' Copyright 2010 ESRI ' ' All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States ' and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. ' ' You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or ' without modification, provided you include the original copyright ' notice and use restrictions. ' ' See the use restrictions. ' Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Collections Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Data Imports System.IO Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.TrackingAnalyst Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase Namespace TemporalStatistics Public NotInheritable Partial Class MainForm : Inherits Form #Region "class private members" Private m_mapControl As IMapControl3 = Nothing Private m_mapDocumentName As String = String.Empty #End Region Private m_amsWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory = Nothing Private m_bTAInitialized As Boolean = False Private Const TEMPORALLAYERCLSID As String = "{78C7430C-17CF-11D5-B7CF-00010265ADC5}" 'CLSID for ITemporalLayer #Region "class constructor" Public Sub New() InitializeComponent() End Sub #End Region Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'get the MapControl m_mapControl = CType(axMapControl1.Object, IMapControl3) 'disable the Save menu (since there is no document yet) menuSaveDoc.Enabled = False timerStats.Start() End Sub #Region "Main Menu event handlers" Private Sub menuNewDoc_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles menuNewDoc.Click 'execute New Document command Dim command As ICommand = New CreateNewDocument() command.OnCreate(m_mapControl.Object) command.OnClick() End Sub Private Sub menuOpenDoc_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles menuOpenDoc.Click 'execute Open Document command Dim command As ICommand = New ControlsOpenDocCommandClass() command.OnCreate(m_mapControl.Object) command.OnClick() End Sub Private Sub menuSaveDoc_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles menuSaveDoc.Click 'execute Save Document command If m_mapControl.CheckMxFile(m_mapDocumentName) Then 'create a new instance of a MapDocument Dim mapDoc As IMapDocument = New MapDocumentClass() mapDoc.Open(m_mapDocumentName, String.Empty) 'Make sure that the MapDocument is not readonly If mapDoc.IsReadOnly(m_mapDocumentName) Then MessageBox.Show("Map document is read only!") mapDoc.Close() Return End If 'Replace its contents with the current map mapDoc.ReplaceContents(CType(m_mapControl.Map, IMxdContents)) 'save the MapDocument in order to persist it mapDoc.Save(mapDoc.UsesRelativePaths, False) 'close the MapDocument mapDoc.Close() End If End Sub Private Sub menuSaveAs_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles menuSaveAs.Click 'execute SaveAs Document command Dim command As ICommand = New ControlsSaveAsDocCommandClass() command.OnCreate(m_mapControl.Object) command.OnClick() End Sub Private Sub menuExitApp_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles menuExitApp.Click 'exit the application Application.Exit() End Sub #End Region 'listen to MapReplaced event in order to update the status bar and the Save menu Private Sub axMapControl1_OnMapReplaced(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As IMapControlEvents2_OnMapReplacedEvent) Handles axMapControl1.OnMapReplaced 'get the current document name from the MapControl m_mapDocumentName = m_mapControl.DocumentFilename 'if there is no MapDocument, disable the Save menu and clear the status bar If m_mapDocumentName = String.Empty Then menuSaveDoc.Enabled = False statusBarXY.Text = String.Empty Else 'enable the Save menu and write the doc name to the status bar menuSaveDoc.Enabled = True statusBarXY.Text = Path.GetFileName(m_mapDocumentName) End If 'Update combo list of tracking services PopulateTrackingServices() End Sub Private Sub axMapControl1_OnMouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseMoveEvent) Handles axMapControl1.OnMouseMove statusBarXY.Text = String.Format("{0}, {1} {2}", e.mapX.ToString("#######.##"), e.mapY.ToString("#######.##"), axMapControl1.MapUnits.ToString().Substring(4)) End Sub 'Initialize the Tracking Analyst Environment Private Function setupTrackingEnv(ByRef mapObj As Object) As ITrackingEnvironment3 Dim extentionManager As IExtensionManager = New ExtensionManagerClass() Dim uid As UID = New UIDClass() uid.Value = "esriTrackingAnalyst.TrackingEngineUtil" CType(extentionManager, IExtensionManagerAdmin).AddExtension(uid, mapObj) Dim trackingEnv As ITrackingEnvironment3 = New TrackingEnvironmentClass() 'mapObj = m_mapControl Dim oMapControl As Object = m_mapControl.Object trackingEnv.Initialize(oMapControl) trackingEnv.EnableTemporalDisplayManagement = True Return trackingEnv End Function 'Periodically update the statistics information Private Sub timerStats_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles timerStats.Tick 'Initialize TA if there is hasn't been already and there are Tracking layers in the map If (Not m_bTAInitialized) AndAlso Not GetAllTrackingLayers() Is Nothing Then Dim oMapControl As Object = m_mapControl Dim taEnv As ITrackingEnvironment3 = setupTrackingEnv(oMapControl) If Not taEnv Is Nothing Then m_bTAInitialized = True End If 'Need to refresh the map once to get the tracks moving m_mapControl.