Creating a base map for dynamic display

Summary This topic discusses how to create a base map to use in dynamic display.

In this topic

What is a base map?

Maps can contain two types of layers, static and non-static. Static layers contain data that does not change or rarely changes. The ideal base map contains only static layers. When using dynamic display, create a base map and use static layers as your underlying data. When designed correctly, base maps increase performance, since the underlying data does not change and does not need to be re-cached every time you use a certain area.

Creating a base map

To create an effective base map, consider what data is necessary for analysis, that is, of that data, which of those layers will not change. Rasters are ideal to use in base maps as they are considered as cached datasets. Other datasets, such as vector data, need to build up cache for optimal performance. For example, when using dynamic display to track a vehicle along a route, a raster layer containing aerial photography of the area in question with the street network on top is sufficient, since only the vehicle is changing on the screen and the only caching that is needed is that of the street network data.
When designing a base map, also use scale dependent renderers upon the layers whenever possible. Detailed layers might only be appropriate when zoomed in to a certain scale. In the previous example, having the street network showing at full extent might clutter the map.
Another important consideration is the use of consolidated group layers, which allows the layers to display faster than those that are not consolidated.
Finally, remove any irrelevant data. Layers that are unrelated to the map's purpose only use resources that can be put towards other uses.
Getting the most out of your base map
To get the most out of a base map when using dynamic display, it should be cached. For more information on caching, see Persisting cache information for use in dynamic display.

See Also:

Best practices for using dynamic display
How dynamic display works
Maximizing performance in dynamic display
Limitations for dynamic display

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