About the Creating a toolbar of globe tools Sample
using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; namespace GlobeGraphicsToolbar { public class ColorPalette { private ColorDialog _colorDialog; public ColorPalette() { _colorDialog = new ColorDialog(); InitializeUI(); SetDefaultColor(); } private void InitializeUI() { _colorDialog.FullOpen = true; } private void SetDefaultColor() { _colorDialog.Color = Color.Yellow; } public bool IsColorSelected() { return _colorDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK; } public int Red { get { return (int)_colorDialog.Color.R; } } public int Green { get { return (int)_colorDialog.Color.G; } } public int Blue { get { return (int)_colorDialog.Color.B; } } } }
[Visual Basic .NET]
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Drawing Namespace GlobeGraphicsToolbar Public Class ColorPalette Private _colorDialog As ColorDialog Public Sub New() _colorDialog = New ColorDialog() InitializeUI() SetDefaultColor() End Sub Private Sub InitializeUI() _colorDialog.FullOpen = True End Sub Private Sub SetDefaultColor() _colorDialog.Color = Color.Yellow End Sub Public Function IsColorSelected() As Boolean Return _colorDialog.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK End Function Public ReadOnly Property Red() As Integer Get Return CInt(Fix(_colorDialog.Color.R)) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Green() As Integer Get Return CInt(Fix(_colorDialog.Color.G)) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Blue() As Integer Get Return CInt(Fix(_colorDialog.Color.B)) End Get End Property End Class End Namespace