TupleSeparator Property
See Also 
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.IMS.Administration Namespace > Environment Class : TupleSeparator Property

Gets or sets a delimiter used to separate lists of strings.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property TupleSeparator As Char
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Environment
Dim value As Char
instance.TupleSeparator = value
value = instance.TupleSeparator
public char TupleSeparator {get; set;}


Identifies separators used between coordinate pairs and as separators for lists of strings in ArcXML requests to the server.

This property may be useful if multiple values are used in the value for a UniqueValue or a UniqueLabelValue within a renderer. The TupleSeparator would be used to separate multiple values assigned to a single renderer value object.

The Web ADF does not use this property for coordinate strings (coords) in geometry when requesting maps or data, instead using individual attributes for x and y coordinates and for coordinate pairs.

Separators are limited to one UNICODE character in length.

See Also

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