Using list functions to migrate from personal geodatabases to file geodatabases
// Copyright 2010 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions.

using System;
using System.Text;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessor;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem;

namespace GeodatabaseConversion
    class ToFileGDB
        static void Main(string[] args)

            // Initialize the Geoprocessor
            Geoprocessor geoprocessor = new Geoprocessor();

            // Allow for the overwriting of file geodatabases, if they previously exist.
            geoprocessor.OverwriteOutput = true;

            // Set the workspace to a folder containing personal geodatabases.
            geoprocessor.SetEnvironmentValue("workspace", @"C:\GP");

            // Identify personal geodatabases.
            IGpEnumList workspaces = geoprocessor.ListWorkspaces("*", "Access");
            string workspace = workspaces.Next();
            while (workspace != "")
                // Set workspace to current personal geodatabase
                geoprocessor.SetEnvironmentValue("workspace", workspace);
                // Create a file geodatabase with the same name as the personal geodatabase
                string gdbname = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(workspace).Replace(".mdb", "");
                string dirname = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(workspace);
                // Execute CreateFileGDB tool
                CreateFileGDB createFileGDBTool = new CreateFileGDB(dirname, gdbname + ".gdb");
                geoprocessor.Execute(createFileGDBTool, null);

                // Initialize the Copy Tool
                Copy copyTool = new Copy();

                // Identify feature classes and copy to file geodatabase
                IGpEnumList fcs = geoprocessor.ListFeatureClasses("", "", "");
                string fc = fcs.Next();
                while (fc != "")
                    Console.WriteLine("Copying " + fc + " to " + gdbname + ".gdb");
                    copyTool.in_data = fc;
                    copyTool.out_data = dirname + "\\" + gdbname + ".gdb" + "\\" + fc;
                    geoprocessor.Execute(copyTool, null);
                    fc = fcs.Next();

                // Identify feature datasets and copy to file geodatabase
                IGpEnumList fds = geoprocessor.ListDatasets("", "");
                string fd = fds.Next();
                while (fd != "")
                    Console.WriteLine("Copying " + fd + " to " + gdbname + ".gdb");
                    copyTool.in_data = fd;
                    copyTool.out_data = dirname + "\\" + gdbname + ".gdb" + "\\" + fd;
                    geoprocessor.Execute(copyTool, null);
                    fd = fds.Next();

                // Identify tables and copy to file geodatabase
                IGpEnumList tbls = geoprocessor.ListTables("", "");
                string tbl = tbls.Next();
                while (tbl != "")
                    Console.WriteLine("Copying " + tbl + " to " + gdbname + ".gdb");
                    copyTool.in_data = tbl;
                    copyTool.out_data = dirname + "\\" + gdbname + ".gdb" + "\\" + tbl;
                    geoprocessor.Execute(copyTool, null);
                    tbl = tbls.Next();

                workspace = workspaces.Next();