
Supported with:
  • Engine with Schematics
  • ArcView with Schematics
  • ArcEditor with Schematics
  • ArcInfo with Schematics
Library dependencies: System, SystemUI, Geometry, Display, Server, Output, Geodatabase, GISClient, DataSourcesFile, DataSourcesGDB, DataSourcesOleDB, DataSourcesRaster, DataSourcesNetCDF, GeoDatabaseDistributed, GeoDatabaseExtensions, Carto, NetworkAnalysis, Location, GeoAnalyst, Animation, Maplex, Geoprocessing, NetworkAnalyst

Additional library information: Contents, Object Model Diagram

The Schematics library implements the non-user interface functionality of the Schematics extension. It handles the core objects of the Schematics extension used to manage schematic data and schematic processes. The Schematics extension supports the analysis, display, and manipulation of schematic data in ArcGIS.

See the following sections for more information about this namespace:

Graphical core

The graphical core is the set of primitive objects that forms the foundation for the schematic objects in memory. The NgProject class is the central class for the schematic graphical core. It handles the core information model that defines the schematic project. It acts as the central point where access is gained to other schematic objects in memory.
The NgProject class implements the following interfaces:
  • INgProject—Provides access to all graphical components defined in your application. These components mainly concern the diagram types (INgDiagramType) and the element types (INgElementType) that specify your schematic diagrams’ content and graphic display.
  • INgProjectAlgorithm—Controls the management of the schematic algorithms.
  • INgProjectAnalyst—Controls the management of the schematic network trace analysts.
  • INgProjectBuilder—Lets you create and define the graphical components.
  • INgProjectEvents—Provides access to events that occur to graphic objects (that is, to diagrams and elements).

Database core

The database core is the set of primitive objects that forms the foundation for the schematic objects in the schematic database. The SchematicDataset class is the central object in the schematic database. A schematic dataset is a container of schematic data such as schematic data sources, schematic diagram classes, schematic element classes, schematic folders, and schematic diagrams. A schematic dataset resides in a personal geodatabase. Several schematic datasets can be stored in the same geodatabase.

Schematic project manager

Schematic Project Manager allows you to link the objects related to the schematic database core to the objects related to the graphical core. It provides access to the schematic datasets and their related schematic projects. A schematic dataset is related to a single schematic project.

Schematic layers objects

In ArcMap, schematic data is represented in schematic layers. The SchematicLayer class is the central object for managing schematic layers. It lets you access the schematic diagram associated with a schematic layer.

Builders and rules objects

Schematic builders
Schematic builders are used to generate the diagrams related to a SchematicDiagram class. Two types of predefined builders are available: Standard and Custom Query Based.
You can implement your own custom schematic builder.

Linker and relation objects

Schematic Linker
The SchematicLinker class handles the interfaces that allow you to manage associations between features and schematic elements; for example:
  • Specifying the association between a feature and a schematic element, or removing the association between a feature and a schematic element
  • Retrieving features associated with specified schematic elements, and conversely
Schematic Relation
The SchematicRelationController class handles the interfaces that allow you to manage relations between schematic elements; for example:
  • Creating or removing relations between schematic elements
  • Managing the graphical display of the relations in the diagrams
  • Retrieving elements in relation with other elements
  • Controlling the elements' behavior when their related elements are moved, and conversely
Two types of relations are available: Schematic Container and Schematic Barycenter.