Hotspot Property
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Display.Symbol Namespace > RasterMarkerSymbol Class : Hotspot Property

Gets or sets where the marker symbol is placed in relation to actual location of the point.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property Hotspot As Point
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As RasterMarkerSymbol
Dim value As Point
instance.Hotspot = value
value = instance.Hotspot
public Point Hotspot {get; set;}


For an example of using this property, see the RasterMarkerSymbol overview .


X, Y coordinates are positive and measured in pixels. A hotspot of 0,0 places the point at the top left corner of the marker symbol. The default hotspot centers the marker symbol over the point based on its actual size. For example, if a marker symbol is 16x16 pixels, the default location is 8,8. If the height and width properties of this image are changed to 32x32, the default hotspot center is still 8,8.

This property is ignored by ArcMap Server image services.

See Also

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