// Copyright 2010 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.NetworkAnalyst; using ESRI.ArcGIS.NetworkAnalystUI; namespace NATraversalResult { public class SelectFeaturesTool : ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool { INetworkAnalystExtension m_networkAnalystExtension; public SelectFeaturesTool() { m_networkAnalystExtension = ArcMap.Application.FindExtensionByName("Network Analyst") as INetworkAnalystExtension; } protected override void OnUpdate() { Enabled = ArcMap.Application != null; } private INALayer GetActiveAnalysisLayer() { if (m_networkAnalystExtension != null) return m_networkAnalystExtension.NAWindow.ActiveAnalysis; else return null; } protected override bool OnDeactivate() { return true; } /// <summary> /// Finds the closest feature to the point clicked that corresponds to a NATraversalResultElement in the active analysis layer's traversal result /// </summary> /// protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { try { // Get the current network analysis traversal result INALayer naLayer = GetActiveAnalysisLayer(); if (naLayer == null) throw new Exception("Null NALayer"); INATraversalResult naTraversalResult = (INATraversalResult)naLayer.Context.Result; if (naTraversalResult == null || !((INAResult)naTraversalResult).HasValidResult) throw new Exception("Active analysis layer has an invalid result."); // Get the current map IMap map = ArcMap.Document.FocusMap; IActiveView activeView = ArcMap.Document.ActiveView; // Get the current point and buffer it into a polygon based on the search tolerance IPoint point = activeView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(e.X, e.Y); IProximityOperator proximityOperator = point as IProximityOperator; ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator = point as ITopologicalOperator; IPolygon polygon = (IPolygon)topologicalOperator.Buffer(activeView.Extent.Width / 20); double closestDistance = activeView.Extent.Width / 20; IFeature closestFeature = null; // Setup the spatial filter ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass(); spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects; spatialFilter.Geometry = polygon.Envelope; //Loop through the layers in the map that participate in the network dataset //Find the closest feature IEnumLayer enumLayer = map.get_Layers(null, true); ILayer layer = enumLayer.Next(); while (layer != null) { IFeatureLayer featureLayer = layer as IFeatureLayer; if (featureLayer != null) { if (featureLayer.Visible) { IFeatureClass featureClass = featureLayer.FeatureClass; // loop though all the sources in the network, trying to see if it corresponds to a source in the traversal result. for (int sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < naTraversalResult.SourceCount; sourceIndex++) { // Check to see if the feature class matches the traversal result source's feature class ITable currentTable = featureClass as ITable; ITable sourceTable = naTraversalResult.get_Source(sourceIndex).Table; if (currentTable == sourceTable) { // Since we correspond to a source in the traversal result, find the closest feature to the point clicked. spatialFilter.GeometryField = featureClass.ShapeFieldName; IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(spatialFilter, false); IFeature feature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); while (feature != null) { double distance = proximityOperator.ReturnDistance(feature.Shape); if (distance < closestDistance) { closestFeature = feature; closestDistance = distance; } feature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); } } } } } layer = enumLayer.Next(); } if (closestFeature == null) MessageBox.Show("Could not find a feature"); else SelectTraversedFeatures(closestFeature); // Since we found a feature, select the features traversed to get to it. } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "Error"); } } /// <summary> /// Selects all the features in the visible feature layers that correspond to NATraversalResultElements /// that were traversed to get to the selected feature. Do this by using INATraversalResultQuery to walk /// the traversal result. /// </summary> /// private void SelectTraversedFeatures(IFeature selectedFeature) { // Get reference to the current map IMap map = ArcMap.Document.FocusMap; // Get the NATraversalResult INALayer naLayer = GetActiveAnalysisLayer(); INAContext naContext = naLayer.Context; INATraversalResult naTraversalResult = (INATraversalResult)naContext.Result; INATraversalResultEdit naTraversalResultEdit = (INATraversalResultEdit)naTraversalResult; INATraversalResultQuery naTraversalResultQuery = (INATraversalResultQuery)naTraversalResult; // Cache the FeatureClass of each input source // Also create a LongArray to hold the OIDs of features traversed // This makes the assumption that the sources go from 1 to N INATraversalResultSource selectedSource = null; IFeatureClass[] sourceFeatureClasses = new IFeatureClass[naTraversalResult.SourceCount + 1]; // (will never use index 0) ILongArray[] sourceOIDs = new ILongArray[naTraversalResult.SourceCount + 1]; // (will never use index 0) for (int sourceIndex = sourceFeatureClasses.GetLowerBound(0); sourceIndex <= sourceFeatureClasses.GetUpperBound(0); sourceIndex++) { INATraversalResultSource naTraversalResultSource = naTraversalResult.get_SourceByID(sourceIndex); if (naTraversalResultSource != null) { IFeatureClass featureClass = naTraversalResultSource.Table as IFeatureClass; if (featureClass != null) { sourceFeatureClasses[sourceIndex] = featureClass; // If this source is the one of the selected feature, // remember it for later when we find it's traversal elements if (featureClass == selectedFeature.Class) selectedSource = naTraversalResultSource; sourceOIDs[sourceIndex] = new LongArrayClass(); } } } // Verify the selected feature's class is actually in the network if (selectedSource == null) throw (new Exception("The selected feature is not part of the network.")); // Get the traversal edges corresponding to the selected feature // There may be more than one returned if there are multiple facilities // or if the edge was traversed in both directions. IQueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilterClass(); queryFilter.WhereClause = "SourceID = " + selectedSource.ID + " and SourceOID = " + selectedFeature.OID; // Figure out if the selected feature is a point or line // and get the correct traversal feature class IFeatureClass traversalFClass; if (selectedFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint) traversalFClass = naTraversalResultQuery.get_FeatureClass(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETJunction); else if (selectedFeature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline) traversalFClass = naTraversalResultQuery.get_FeatureClass(esriNetworkElementType.esriNETEdge); else throw (new Exception("You must start from a point or polyline")); if (traversalFClass.FeatureCount(null) == 0) throw (new Exception("The traversal result is empty. Please click solve.")); // Search through the traversal class to find those corresponding to the selected feature INATraversalResultElement naTraversalResultElement; IFeatureCursor featureCursor = traversalFClass.Search(queryFilter, true); IFeature feature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); if (feature == null) throw (new Exception("You must pick a feature that was traversed.")); // Loop through all the traversal result elements for that feature while (feature != null) { naTraversalResultElement = (INATraversalResultElement)feature; sourceOIDs[naTraversalResultElement.SourceID].Add(naTraversalResultElement.SourceOID); //Get the connected traversal elements going backwards OutputConnected(naTraversalResultQuery, naTraversalResultElement, esriRelDirection.esriRelDirectionBackward, sourceOIDs); feature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); } // Select the features in the Map SelectFeatures(map, sourceFeatureClasses, sourceOIDs); } /// <summary> /// This function selects the features corresponding to the arrays of feature classes and OIDs /// </summary> private void SelectFeatures(IMap map, IFeatureClass[] sourceFeatureClasses, ILongArray[] sourceOIDs) { IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)map; IEnumLayer enumLayer = map.get_Layers(null, true); ILayer layer = enumLayer.Next(); while (layer != null) { IFeatureLayer featureLayer = layer as IFeatureLayer; IFeatureSelection featureSelection = layer as IFeatureSelection; if ((featureLayer != null) && (featureSelection != null) && featureLayer.Visible && featureLayer.Selectable) { for (int sourceIndex = sourceFeatureClasses.GetLowerBound(0); sourceIndex <= sourceFeatureClasses.GetUpperBound(0); sourceIndex++) { if (featureLayer.FeatureClass == sourceFeatureClasses[sourceIndex]) { //Clear the current selection on this layer featureSelection.Clear(); activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, map, null); // Get the OIDS we traversed that we want to select ILongArray longArray = sourceOIDs[sourceIndex]; if (longArray.Count > 0) { // We have some OIDs, ad them to the selection set ISelectionSet selectionSet = featureSelection.SelectionSet; // Transfer from LongArray to an array of longs int numIDs = longArray.Count; int[] oids = new int[numIDs]; for (int oidIndex = oids.GetLowerBound(0); oidIndex < numIDs; oidIndex++) selectionSet.Add(longArray.get_Element(oidIndex)); } } } } layer = enumLayer.Next(); } // Refresh the selection and Map ISelectionEvents selectionEvents = (ISelectionEvents)map; selectionEvents.SelectionChanged(); activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, map, null); } /// <summary> /// This is a recursive function that simply finds the connected traversal elements. /// It adds the OID of the feature to the appropriate array of ObjectIDs. /// </summary> private void OutputConnected(INATraversalResultQuery naTraversalResultQuery, INATraversalResultElement inputElement, esriRelDirection searchDirection, ILongArray[] sourceOIDs) { IFeatureCursor featureCursor; if (inputElement.ElementType == esriNetworkElementType.esriNETJunction) featureCursor = naTraversalResultQuery.SearchConnected(inputElement, esriNetworkElementType.esriNETEdge, searchDirection, false); else featureCursor = naTraversalResultQuery.SearchConnected(inputElement, esriNetworkElementType.esriNETJunction, searchDirection, false); // Iterate through the connected features. // For each feature process it and then recursively call this function again // to process the connected features. INATraversalResultElement connectedElement = (INATraversalResultElement)featureCursor.NextFeature(); while (connectedElement != null) { if (sourceOIDs[connectedElement.SourceID] != null) sourceOIDs[connectedElement.SourceID].Add(connectedElement.SourceOID); // Recursion OutputConnected(naTraversalResultQuery, connectedElement, searchDirection, sourceOIDs); connectedElement = (INATraversalResultElement)featureCursor.NextFeature(); } } } }