// Copyright 2010 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using ESRI.ArcGIS; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic; using esriSystem = ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; namespace CustomRulesCS { [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [Guid(ReductionLinkRule.GUID)] [ProgId(ReductionLinkRule.PROGID)] public class ReductionLinkRule : ISchematicRule, ISchematicRuleDesign { public const string GUID = "52E0F9A1-5E21-4b4a-A5C8-C30721CC1ED4"; public const string PROGID = "CustomRulesCS.ReductionLinkRule"; // Register/unregister categories for this class #region Component Category Registration [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComRegisterFunction()] public static void Register(string CLSID) { SchematicRules.Register(CLSID); } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComUnregisterFunction()] public static void Unregister(string CLSID) { SchematicRules.Unregister(CLSID); } #endregion private ESRI.ArcGIS.Schematic.ISchematicDiagramClass m_diagramClass; private string m_reductionLinkName; private bool m_usePort = false; private string m_description = "Reduction Link Rule C#"; public ReductionLinkRule() { } ~ReductionLinkRule() { m_diagramClass = null; } public string ReductionLinkName { get { return m_reductionLinkName; } set { m_reductionLinkName = value; } } public bool UsePort { get { return m_usePort; } set { m_usePort = value; } } #region ISchematicRule Members public void Alter(ISchematicDiagramClass schematicDiagramClass, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet propertySet) { m_diagramClass = schematicDiagramClass; try { m_description = propertySet.GetProperty("DESCRIPTION").ToString(); } catch { } try { m_reductionLinkName = propertySet.GetProperty("REDUCTIONLINKNAME").ToString(); } catch { } try { m_usePort = (bool)propertySet.GetProperty("USEPORT"); } catch { } } public void Apply(ISchematicInMemoryDiagram inMemoryDiagram, ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ITrackCancel cancelTracker) { if (m_reductionLinkName == "") return; IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeature enumSchematicElement; ISchematicInMemoryFeature schemElement; ISchematicDiagramClass diagramClass = null; ISchematicElementClass elementClass; IEnumSchematicElementClass enumElementClass; Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection allreadyUsed = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection(); try { diagramClass = inMemoryDiagram.SchematicDiagramClass; } catch { } if (diagramClass == null) return; enumElementClass = diagramClass.AssociatedSchematicElementClasses; enumElementClass.Reset(); elementClass = enumElementClass.Next(); while (elementClass != null) { if (elementClass.Name == m_reductionLinkName) break; elementClass = enumElementClass.Next(); } if (elementClass == null) return; // Get all link from selected class enumSchematicElement = inMemoryDiagram.GetSchematicInMemoryFeaturesByClass(elementClass); enumSchematicElement.Reset(); ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink link = null; ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode fromNode = null; ISchematicInMemoryFeatureNode toNode = null; int iFromPort = 0; int iToPort = 0; ISchematicInMemoryFeature newElem = null; IEnumSchematicInMemoryFeatureLink enumIncidentLinks; ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLinkerEdit schemLinker = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLinkerEdit)(new SchematicLinkerClass()); bool bReduction = false; schemElement = enumSchematicElement.Next(); while (schemElement != null) { try { string elemName = allreadyUsed[schemElement.Name].ToString(); // if found, this link is allready used schemElement = enumSchematicElement.Next(); continue; } catch { // Add link to collection allreadyUsed.Add(schemElement.Name, schemElement.Name, null, null); } // Get from node and to node link = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink)schemElement; fromNode = link.FromNode; toNode = link.ToNode; if (m_usePort) { iFromPort = link.FromPort; iToPort = link.ToPort; } // Get all links from this node enumIncidentLinks = fromNode.GetIncidentLinks(esriSchematicEndPointType.esriSchematicOriginOrExtremityNode); enumIncidentLinks.Reset(); newElem = enumIncidentLinks.Next(); while (newElem != null) { bReduction = false; if (newElem == schemElement) { // the new link is the same link we works on newElem = enumIncidentLinks.Next(); continue; } link = (ISchematicInMemoryFeatureLink)newElem; // 1st case of comparison if (fromNode == link.FromNode && toNode == link.ToNode) { if (m_usePort) bReduction = (iFromPort == link.FromPort && iToPort == link.ToPort); else bReduction = true; } // 2nd case of comparison else if (fromNode == link.ToNode && toNode == link.FromNode) { if (m_usePort) bReduction = (iFromPort == link.ToPort && iToPort == link.FromPort); else bReduction = true; } if (bReduction) { try { schemLinker.ReportAssociations(newElem, schemElement); // Reports asssociation to first link allreadyUsed.Add(newElem.Name, newElem.Name, null, null); // Add link to collection newElem.Displayed = false; // this link is not visible } catch { } } newElem = enumIncidentLinks.Next(); } schemElement.Displayed = true; schemElement = enumSchematicElement.Next(); } } public ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID ClassID { get { esriSystem.UID ruleID = new esriSystem.UID(); ruleID.Value = PROGID; return ruleID; } } public string Description { get { return m_description; } set { m_description = value; } } string ISchematicRule.Description { get { return m_description; } } public string Name { get { return "Reduction Link Rule C#"; } } public ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet PropertySet { get { esriSystem.IPropertySet propertySet = new esriSystem.PropertySet(); propertySet.SetProperty("DESCRIPTION", m_description); propertySet.SetProperty("USEPORT", m_usePort); propertySet.SetProperty("REDUCTIONLINKNAME", m_reductionLinkName); return propertySet; } } ISchematicDiagramClass ISchematicRule.SchematicDiagramClass { get { return m_diagramClass; } } #endregion #region ISchematicRuleDesign Members public void Detach() { m_diagramClass = null; } ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet ISchematicRuleDesign.PropertySet { set { m_description = value.GetProperty("DESCRIPTION").ToString(); m_usePort = (bool)value.GetProperty("USEPORT"); m_reductionLinkName = value.GetProperty("REDUCTIONLINKNAME").ToString(); } } ISchematicDiagramClass ISchematicRuleDesign.SchematicDiagramClass { get { return m_diagramClass; } set { m_diagramClass = value; } } #endregion } }