope for an ArcIMS Filter used in a call to FeatureLayer.Query() in the ArcIMS API. The current extent of the map and the map size in pixels are used to construct the search envelope.
Whether to find features in all layers, only in visible layers, or in only the top-most layer.
Array of IDs of layer to search for features.
Locates map features in or near the input geometry.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function Identify( _
   ByVal mapFunctionalityName As String, _
   ByVal geometry As Geometry, _
   ByVal tolerance As Integer, _
   ByVal option As IdentifyOption, _
   ByVal layers() As String _
) As DataTable()
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As QueryFunctionality
Dim mapFunctionalityName As String
Dim geometry As Geometry
Dim tolerance As Integer
Dim option As IdentifyOption
Dim layers() As String
Dim value() As DataTable
value = instance.Identify(mapFunctionalityName, geometry, tolerance, option, layers)
public DataTable[] Identify( 
   string mapFunctionalityName,
   Geometry geometry,
   int tolerance,
   IdentifyOption option,
   string[] layers


Name of the map functionality. May be null (Nothing) to use the current functionality.
Features will be found in or near this geometric shape.
The tolerance is in pixels around an input point. It is used to construct an ArcIMS Envelope for an ArcIMS Filter used in a call to FeatureLayer.Query() in the ArcIMS API. The current extent of the map and the map size in pixels are used to construct the search envelope.
Whether to find features in all layers, only in visible layers, or in only the top-most layer.
Array of IDs of layer to search for features.

Return Value

An array of DataTable objects with features found, which are typically GraphicsLayers that may be displayed on a Map.

See Also

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