
This sample shows how to integrate bookmarks into your WebADF Java application. The bookmarks represent an area of interest on a map with some label and description. For example, a bookmark with the map zoomed into the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, can have a label and description of 'The Golden Gate' and 'GREAT views of the bay' respectively.
This sample has been developed and tested with 2 datasets.1. XMLBookmarks using network analyst San Francisco data2. QueryBookmarks using usa data

How to use

See How to use ArcGIS samples for help on running the sample. If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.

  1. This sample shows how to integrate bookmarks into your Web ADF Java 10.0 application. The bookmarks represent an area of interest on a map with some label and description. For example, a bookmark with the map zoomed into the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, can have a label and description of 'The Golden Gate' and 'GREAT views of the bay' respectively. This sample has been developed and tested with XMLBookmarks using San Francisco dataset.
  2. Create and start an ArcGIS map server object, SanFrancisco, the map configuration file at %AGSDEVKITJAVA%\java\samples\data\SanFrancisco\SanFrancisco.mxd.
  3. There are two ways to build the sample. You can either use ArcGIS Ant or Eclipse plugin. To use Ant, at command line, browse to %AGSDEVKITJAVA%\java\samples\bookmark, type arcgisant build, follow the command prompt to finish the build, use the SanFrancisco service created above. There will be a directory called build under the sample root folder, inside there will be a war file. Deploy the war file into Tomcat.
  4. Another way is to use Eclipse. Open Eclipse, File - New Project - ESRI Templates - Web ADF Samples.
  5. Choose the Bookmark.
  6. Go through the wizard to finish building the sample.
  7. Run the sample web application on server.
  8. You can either deploy this web application or import the WAR file directly into your IDE.
  9. After deployment access the sample by typing the URL (e.g. http://[host]:[port]/[samplename]) in a web browser.
  10. Select and view bookmark from the list of bookmarks in the drop down
  11. If the bookmark allows editing, 3 buttons, 'Add', 'Remove' and 'Update' will be visible
  12. The user can add or update bookmark's map extent, label or description, and user can also remove a bookmark

Download the files for Java
bookmarks.jsp Lays out the tools, map and drop down to select and view bookmarks. Adds buttons to allow users to edit/remove bookmarks.
bookmarks.js Javascript file to send requests and process responses from the bookmarks page
fc-bookmarks.xml Managed beans and ajax renderers declared in this faces configuration file
JavaSource\com\esri\arcgis\sample\bookmarks\ Simple data object defining Bookmark's fields
JavaSource\com\esri\arcgis\sample\bookmarks\ Class to render bookmark details as xml
JavaSource\com\esri\arcgis\sample\bookmarks\ Interface defining collection of bookmarks
JavaSource\com\esri\arcgis\sample\bookmarks\ PhaseListener to process AJAX request and render XML response
JavaSource\com\esri\arcgis\sample\bookmarks\ Non-editable Bookmarks implementation using data from layers in service
JavaSource\com\esri\arcgis\sample\bookmarks\ Editable bookmarks from xml file
sample-bookmarks.xml Sample xml bookmarks file
JavaSource\com\esri\arcgis\sample\util\ Utility class to work with WebExtent
JavaSource\com\esri\arcgis\sample\util\ Utility class to perform queries against gis server

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