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, Nothing, Nothing) End If RefreshStatistics() End Sub Private Sub RefreshStatistics() Try Dim temporalLayer As ITemporalLayer = GetSelectedTemporalLayer() 'If a temporal layer is selected in the combo box only update that layer's stats If temporalLayer Is Nothing Then RefreshAllStatistics() Else RefreshLayerStatistics(temporalLayer.Name, CType((CType(temporalLayer, IFeatureLayer)).FeatureClass, ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics)) End If Catch ex As Exception statusBarXY.Text = ex.Message End Try End Sub 'Refresh the statistics for all tracking layers in the map 'The AMSWorkspaceFactory provides easy access to query the statistics for every layer at once Private Sub RefreshAllStatistics() Try Dim oValues As Object = Nothing Dim oNames As Object = Nothing Dim sNames As String() If m_amsWorkspaceFactory Is Nothing Then m_amsWorkspaceFactory = New AMSWorkspaceFactoryClass() End If 'Get the AMS Workspace Factory Statistics interface Dim temporalWsfStatistics As ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics = CType(m_amsWorkspaceFactory, ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics) 'Get the message rates for all the tracking connections in the map Dim psMessageRates As IPropertySet = temporalWsfStatistics.AllMessageRates psMessageRates.GetAllProperties(oNames, oValues) sNames = CType(oNames, String()) Dim oaMessageRates As Object() = CType(oValues, Object()) 'Get the feature counts for all the tracking connections in the map Dim psTotalFeatureCounts As IPropertySet = temporalWsfStatistics.AllTotalFeatureCounts psTotalFeatureCounts.GetAllProperties(oNames, oValues) Dim oaFeatureCounts As Object() = CType(oValues, Object()) 'Get the connection status for all the tracking connections in the map Dim psConnectionStatus As IPropertySet = temporalWsfStatistics.ConnectionStatus psConnectionStatus.GetAllProperties(oNames, oValues) Dim sConnectionNames As String() = CType(oNames, String()) Dim oaConnectionStatus As Object() = CType(oValues, Object()) Dim htConnectionStatus As Hashtable = New Hashtable(sConnectionNames.Length) Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While i < sConnectionNames.Length htConnectionStatus.Add(sConnectionNames(i), oaConnectionStatus(i)) i += 1 Loop 'Get the track counts for all the tracking connections in the map Dim psTrackCounts As IPropertySet = temporalWsfStatistics.AllTrackCounts psTrackCounts.GetAllProperties(oNames, oValues) Dim oaTrackCounts As Object() = CType(oValues, Object()) 'Get the sample sizes for all the tracking connections in the map Dim psSampleSizes As IPropertySet = temporalWsfStatistics.AllSampleSizes psSampleSizes.GetAllProperties(oNames, oValues) Dim oaSampleSizes As Object() = CType(oValues, Object()) 'Clear the existing list view items and repopulate from the collection lvStatistics.BeginUpdate() lvStatistics.Items.Clear() 'Create list view items from statistics' IPropertySets i = 0 Do While i < sNames.Length Dim lvItem As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem(sNames(i)) lvItem.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(oaMessageRates(i))) lvItem.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(oaFeatureCounts(i))) Dim sConnName As String = sNames(i).Split(New Char() { "/"c })(0) Dim eWCS As esriWorkspaceConnectionStatus = CType(Convert.ToInt32(htConnectionStatus(sConnName)), esriWorkspaceConnectionStatus) lvItem.SubItems.Add(eWCS.ToString()) lvItem.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(oaTrackCounts(i))) lvItem.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(oaSampleSizes(i))) lvStatistics.Items.Add(lvItem) i += 1 Loop lvStatistics.EndUpdate() Catch ex As System.Exception statusBarXY.Text = ex.Message End Try End Sub 'Refresh the statistics for a single layer using the ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics Private Sub RefreshLayerStatistics(ByVal sLayerName As String, ByVal temporalFCStats As ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics) Dim lvItem As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem(sLayerName) lvItem.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(temporalFCStats.MessageRate)) lvItem.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(temporalFCStats.TotalFeatureCount)) lvItem.SubItems.Add("Not Available") lvItem.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(temporalFCStats.TrackCount)) lvItem.