// Copyright 2010 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs; // for GPFunctionFactories.Register() using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing; namespace GPImportSignpostFunctions { /// <summary> /// Summary description for SignpostGPFunctionFactory. /// </summary> /// [Guid("DD38447B-B17E-4e9e-913F-9B0437BB9B69")] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [ProgId("GPImportSignpostFunctions.SignpostGPFunctionFactory")] public class SignpostGPFunctionFactory : IGPFunctionFactory { #region COM Registration Function(s) [ComRegisterFunction()] [ComVisible(false)] private static void RegisterFunction(Type registerType) { string regKey = string.Format("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{{{0}}}", registerType.GUID); GPFunctionFactories.Register(regKey); } [ComUnregisterFunction()] [ComVisible(false)] private static void UnregisterFunction(Type registerType) { string regKey = string.Format("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{{{0}}}", registerType.GUID); GPFunctionFactories.Unregister(regKey); } #endregion public SignpostGPFunctionFactory() { } #region IGPFunctionFactory Members public IGPFunction GetFunction(string name) { IGPFunction gpFunction = null; switch (name) { case "ImportDynamapSigns": gpFunction = new ImportDynamapSignsFunction() as IGPFunction; break; case "ImportNavStreetsSigns": gpFunction = new ImportNavStreetsSignsFunction() as IGPFunction; break; case "ImportMultiNetSigns": gpFunction = new ImportMultiNetSignsFunction() as IGPFunction; break; } return gpFunction; } public UID CLSID { get { UID pUID; pUID = new UIDClass(); pUID.Value = "GPImportSignpostFunctions.SignpostGPFunctionFactory"; return pUID; } } public IEnumGPName GetFunctionNames() { IArray array = new EnumGPNameClass(); array.Add(GetFunctionName("ImportDynamapSigns")); array.Add(GetFunctionName("ImportNavStreetsSigns")); array.Add(GetFunctionName("ImportMultiNetSigns")); return array as IEnumGPName; } public string Name { get { return "Network Analyst Sample Tools"; } } public IEnumGPEnvironment GetFunctionEnvironments() { return null; } public string Alias { get { return "Network Analyst Sample Tools"; } } public IGPName GetFunctionName(string name) { IGPFunctionFactory functionFactory = new SignpostGPFunctionFactory(); IGPFunctionName functionName = new GPFunctionNameClass(); IGPName gpName; switch (name) { case "ImportDynamapSigns": gpName = functionName as IGPName; gpName.Name = name; gpName.Category = "Directions Data Setup"; gpName.Description = "Create and populate Signpost Feature Class and Signpost Streets Table from Tele Atlas Dynamap data"; gpName.DisplayName = "Import Dynamap Signs"; gpName.Factory = functionFactory; return gpName; case "ImportNavStreetsSigns": gpName = functionName as IGPName; gpName.Name = name; gpName.Category = "Directions Data Setup"; gpName.Description = "Create and populate Signpost Feature Class and Signpost Streets Table from NAVTEQ NAVSTREETS data"; gpName.DisplayName = "Import NAVSTREETS Signs"; gpName.Factory = functionFactory; return gpName; case "ImportMultiNetSigns": gpName = functionName as IGPName; gpName.Name = name; gpName.Category = "Directions Data Setup"; gpName.Description = "Create and populate Signpost Feature Class and Signpost Streets Table from Tele Atlas MultiNet data"; gpName.DisplayName = "Import MultiNet Signs"; gpName.Factory = functionFactory; return gpName; } return null; } #endregion } }