ArcGIS Web Project Guide for NetBeans

Summary The purpose of the Netbeans Plugin for the ArcGIS Java Web ADF is to provide users with a series of powerful tools that will enable them to create web applications for ArcGIS Server Java using drag and drop functionality. You can use the plug-in to rapidly create projects, adding tasks and configuring layers to suit your needs. These application projects are fully functioning in their own right, or can provide a jump start to your development process.

The ArcGIS Server Plug-ins for NetBeans provides several templates and projects to help you quickly get started building applications and running samples. If you have not already installed the plug-ins, refer to the Installing ArcGIS Plug-ins document.

Creating An ArcGIS Web Project

You will start by creating an ArcGIS Web Map Application Project using NetBeans.  This sample ArcGIS Web Map Application displays a map, toolbar, table of contents, map overview, results, results details, and an empty task pane. 
The following steps detail how to create an ArcGIS Server for Java web application project in NetBeans:  
  1. Open the NetBeans IDE workspace.
  2. Navigate to 'File->New Project'. 
  3. In the New Project window under 'Categories', double click on the 'Web' entry and select 'Web Application' in the Projects box. 
  4. Click the 'Next' button on the bottom of the dialog.
  1. In the 'New Web Application' dialog that opens, type a name for the project in the 'Project Name' box.
NetBeans 6.5 dialog differs slightly in the steps to create a New Web Application as it separates the 'Server Settings' out of the 'Name and Location' dialog as follows: 
First you provide the details for the Name and Location of your project …
And use a separate dialog to enter the Server Settings …
  1. In the list of Frameworks, click the checkbox for 'ESRI Java ADF (9.3)'
    The ESRI Java ADF Configuration options will appear in the bottom part of the dialog.
  1. Choose the radio button option for 'Web Mapping Application'.
  2. Click on the 'GIS Resources' tab. Double click the 'Add GIS Server' item in the 'Available Services' dropdown box on the left.
  3. The 'Add GIS Server' dialog appears.
  4. From the dropdown list, select the type of GIS Resource you wish to add. Also fill out the details of that resource. Click 'Ok' to add the GIS Resource to the dialog.
  5. Click the plus symbol to expand the list of resources available on the GIS Server selected. Double click on the resource you wish to add to the web application. The resource will appear under the web context under the 'Selected Services'.
  1. Continue to add resources to the Selected Services box. When you have finished adding resources to the web application, click the Finish button.
  2. The new Project appears in the project pane, and the mapviewer.jsp file displays in the text editor window.
  1. Right click on your project name (in this case MyWebApplication) in the project pane and choose to Run the project from the menu. A browser launches, and the web application displays with the chosen resource.