How to use
See How to use ArcGIS samples for help on running the sample. If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.
Group Renderer
- This sample shows how to use GroupRenderer to render data. When run the sample, click the 'Add Renderer' then click few points on the map, each point clicked is renderered as a unique value indicating by a dot of various color and size. Click 'Clear' button to remove them.
- Create and start an ArcGIS map server object. You may use any data, map configuration file, and server object name. If you wish to match the Web application in the Developer Help, create a server object named 'usa' from the map configuration file at %AGSDEVKITJAVA%\java\samples\data\mxds\usa.mxd. (This difference is seen in the faces-config.xml file and the map's appearance.)
- There are two ways to build the sample. You can either use ArcGIS Ant or Eclipse plugin. To use Ant, at command line, browse to %AGSDEVKITJAVA%\java\samples\groupRenderer, type arcgisant build, follow the command prompt to finish the build. There will be a directory called build under the sample root folder, inside there will be a war file. Deploy the war file into Tomcat.
- The other way to build the sample is to use Eclipse. Open Eclipse, File - New Project - ESRI Templates - Web ADF Samples.
- Choose the Group Renderer
- Go through the wizard to finish building the sample.
- Run the sample web application on server.
- You can also export the application as war file and deploy to other supported application server.
- Open http://<host>:<port>/<appname>/map.jsf
- Click the 'Add Renderer' then click few points on the map, each point clicked is renderered as a group value.
Download the files for Java
map.jsp | Defines custom layout for html elements |
JavaSource\com\esri\adf\sample\graphics\ | Defines MyGraphicsResource bean |
JavaSource\com\esri\adf\sample\graphics\ | Defines the MyGraphicsTocLayerContent bean |
Development licensing | Deployment licensing |
Server | Server |