// Copyright 2010 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; namespace SelectionRestriction { [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [Guid("1f75097c-7224-4d1f-ae38-1242e26efcef")] public class SelectionRestrictionEvaluator : INetworkEvaluator2, INetworkEvaluatorSetup { #region Member Variables private INetworkDataset m_networkDataset; // Used to store a reference to the network dataset private INetworkSource m_networkSource; // Used to store a reference to the network source associated with this evaluator private IMxDocument m_mxDocument; // Used to store a reference to the current MxDocument private Dictionary<int, int> m_sourceHashTable; // Used to store a dynamic hash table of selected OIDs for the evaluator's network source #endregion #region INetworkEvaluator Members public bool CacheAttribute { // CacheAttribute returns whether or not we want the network dataset to cache our evaluated attribute values during the network dataset build // Since this is a dynamic evaluator, we will return false, so that our attribute values are dynamically queried at runtime get { return false; } } public string DisplayName { get { return "SelectionRestriction"; } } public string Name { get { return "SelectionRestriction.SelectionRestrictionEvaluator"; } } #endregion #region INetworkEvaluatorSetup Members public UID CLSID { get { // Create and return the GUID for this custom evaluator UID uid = new UIDClass(); uid.Value = "{1f75097c-7224-4d1f-ae38-1242e26efcef}"; return uid; } } public IPropertySet Data { // The Data property is intended to make use of property sets to get/set the custom evaluator's properties using only one call to the evaluator object // This custom evaluator does not make use of this property get { return null; } set { } } public bool DataHasEdits { // Since this custom evaluator does not make any data edits, return false get { return false; } } public void Initialize(INetworkDataset networkDataset, IDENetworkDataset dataElement, INetworkSource source, IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute attribute) { // Initialize is called once per session (ArcMap session, ArcCatalog session, etc.) to initialize the evaluator for an associated network dataset Type t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriFramework.AppRef"); try { // Activator.CreateInstance(t) is expected to error if the evaluator is created in an engine application // which can�t get a reference to the AppRef singleton. // This evaluator won�t work in Engine due to this design limitation. It is, however, // fully functional in ArcMap. System.Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t); IApplication app = obj as IApplication; if (app != null && app is IMxApplication) m_mxDocument = app.Document as IMxDocument; } catch (Exception e) { m_mxDocument = null; } // Store reference to the network dataset and the network source m_networkDataset = networkDataset; m_networkSource = source; // Create a new Dictionary hashtable for this network source m_sourceHashTable = new Dictionary<int, int>(); } public object QueryValue(INetworkElement element, IRow row) { // This element is restricted if its associated ObjectID is currently stored within the network source's hashtable return m_sourceHashTable.ContainsKey(element.OID); } public bool SupportsDefault(esriNetworkElementType elementType, IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute attribute) { // This custom evaluator can not be used for assigning default attribute values return false; } public bool SupportsSource(INetworkSource source, IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute attribute) { // This custom evaluator supports restriction attributes for all sources return attribute.UsageType == esriNetworkAttributeUsageType.esriNAUTRestriction; } public bool ValidateDefault(esriNetworkElementType elementType, IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute attribute, ref int errorCode, ref string errorDescription, ref string errorAppendInfo) { if (SupportsDefault(elementType, attribute)) { errorCode = 0; errorDescription = errorAppendInfo = string.Empty; return true; } else { errorCode = -1; errorDescription = errorAppendInfo = string.Empty; return false; } } public bool ValidateSource(IDatasetContainer2 datasetContainer, INetworkSource networkSource, IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute attribute, ref int errorCode, ref string errorDescription, ref string errorAppendInfo) { if (SupportsSource(networkSource, attribute)) { errorCode = 0; errorDescription = errorAppendInfo = string.Empty; return true; } else { errorCode = -1; errorDescription = errorAppendInfo = string.Empty; return false; } } #endregion #region INetworkEvaluator2 Members public void Refresh() { // This method is called internally during a solve operation immediately prior to performing the actual solve // This gives us an opportunity to update our evaluator's internal state based on changes to the current source feature selection set within ArcMap if (m_mxDocument != null) { // Clear the hashtable of any previous selections m_sourceHashTable.Clear(); // Loop through every layer in the map, find the appropriate network source feature layer, and add its selection set to the source hashtable IMap map = m_mxDocument.FocusMap; IFeatureClassContainer fcContainer = m_networkDataset as IFeatureClassContainer; IFeatureClass sourceFC = fcContainer.get_ClassByName(m_networkSource.Name); ILayer layer; IFeatureClass layerFC; IEnumLayer enumLayer = map.get_Layers(null, true); while ((layer = enumLayer.Next()) != null) { if (layer.Visible && layer is IFeatureLayer) { layerFC = ((IFeatureLayer)layer).FeatureClass; if (layerFC == sourceFC) { IFeatureSelection featureSelection = layer as IFeatureSelection; ISelectionSet selectionSet = featureSelection.SelectionSet; IEnumIDs idEnumerator = selectionSet.IDs; idEnumerator.Reset(); int oid; while ((oid = idEnumerator.Next()) != -1) { m_sourceHashTable.Add(oid, oid); } break; } } } } } public IStringArray RequiredFieldNames { // This custom evaluator does not require any field names get { return null; } } #endregion } }