MapServer extensions

MapServer includes the following out-of-the-box extensions to the base server object:


The NAServer extension allows you to publish Network Analyst functionality in a stateless manner. NAServer exposes all the functionality in Network Analyst, such as routing with time windows, finding the closest facility, and calculating service areas. NAServer requires a Network Analyst license on the server.


The MobileServer extension allows mobile devices to extract data from a map on the server. Once you enable the MobileServer extension for a MapServer object, you can publish it as part of a Web Services Handler. When a user accesses the Web service, MobileServer uses its associated map as a reference, extracts the data for the current extent, and displays the data on the mobile device. The data is cached on the device for further use.


The WMS extension allows a MapServer object to publish its data as a Web Map Service (WMS), as specified by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The WMS extension supports the following operations defined in WMS implementation specification version 1.1.1:
  • GetCapabilities—Obtains service-level metadata
  • GetMap—Obtains a map based on user-specified parameters
  • GetFeatureInfo—Obtains feature information based on user-specified parameters
Any client that complies with WMS specifications, such as a Web browser, ArcCatalog, or ArcMap, can consume a WMS service using this server object extension.


The KML extension enables a MapServer object to return a stream of vector and/or raster layers to any client capable of reading KMZ (compressed Keyhole Markup Language [KML]) documents. These clients include ArcGIS Explorer, ArcMap, ArcScene, ArcGlobe, and Google Earth.
The KML extension works with a MapServer object to retain as much of the original geometry and symbology of the map document as possible within the KML model. The KML extension determines what data to return to the client by reading a parameter list from the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) query string of a controlling HTTP endpoint. This endpoint must have been published as part of an ArcGIS Web Service Handler.

See Also:

Working with maps
Managing application mapping state
Mapping Web services