Web browser dockable window

PurposeThis sample contains a simple dockable window hosting a Web browser and a combo box listing useful ESRI links. A command that toggles the visibility of the dockable window is also included. These components are created using the Dockable Window item template included with the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) integration feature of the software development kit (SDK).

How to use

See How to use ArcGIS samples for help on compiling, setting up the debugger, and running the sample. If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.

  1. Open and compile the sample project in Visual Studio. If necessary, set up a debug application.
  2. Start ArcCatalog, ArcMap, ArcScene, or ArcGlobe.
  3. Click the Customize menu, and click Customize Mode. The Customize dialog box opens.
  4. Under the .NET Samples category, drag and drop the Toggle ESRI Resources Window (VB .NET) or Toggle ESRI Resources Window (C#) toggle command onto the application, and click the command. The dockable window opens.
  5. Dock the window in various locations on the application window, then float the dockable window.
  6. Select one of the ESRI links from the combo box at the bottom of the dockable window to navigate to the related Web page.

ESRIWebsitesWindow.cs Dockable window definition class.
ESRIWebsitesWindowCommand.cs Command toggling visibility of dockable window.
Download the C# files
ESRIWebsitesWindow.vb Dockable window definition class.
ESRIWebsitesWindowCommand.vb Command toggling visibility of dockable window.
Download the VB.NET files

Download the files for all languages

See Also:

Sample: Simple logging dockable window with a custom context menu

Development licensing Deployment licensing
ArcView ArcView
ArcEditor ArcEditor
ArcInfo ArcInfo