/* Copyright 2010 ESRI * * All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States * and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. * * You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or * without modification, provided you include the original copyright * notice and use restrictions. * * See the use restrictions. * */ package com.esri.arcgis.sample.AddSourceSample; import java.lang.Throwable; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.esri.adf.web.faces.component.ContextControl; import com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.TaskEvent; import; import; import com.esri.aims.mtier.model.service.Services; import com.esri.arcgis.server.IEnumServerObjectConfigurationInfo; import com.esri.arcgis.server.IEnumServerObjectConfigurationInfoProxy; import com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectConfigurationInfo; import com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectManager; import com.esri.arcgisws.ServiceCatalogBindingStub; import com.esri.arcgisws.ServiceDescription; public class AddSourceTask implements Serializable{ ContextControl contextControl; LinkedHashMap<String, String> servicesList = null; private String serverType = "", serverTypeLbl = "Select the server type: "; private String serverType1 = "ARCGIS_SERVER_LOCAL"; private String serverType2 = "ARCGIS_SERVER_INTERNET"; private String serverType3 = "ARCIMS"; private String serverType5 = "ARCWMS"; // ags local private String agsServerName = "", agsServerNameLbl = "Server name: "; private String agsDomain = "", agsDomainLbl = "Domain: "; private String agsUserName = "", agsUserNameLbl = "User name: "; private String ags_password = "", agsPasswordLbl = "Password: "; private String agsObjectName = "", agsObjectNameLbl = "Select the object: "; // ags internet private String agsInternetCatalogURL = "", agsInternetCatalogURLLbl = "Catalog URL: "; private String agsInternetURL = "", agsInternetURLLbl = "Select the map URL: "; // aims private String aimsHost = "", aimsHostLbl = "Server name: "; private String aimsPort = "", aimsPortLbl = "Port number: "; private String aimsUsername = "", aimsUsernameLbl = "User name: "; private String aims_password = "", aimsPasswordLbl = "Password: "; private String aimsService = "", aimsServiceLbl = "Select the service: "; private String aimsResourceType = "ImageService"; // wms private String wmsURL = "", wmsURLLbl = "URL: "; private String wmsType = ""; private ArrayList m_dataSources; private AddSourceTaskInfo taskInfo = new AddSourceTaskInfo(); public String addAgsLocalSource(TaskEvent event) { // get current instance FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (agsServerName == "" || agsDomain == "" || agsUserName == "" || ags_password == "" || agsObjectName == "") { fc.addMessage(contextControl.getClientId(fc), new FacesMessage( "Cannot add source with no value.")); return null; } AGSLocalMapResource ags = null; WebContext mctx = null; try{ // get current web context mctx = event.getWebContext(); // create and init the new ags souce now ValueBinding vb = fc.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{ags}"); ags = (AGSLocalMapResource) vb.getValue(fc); // user and object AGSUser user = new AGSUser(agsDomain, agsUserName, ags_password, false); ags.setUser(user); ags.setServerObjectName(agsObjectName); // server List<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>(); hosts.add(agsServerName); ags.setHosts(hosts); ags.setAlias(agsObjectName); // refresh map and restore the extent WebMap mmap = (WebMap) mctx.getWebMap(); mmap.setInitExtent(mmap.getCurrentExtent()); mctx.addResource("ags" + (mctx.getResources().size() + 1), ags, 0); mmap.update(mctx, null); return "success"; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); fc.addMessage(contextControl.getClientId(fc), new FacesMessage( "Unable to add source: " + agsObjectName + "@" + agsServerName)); agsObjectName = ""; if (ags != null) mctx.removeResource(ags); return "failure"; } } public String addAgsInternetSource(TaskEvent event) { FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // WebContext mctx = (WebContext) contextControl.getWebContext(); WebContext mctx = event.getWebContext(); AGSMapResource agsWeb = null; if (agsInternetURL == null) return null; try { ValueBinding vb = fc.getApplication().createValueBinding( "#{agsweb}"); agsWeb = (AGSMapResource) vb.getValue(fc); agsWeb.setEndPointURL(agsInternetURL); agsWeb.setAlias(agsInternetURL); WebMap mmap = (WebMap) mctx.getWebMap(); mmap.setInitExtent(mmap.getCurrentExtent()); mctx.addResource("agsweb" + (mctx.getResources().size() + 1), agsWeb, 0); mmap.update(mctx, null); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { fc.addMessage(contextControl.getClientId(fc), new FacesMessage( "Unable to add AGSWeb source: " + agsInternetURL)); e.printStackTrace(); if (agsWeb != null) mctx.removeResource(agsWeb); } return "failure"; } public String addAimsSource(TaskEvent event) { FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // check the input here // WebContext mctx = (WebContext) contextControl.getWebContext(); WebContext mctx = event.getWebContext(); AIMSMapResource aims = null; try { ValueBinding vb = fc.