/* Copyright 2010 ESRI * * All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States * and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. * * You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or * without modification, provided you include the original copyright * notice and use restrictions. * * See the use restrictions. * */ package arcgissamples.geodatabase.classextension; import; import com.esri.arcgis.geodatabase.*; import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.ILine; import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPoint; import com.esri.arcgis.interop.AutomationException; import com.esri.arcgis.interop.extn.ArcGISCategories; import com.esri.arcgis.interop.extn.ArcGISExtension; import com.esri.arcgis.system.*; /** * * A class extension that listens to relationship class messages to provide a variation * on the behavior of a composite relationship class. Designed to be applied to a feature * class of transformers that participates in a relationship class with a feature class * of utility poles, this extension ensures that the transformers will be moved or rotated * whenever a related pole is moved or rotated, but cascaded deletion (as it occurs in * a composite relationship class) is excluded. * * For this extension to work properly, the poles-transformers relationship class used must * have (at a minimum) messaging enabled from the poles class to the transformers class, and * it is assumed that the relationship class is named "POLES_XFORMERS". */ @ArcGISExtension(categories = { ArcGISCategories.GeoObjectClassExtensions }) public class RelatedObjectEventHandler implements IClassExtension, IObjectClassExtension, IFeatureClassExtension, IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents, IRelatedObjectClassEvents2 { private static final long serialVersionUID = -710303671934006089L; /** * The name of the relationship class that the custom behavior applies to. */ private final String REL_CLASS_NAME = "POLES_XFORMERS"; /************************************************************************************************ * IClassExtension members ************************************************************************************************/ /** * Initializes the extension, passing in a reference to its class helper and its extension properties. */ public void init(IClassHelper classHelper, IPropertySet extensionProperties) { //get indexes for all fields here. } /** * Called when the extension's class is being disposed of from memory. */ public void shutdown() { } /************************************************************************************************ * IRelatedObjectClassEvents2 members - * This is an optional interface used to receive messages when features in related feature classes * that are related to the Feature Class are rotated, moved or changed and handle such events. So, this is used * mainly in conjunction with Relationship classes. ************************************************************************************************/ /** * Called when one or more poles are moved. */ public void relatedObjectSetMoved(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, ISet relatedObjects, ISet movedObjects, ILine moveVector) throws IOException, AutomationException { // Get the first related object. relatedObjects.reset(); //IFeatureEdit featureEdit = new IFeatureEditProxy(; Feature feature = (Feature); // Move the set of related objects. relatedObjects.reset(); feature.moveSet(relatedObjects, moveVector); } /** * Called when one or more poles are rotated. */ public void relatedObjectSetRotated(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, ISet relatedObjects, ISet movedObjects, IPoint origin, double rotationAngle) throws IOException, AutomationException { // Get the first related object. relatedObjects.reset(); Feature feature = (Feature); // Rotate the set of related objects. relatedObjects.reset(); feature.rotateSet(relatedObjects, origin, rotationAngle); } /** * Called when the geometry or attributes of a pole are changed. */ public void relatedObjectChanged(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, IObject changedObject, IObject relatedObject) throws IOException, AutomationException { } /** * This method is currently reserved and is not called. */ public void relatedObjectMoved(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, IObject changedObject, ILine moveVector, IObject relatedObject) throws IOException, AutomationException { } /** * This method is currently reserved and is not called. */ public void relatedObjectRotated(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, IObject changedObject, IPoint origin, double rotationAngle, IObject relatedObject) throws IOException, AutomationException { } /************************************************************************************************ * IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents members ************************************************************************************************/ /** * Called when one or more poles are moved to determine whether further events should occur. */ public boolean confirmSendRelatedObjectSetMoved(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, ISet movedObjects, ILine moveVector) throws IOException, AutomationException { // Get the relationship class name. IDataset dataset = new IDatasetProxy(relationshipClass); String datasetName = dataset.getName(); return datasetName.equalsIgnoreCase(REL_CLASS_NAME); } /** * Called when one or more poles are rotated to determine whether further events should occur. */ public boolean confirmSendRelatedObjectSetRotated(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, ISet movedObjects, IPoint origin, double rotationAngle) throws IOException, AutomationException { // Get the relationship class name. IDataset dataset = new IDatasetProxy(relationshipClass); String datasetName = dataset.getName(); return datasetName.equalsIgnoreCase(REL_CLASS_NAME); } /** * Called when the geometry or attributes of a pole are changed to determine whether further events should occur. */ public boolean confirmSendRelatedObjectChanged(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, IObject changedObject) throws IOException, AutomationException { return false; } /** * This method is currently reserved and is not called. */ public boolean confirmSendRelatedObjectMoved(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, IObject changedObject, ILine moveVector) throws IOException, AutomationException { return false; } /** * This method is currently reserved and is not called. */ public boolean confirmSendRelatedObjectRotated(IRelationshipClass relationshipClass, IObject changedObject, IPoint origin, double rotationAngle) throws IOException, AutomationException { return false; } }