MaxRecords Property
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web Namespace > QueryFilter Class : MaxRecords Property

Gets/Sets the maximum number of records returned when a QueryFilter is used. This property can be used to limit the number of records returned from a query. Since transaction time increases when more records are returned, limiting the number of records may improve query performance by reducing the transaction time and providing a manageable data portion.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property MaxRecords As Integer
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As QueryFilter
Dim value As Integer
instance.MaxRecords = value
value = instance.MaxRecords
public int MaxRecords {get; set;}

Return Value

Maximum number of records returned in a query


Data source implementations of the QueryFunctionality Query method differ on how the MaxRecords value is used. For example, the ArcGIS Server implementation uses MaxRecords to filter the number of records written to a Dataset after the data layer has been queried. The ArcIMS implementation uses MaxRecords to restrict records returned by the spatial server. When a GET_FEATURES request is created, the featurelimit attribute is set to the MaxRecords value.

See Also

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