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{aims}"); aims = (AIMSMapResource) vb.getValue(fc); aims.setHostName(aimsHost); aims.setServiceName(aimsService); if (aimsPort != "") aims.setPort(Integer.valueOf(aimsPort)); aims.setPassword(aims_password); aims.setUserName(aimsUsername); aims.setAlias(aimsService); WebMap mmap = mctx.getWebMap(); mmap.setInitExtent(mmap.getCurrentExtent()); mctx.addResource("aims" + mctx.getResources().size() + 1, aims, 0); mmap.update(mctx, null); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); fc.addMessage(contextControl.getClientId(fc), new FacesMessage( "Unable to connect to aims")); aimsService = ""; e.printStackTrace(); if (aims != null) mctx.removeResource(aims); return "failure"; } } public String addWMSSource(TaskEvent event) { FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // WebContext mctx = (WebContext) contextControl.getWebContext(); WebContext mctx = event.getWebContext(); WMSMapResource wms = null; try { ValueBinding vb = fc.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{wms}"); wms = (WMSMapResource) vb.getValue(fc); wms.setWmsURL(wmsURL); wms.setAlias(wmsURL); WebMap mmap = (WebMap) mctx.getWebMap(); mmap.setInitExtent(mmap.getCurrentExtent()); mctx.addResource("wms" + (mctx.getResources().size() + 1), wms, 0); mmap.update(mctx, null); return "success"; } catch (Exception e) { fc.addMessage(contextControl.getClientId(fc), new FacesMessage( "Unable to add WMS source: " + wmsURL)); wmsURL = ""; e.printStackTrace(); if (wms != null) mctx.removeResource(wms); } return "failure"; } public SimpleTaskInfo getTaskInfo() { return this.taskInfo; } public ContextControl getContextControl() { return contextControl; } public void setContextControl(ContextControl contextControl) { this.contextControl = contextControl; } public String getAgsDomain() { return agsDomain; } public void setAgsDomain(String agsDomain) { this.agsDomain = agsDomain; } public String getAgsObjectName() { return agsObjectName; } public void setAgsObjectName(String agsObjectName) { this.agsObjectName = agsObjectName; } public String getAgsServerName() { return agsServerName; } public void setAgsServerName(String agsServerName) { this.agsServerName = agsServerName; } public String getAgsUserName() { return agsUserName; } public void setAgsUserName(String agsUserName) { this.agsUserName = agsUserName; } public String getAimsHost() { return aimsHost; } public void setAimsHost(String aimsHost) { this.aimsHost = aimsHost; } public String getAimsPort() { return aimsPort; } public void setAimsPort(String aimsPort) { this.aimsPort = aimsPort; } public String getAimsResourceType() { return aimsResourceType; } public void setAimsResourceType(String aimsResourceType) { this.aimsResourceType = aimsResourceType; } public String getAimsService() { return aimsService; } public void setAimsService(String aimsService) { this.aimsService = aimsService; } public String getAimsUsername() { return aimsUsername; } public void setAimsUsername(String aimsUsername) { this.aimsUsername = aimsUsername; } public String getWmsType() { return wmsType; } public void setWmsType(String wmsType) { this.wmsType = wmsType; } public String getAgsInternetCatalogURL() { return agsInternetCatalogURL; } public void setAgsInternetCatalogURL(String agsInternetCatalogURL) { this.agsInternetCatalogURL = agsInternetCatalogURL; } public String getAgsInternetURL() { return agsInternetURL; } public void setAgsInternetURL(String agsInternetURL) { this.agsInternetURL = agsInternetURL; } public ArrayList getM_dataSources() { return m_dataSources; } public void setM_dataSources(ArrayList sources) { m_dataSources = sources; } public String getWmsURL() { return wmsURL; } public void setWmsURL(String wmsURL) { this.wmsURL = wmsURL; } public String getServerType() { return serverType; } public void setServerType(String serverType) { this.serverType = serverType; } public Map getServerTypeList() { LinkedHashMap<String, String> serverTypeList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); serverTypeList.put(serverType1, "ArcGIS Server[Local]"); serverTypeList.put(serverType2, "ArcGIS Server[Internet]"); serverTypeList.put(serverType3, "ArcIMS"); serverTypeList.put(serverType5, "WMS"); return serverTypeList; } public void setAddSourceUI() { this.servicesList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); this.servicesList.put("---- Select a service ----", "---- Select a service ----"); if (serverType.equals(serverType1)) { ags_password = ""; agsObjectName = ""; taskInfo.setUI(serverType1); } if (serverType.equals(serverType2)) { agsInternetURL = ""; taskInfo.setUI(serverType2); } if (serverType.equals(serverType3)) { aimsService = ""; aims_password = ""; taskInfo.setUI(serverType3); } if (serverType.equals(serverType5)) { taskInfo.setUI(serverType5); } } public void connectToFetchList() { this.servicesList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); this.servicesList.put("---- Select a service ----", "---- Select a service ----"); if (serverType.equals(serverType1)) { this.getAgsServicesList(); taskInfo.setUI(serverType1); } if (serverType.equals(serverType2)) { this.getAgsWebURLs(); taskInfo.setUI(serverType2); } if (serverType.equals(serverType3)) { this.getAimsServicesList(); taskInfo.setUI(serverType3); } } public void getAgsServicesList() { String server = agsServerName, domain = agsDomain, username = agsUserName, password = ags_password; AGSLocalConnection ags = null; List<String> host = new ArrayList<String>(); host.add(server); // setMessage(""); try { AGSUser agsUser = new AGSUser(domain, username, password, false); ags = new AGSLocalConnection("", host, "", "none", agsUser); ags.initResource(); IServerObjectManager mgr = ags.getServerObjectManager(); IEnumServerObjectConfigurationInfo SOCollection = new IEnumServerObjectConfigurationInfoProxy( mgr.getConfigurationInfos()); // agsServices[0] = "-- Select a Service --"; // if (agsServices.length == 0) setMessage("No services available"); for (int j = 0; j < SOCollection.getCount(); j++) { IServerObjectConfigurationInfo srvObj =; servicesList.put(srvObj.getName(), srvObj.getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { // setMessage("Invalid connection parameters."); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (ags != null) ags.passivateResource(); } // return null; } public void getAgsWebURLs() { String catalogURL = agsInternetCatalogURL; int svcCount = 0; try { URL url = new URL(catalogURL); String strURL = url.toString(); ServiceCatalogBindingStub servicecatalog = new ServiceCatalogBindingStub(strURL); ServiceDescription sd[] = servicecatalog.getServiceDescriptions(); for (int i = 0; i < sd.length; i++) { if (sd[i].getType().equalsIgnoreCase("MapServer")) { svcCount++; } } // if (svcCount == 0) setMessage("No service available."); int m = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sd.length; i++) { if (sd[i].getType().equalsIgnoreCase("MapServer")) { servicesList.put(sd[i].getUrl(), sd[i].getUrl()); m++; } } } catch (Exception e) { // setMessage("Invalid connection parameters."); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void getAimsServicesList() { String host = aimsHost; Integer port = null; if (aimsPort != "") port = Integer.valueOf(aimsPort); String username = aimsUsername; String password = aims_password; int svcCount = 0; try { // setMessage(""); ConnectionProxy connection = new ConnectionProxy(); Services svc = new Services(); if (username != null) connection.setUsername(username); if (password != null) connection.setPassword(password); if (host != null && !host.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) { svc.getServices(host, port, username, password); } else if (host != null && host.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) { URL url = new URL(host); svc.getServices(url, username, password); } else { // setMessage("Invalid connection parameters."); } for (int i = 0; i < svc.getServicesCount(); i++) { if (svc.getService(i).getType().equalsIgnoreCase("imageServer") || svc.getService(i).getType().equalsIgnoreCase( "ArcMapServer")) { svcCount++; } } // if (svcCount == 0) setMessage("No service available."); int m = 0; for (int j = 0; j < svc.getServicesCount(); j++) { if (svc.getService(j).getType().equalsIgnoreCase("imageServer") || svc.getService(j).getType().equalsIgnoreCase( "ArcMapServer")) { servicesList.put(svc.getService(j).getName(), svc .getService(j).getName()); m++; } } } catch (Exception e) { // setMessage("Invalid connection parameters"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void refreshTask() { agsServerName = ""; agsDomain = ""; agsUserName = ""; ags_password = ""; agsObjectName = ""; agsInternetCatalogURL = ""; agsInternetURL = ""; aimsHost = ""; aimsPort = ""; aimsUsername = ""; aims_password = ""; aimsService = ""; wmsURL = ""; taskInfo = new AddSourceTaskInfo(); } public void setServicesList(LinkedHashMap<String, String> servicesList) { this.servicesList = servicesList; } public Map getServicesList() { return this.servicesList; } public String getAgsDomainLbl() { return agsDomainLbl; } public String getAgsInternetCatalogURLLbl() { return agsInternetCatalogURLLbl; } public String getAgsInternetURLLbl() { return agsInternetURLLbl; } public String getAgsObjectNameLbl() { return agsObjectNameLbl; } public String getAgsPasswordLbl() { return agsPasswordLbl; } public String getAgsServerNameLbl() { return agsServerNameLbl; } public String getAgsUserNameLbl() { return agsUserNameLbl; } public String getAimsHostLbl() { return aimsHostLbl; } public String getAimsPasswordLbl() { return aimsPasswordLbl; } public String getAimsPortLbl() { return aimsPortLbl; } public String getAimsServiceLbl() { return aimsServiceLbl; } public String getAimsUsernameLbl() { return aimsUsernameLbl; } public String getWmsURLLbl() { return wmsURLLbl; } public String getServerTypeLbl() { return serverTypeLbl; } public String getAgs_password() { return ags_password; } public void setAgs_password(String ags_password) { this.ags_password = ags_password; } public String getAims_password() { return aims_password; } public void setAims_password(String aims_password) { this.aims_password = aims_password; } }