How to uninstall ArcGIS plug-ins

Uninstalling ArcGIS plug-ins

The following are the steps to uninstall ArcGIS plug-ins:
  1. Using the Eclipse Update Manager, click Help, Software Updates, and Manage Configuration from the Eclipse main menu.
    1. Disable the plugin by clicking Disable in the Available Tasks. Disable all the necessary plug-ins before restarting Eclipse.
    2. After restarting, return to the Product Configuration dialog box. Click the button in the following screen shot to show disabled features.
    3. Select the plug-in and choose Uninstall from the Available Tasks. Restart when you have uninstalled all the necessary plug-ins. Do not restart each time, as this method will save some time.  

  2. Using a file system browser (for example, Window Explorers on Windows platform) navigate to the Eclipse installation folder.
    1. Find the features and plugins folders.
    2. Remove any .jar files or subfolders with names that begin with com.esri.arcgis.
    3. Restart Eclipse. See the following screen shot:


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