CopyFeature Class Methods
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.ArcGISServer.Editor.Tools Namespace : CopyFeature Class

For a list of all members of this type, see CopyFeature members.

Public Methods

Public MethodGetSchema This method is reserved and should not be used. When implementing the IXmlSerializable interface, you should return nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) (Nothing in Visual Basic) from this method, and instead, if specifying a custom schema is required, apply the XmlSchemaProviderAttribute to the class.  
Public MethodReadXml Generates an object from its XML representation.  
Public MethodServerAction This method is called when an EditorTool is executed. It performs geometry conversion, snapping if set, and calls EditorServerAction. (Inherited from EditorServerToolAction)
Public MethodWriteXml Converts an object into its XML representation.  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodAbortEditOperationOverloaded.  Aborts the current edit operation. (Inherited from EditorServerActionBase)
Protected MethodCreatePostToolExecuteEventArgs Creates the EditorToolEventArgs passed to event handlers. (Inherited from EditorServerToolAction)
Protected MethodCreatePreToolExecuteEventArgs Creates the PreToolExecuteEventArgs passed to event handlers. (Inherited from EditorServerToolAction)
Protected MethodEditorServerActionOverridden.  Server Action for Copy Feature  
Protected MethodHideAjaxActivityIndicator Turns off the ajax activity indicator after a tool/command server action completes. (Inherited from EditorServerActionBase)
Protected MethodInitOverridden.  Initializes the CopyFeature tool.  
Protected MethodRefreshOverloaded.  Refreshes the resource being edited, displayed feature vertices and the attribute editor feature highlight. (Inherited from EditorServerActionBase)
Protected MethodReturnErrorMessage Displays an error message in the browser based on the exception. (Inherited from EditorServerActionBase)
Protected MethodReturnMessage Displays a message in the browser. (Inherited from EditorServerActionBase)
Protected MethodStartEditOperation Starts an edit operation. (Inherited from EditorServerActionBase)
Protected MethodStopEditOperation Stops the current edit operation. (Inherited from EditorServerActionBase)
Protected MethodUpdateAttributeEditor Updates the selected features displayed in the attribute editor panel. This should be called if the tool or command changes the selection set. (Inherited from EditorServerActionBase)
Protected MethodUpdateEditStatus Shows/Hides the unsaved edits banner on the editor task as appropriate. (Inherited from EditorServerActionBase)

See Also

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