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(temporalFCStats.SampleSize)) lvStatistics.Items.Clear() lvStatistics.Items.Add(lvItem) End Sub 'Cause a manual refresh of the statistics, also update the timer interval Private Sub btnRefresh_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnRefresh.Click Try timerStats.Stop() SetSampleSize() RefreshStatistics() Dim dTimerRate As Double = Convert.ToDouble(txtRate.Text) timerStats.Interval = Convert.ToInt32(dTimerRate * 1000) timerStats.Start() Catch ex As Exception statusBarXY.Text = ex.Message End Try End Sub 'Populate the combo box with the tracking services in the map Private Sub PopulateTrackingServices() Dim lyr As ILayer = Nothing Dim temporalLayers As IEnumLayer = GetAllTrackingLayers() cbTrackingServices.Items.Clear() cbTrackingServices.Items.Add("All") If Not temporalLayers Is Nothing Then lyr = temporalLayers.Next() Do While Not (lyr) Is Nothing cbTrackingServices.Items.Add(lyr.Name) lyr = temporalLayers.Next() Loop End If cbTrackingServices.SelectedIndex = 0 End Sub 'Query the map for all the tracking layers in it Private Function GetAllTrackingLayers() As IEnumLayer Try Dim uidTemoralLayer As IUID = New UIDClass() uidTemoralLayer.Value = TEMPORALLAYERCLSID 'This call throws an E_FAIL exception if the map has no layers, caught below Return m_mapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap.Layers(CType(uidTemoralLayer, UID), True) Catch Return Nothing End Try End Function 'Get the tracking layer that is selected in the combo box according to its name Private Function GetSelectedTemporalLayer() As ITemporalLayer Dim temporalLayer As ITemporalLayer = Nothing If cbTrackingServices.SelectedIndex > 0 Then Dim lyr As ILayer = Nothing Dim temporalLayers As IEnumLayer = GetAllTrackingLayers() Dim selectedLayerName As String = cbTrackingServices.Text lyr = temporalLayers.Next() Do While Not lyr Is Nothing If lyr.Name = selectedLayerName Then temporalLayer = CType(lyr, ITemporalLayer) End If lyr = temporalLayers.Next() Loop End If Return temporalLayer End Function 'Reset the statistic's feature count for one or all of the layers in the map Private Sub btnResetFC_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnResetFC.Click Try Dim temporalLayer As ITemporalLayer = GetSelectedTemporalLayer() If temporalLayer Is Nothing Then If m_amsWorkspaceFactory Is Nothing Then m_amsWorkspaceFactory = New AMSWorkspaceFactoryClass() End If 'Get the AMS Workspace Factory Statistics interface Dim temporalWsfStatistics As ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics = CType(m_amsWorkspaceFactory, ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics) temporalWsfStatistics.ResetAllFeatureCounts() Else Dim temporalFCStats As ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics = CType((CType(temporalLayer, IFeatureLayer)).FeatureClass, ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics) temporalFCStats.ResetFeatureCount() End If Catch ex As Exception statusBarXY.Text = ex.Message End Try End Sub 'Reset the statistic's message rate for one or all of the layers in the map Private Sub btnResetMsgRate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnResetMsgRate.Click Try Dim temporalLayer As ITemporalLayer = GetSelectedTemporalLayer() If temporalLayer Is Nothing Then If m_amsWorkspaceFactory Is Nothing Then m_amsWorkspaceFactory = New AMSWorkspaceFactoryClass() End If 'Get the AMS Workspace Factory Statistics interface Dim temporalWsfStatistics As ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics = CType(m_amsWorkspaceFactory, ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics) temporalWsfStatistics.ResetAllMessageRates() Else Dim temporalFCStats As ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics = CType((CType(temporalLayer, IFeatureLayer)).FeatureClass, ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics) temporalFCStats.ResetMessageRate() End If Catch ex As Exception statusBarXY.Text = ex.Message End Try End Sub 'Set the sampling size for one or all of the layers in the map 'The sampling size determines how many messages are factored into the message rate calculation. 'For instance a sampling size of 500 will store the times the last 500 messages were received. 'The message rate is calculated as the (oldest timestamp - current time) / number of messages Private Sub SetSampleSize() Try Dim samplingSize As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(txtSampleSize.Text) Dim temporalLayer As ITemporalLayer = GetSelectedTemporalLayer() If temporalLayer Is Nothing Then If m_amsWorkspaceFactory Is Nothing Then m_amsWorkspaceFactory = New AMSWorkspaceFactoryClass() End If 'Get the AMS Workspace Factory Statistics interface Dim temporalWsfStatistics As ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics = CType(m_amsWorkspaceFactory, ITemporalWorkspaceStatistics) temporalWsfStatistics.SetAllSampleSizes(samplingSize) Else Dim temporalFCStats As ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics = CType((CType(temporalLayer, IFeatureLayer)).FeatureClass, ITemporalFeatureClassStatistics) temporalFCStats.SampleSize = samplingSize End If Catch ex As Exception statusBarXY.Text = ex.Message End Try End Sub Private Sub cbTrackingServices_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles cbTrackingServices.SelectionChangeCommitted RefreshStatistics() End Sub End Class End Namespace