Uninstalling ArcGIS plug-ins
The following are the steps to uninstall ArcGIS plug-ins:
- Using the Eclipse Update Manager, click Help, Software Updates, and Manage Configuration from the Eclipse main menu.
- Disable the plugin by clicking Disable in the Available Tasks. Disable all the necessary plug-ins before restarting Eclipse.
- After restarting, return to the Product Configuration dialog box. Click the button in the following screen shot to show disabled features.
- Select the plug-in and choose Uninstall from the Available Tasks. Restart when you have uninstalled all the necessary plug-ins. Do not restart each time, as this method will save some time.
- Using a file system browser (for example, Window Explorers on Windows platform) navigate to the Eclipse installation folder.
- Find the features and plugins folders.
- Remove any .jar files or subfolders with names that begin with com.esri.arcgis.
- Restart Eclipse. See the following screen shot:
Development licensing | Deployment licensing |
Engine Developer Kit | Engine Runtime |
ArcView | ArcView |
ArcEditor | ArcEditor |
ArcInfo | ArcInfo |