Web ADF licensing and deployment

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Licensing and deployment prerequisites

Before you deploy a Web Mapping Application to a production server, you may need to install and configure required software on the production server. The geographic information system (GIS) software used in the application must be authorized and licensed at an appropriate level. You may also need to set up services and copy data to production servers.

Moving the Web Mapping Application involves the following steps.
  1. Deploy the Web site using Java EE deployment techniques.
  2. Modify the Web site configuration if the GIS server or services used in deployment are different from those used in development.


The Web Mapping Application uses services from one or more GIS servers, including ArcGIS Server and ArcIMS. The Web and GIS servers must have appropriate licensing for the ESRI software used. The Application Developer Framework (ADF) installed on the Web server must be licensed in connection with ESRI server software, whether you install the full server software package or just the ADF Runtime. Installations of the Web ADF and server software for development also requires a license. The ESRI Developer Network (EDN) offers licenses of ESRI software specifically for development. See About the EDN Subscription Program for more information on EDN for development purposes.
A brief summary of licensing requirements for ESRI server software is given here. For details, consult the Help system for the specific software, or contact your local ESRI account representative.

ArcGIS Server

All components of ArcGIS Server must be licensed. The postinstallation for ArcGIS Server prompts you to authorize the computer on which you are installing the software. The licensed components of ArcGIS Server include the ADF, Server Object Manger (SOM), Server Object Container (SOC), and Spatial Database Engine (SDE).
ArcGIS Server has three editions at version 9.3:  Basic, Standard, and Advanced. Web mapping applications require at least the Standard edition, which includes Web mapping and globe services, geoprocessing services based on a subset of geoprocessing tools, and optional extensions. The Advanced edition adds more capabilities, including the Web editing task, the full suite of geoprocessing services and tools, and more optional extensions. For details, consult ArcGIS Server Help.


ArcIMS requires a license for Spatial Server. The postinstallation for ArcIMS prompts you to authorize the computer on which you are installing the software.


In general, it is recommended that you deploy your Web ADF applications to a stand-alone JavaEE application server in an enterprise configuration.  The Web ADF is bundled with an instance of Apache Tomcat for use in hosting our Manager application and for easy deployment of your applications to test against.  It is not recommended to use the bundled Web ADF Tomcat instance in production deployment scenarios.