FromIdentifyResults(MapServerIdentifyResult[],MapServerInfo) Method
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.ArcGISServer Namespace > Converter Class > FromIdentifyResults Method : FromIdentifyResults(MapServerIdentifyResult[],MapServerInfo) Method

A MapServerIdentifyResult with output from an identify operation with ArcGIS Server.
A MapServerInfo object with information about the ArcGIS map server.
Converts an ArcGIS Server identify results object to a DataTable that may be used for displaying results in the Web ADF. Results should contain field aliases as the keys instead of the field names.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overloads Shared Function FromIdentifyResults( _
   ByVal results() As MapServerIdentifyResult, _
   ByVal mapServerInfo As MapServerInfo _
) As DataTable()
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim results() As MapServerIdentifyResult
Dim mapServerInfo As MapServerInfo
Dim value() As DataTable
value = Converter.FromIdentifyResults(results, mapServerInfo)
public static DataTable[] FromIdentifyResults( 
   MapServerIdentifyResult[] results,
   MapServerInfo mapServerInfo


A MapServerIdentifyResult with output from an identify operation with ArcGIS Server.
A MapServerInfo object with information about the ArcGIS map server.

Return Value

An array of DataTable with the results output. Each DataTable is a FeatureGraphicsLayer if the input table contains feature geometry.

See Also

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