The capabilities of an ArcGIS Server geodata service using the SOAP application programming interface (API) are defined by the GeoDataServerBindingStub class methods. These methods initiate stateless requests to a geodata service and return results. The capabilities of GeodataServerBindingStub mirror the stateless ArcObjects interface implemented by the geodata server object IGeoDataServer. The GeodataServerBindingStub class is in the com.esri.arcgisws package (arcgis_agsws_stub.jar).
Two important differences between the SOAP proxy and ArcObjects Component Object Model (COM) proxies are as follows:
- GeodataServerBindingStub is a native Java object. IGeodataServer is an interface to a remote COM object on the geographic information system (GIS) server (ArcSOC.exe).
- Input parameters and output results share a common naming scheme but are different object types. The GeodataServerBindingStub object uses native Java objects (value objects), while the IGeodataServer interface uses a reference to remote COM objects on the GIS server.