| Name | Description |
| BinaryClone |
Intended for framework use only.
| FromAdfFindOption |
Returns the ArcGIS Server esriFindOption that corresponds to a Web ADF
| FromAdfGPValue |
Converts an input parameter value specified using the ADF into an ArcGIS
Geoprocessing Server value.
| FromAdfGPValues |
Converts Web ADF geoprocessing values to ArcGIS Server geoprocessing
| FromAdfIdentifyOption |
Returns the ArcGIS Server esriIdentifyOption that is equivalent to the input Web
ADF identify option.
| FromAdfImageDescription |
Converts an ArcGIS Server ImageDescription to an equivalent Web ADF ImageDescriptor.
| FromAdfImageDescriptor |
Converts a Web ADF ImageDescriptor to an equivalent ArcGIS Server ImageDescription.
| FromAdfImageFormat |
Returns the ArcGIS Server esriImageFormat corresponding to the input Web ADF
| FromAdfQueryFilter | Converts a Web ADF QueryFilter to an ArcGIS Server QueryFilter. |
| FromAdfSearchOrder |
Returns the ArcGIS Server esriSearchOrder value corresponding to the Web ADF
SearchOrder enumeration value.
| FromEsriFieldType |
Returns the data Type equivalent to an EsriFieldType. Typically used with fields
in tables.
| FromEsriGeometryType | Returns the Web ADF FeatureType equivalent of the input esriGeometryType. |
| FromFindResults | Overloaded.
Converts the ArcGIS Server Find results to a DataTable suitable for display in
the Web ADF.
| FromIdentifyResults | Overloaded.
Converts an ArcGIS Server identify results object to a DataTable that may be used
for displaying results in the Web ADF. Results should contain field aliases as the keys instead of the
field names.
| FromWebImageFormat |
Returns the ArcGIS Server esriImageFormat corresponding to the input Web ADF
| ToAdfGPMessages | Converts an array of ArcGIS Server JobMessage objects to an array of Web ADF JobMessage
objects. |
| ToAdfGPParameterInfo |
Converts an ArcGIS Server GPParameterInfo object to a Web ADF GPParameterInfo
| ToAdfGPParameterInfos |
Converts a set of ArcGIS Server GPParameterInfo objects to their Web ADF
| ToAdfGPResult | Converts an ArcGIS Server GPResult object to a Web ADF GPResult
object. |
| ToAdfGPToolInfo |
Converts an ArcGIS Server GPToolInfo object to a Web ADF GPToolInfo
| ToAdfGPToolInfos |
Converts a set of ArcGIS Server GPToolInfo objects their Web ADF equivalents.
| ToAdfGPValue |
Converts an output value from a ArcGIS geoprocessing service into a value that
the Web ADF can display.
| ToAdfGPValues |
Converts ArcGIS Server geoprocessing values to Web ADF geoprocessing
| ToAdfImageFormat |
Returns the Web ADF ImageFormat value corresponding to the ArcGIS Server
esriImageFormat value.
| ToAdfMapImage | Converts an ArcGIS Server MapImage to a Web ADF MapImage. |
| ToAdfRenderer | Overloaded. Converts an ArcGIS Server FeatureRenderer to a Web ADF renderer. |
| ToAdfSymbol | Converts an ArcGIS Server Symbol to a Web ADF FeatureSymbol. |
| ToAdfTileCacheInfo |
Converts an ArcGIS Server TileCacheInfo object to a Web ADF TileCacheInfo
| ToDataTable | Overloaded. Converts an ArcGIS Server ADF Recordset to a .NET DataTable. |
| ToFeatureGraphicsLayer | Overloaded.
Converts an ArcGIS Server ADF Recordset to a Web ADF FeatureGraphicsLayer
suitable for display on a Map.
| ToFieldsDataTable |
Converts an ArcGIS Server ADF Fields object to a System.Data.DataTable that holds
information about the fields.
| ToGeocodeFields |
Converts an ArcGIS Server ADF Fields object to a List of Web ADF Field
| ToImageDisplay |
Converts a Web ADF ImageDescriptor to an ArcGIS Server ImageDisplay
| ToImageType |
Converts a Web ADF ImageDescriptor to an ArcGIS Server ImageType
| ToRecordSet | Converts a .NET DataTable to an ArcGIS Server ADF RecordSet. |
| ToRgbColor | Converts a system Color to the equivalent ArcGIS Server RgbColor. |
| ToSystemColor | Converts an ArcGIS Server RgbColor to the equivalent system Color. |
| ToSystemType | Returns the System.Type equivalent to the input esriFieldType. |
| ToWebImageFormat |
Returns the Web ADF WebImageFormat corresponding to the input ArcGIS Server