About the Print multiple pages Sample
[Visual Basic .NET]
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Drawing Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Output Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Display Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem Public Class PrintMultiPagesVB_NET_Addin Inherits ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Button ' gdi and win32 functions - the parameters are INTEGER because in .NET integer is 32 bits. Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Integer) As Integer Declare Function CreateDC Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDCA" (ByVal lpDriverName As String, ByVal lpDeviceName As String, ByVal lpOutput As String, ByVal lpInitData As IntPtr) As Integer Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal hdc As Integer) As Integer Public Sub New() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnClick() PrintMultiPageParameterizedVB(3) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnUpdate() End Sub Private Sub PrintMultiPageParameterizedVB(ByVal iResampleRatio As Long) ' Prints tiled map using IPrinterMPage Dim docActiveView As IActiveView = My.ArcMap.Document.ActiveView Dim docPrinter As IPrinter Dim iPrevOutputImageQuality As Long Dim docOutputRasterSettings As IOutputRasterSettings Dim deviceRECT As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.tagRECT Dim docPaper As IPaper Dim sNameRoot As String Dim iNumPages As Short Dim docPrinterBounds As IEnvelope Dim VisibleBounds As IEnvelope Dim sysPrintDocument As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument docPrinterBounds = New EnvelopeClass() VisibleBounds = New EnvelopeClass() ' save the previous output image quality, so that when the export is complete it will be set back. docOutputRasterSettings = docActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation iPrevOutputImageQuality = docOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio ' then set the output quality to the desired ratio SetOutputQuality(docActiveView, iResampleRatio) ' assign the output filename. sNameRoot = "PrintActiveViewVBSample" ' testing to see if printer instantiated in sysPrintDocument is the ' default printer. It SHOULD be, but this is just a reality check. docPrinter = New EmfPrinter() sysPrintDocument = New System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument() docPaper = New Paper() If sysPrintDocument.PrinterSettings.IsDefaultPrinter Then 'Set docPaper's printername to the printername of the default printer docPaper.PrinterName = sysPrintDocument.PrinterSettings.PrinterName Else 'if we get an unexpected result, return. MsgBox("Error getting default printer info, exiting...") Return End If 'make sure the paper orientation is set to the orientation matching the current view. docPaper.Orientation = My.ArcMap.Document.PageLayout.Page.Orientation 'assign docPrinter's paper. We have to do this in two steps because you cannot change a 'printers' paper after it's assigned. That's why we set docPaper.PrinterName first. docPrinter.Paper = docPaper 'set the spoolfilename (this is the job name that shows up in the print queue) docPrinter.SpoolFileName = sNameRoot ' Get the printer's hDC, so we can use the Win32 GetDeviceCaps function to ' get Printer's Physical Printable Area x and y margins Dim hInfoDC As Integer hInfoDC = CreateDC(docPrinter.DriverName, docPrinter.Paper.PrinterName, "", IntPtr.Zero) ' Find out how many printer pages the output will cover. iNumPages will always be 1 ' unless the user explicitly sets the tiling options in the file->Print dialog. If TypeOf My.ArcMap.Document.ActiveView Is IPageLayout Then My.ArcMap.Document.PageLayout.Page.PrinterPageCount(docPrinter, 0, iNumPages) Else 'it's data view, and so we always just need one page. iNumPages = 1 End If If iNumPages < 2 Then MsgBox("Sample requires map in Layout View and map to be tiled to printer paper") End If Dim PrintMPage As IPrinterMPage Dim intPageHandle As Integer PrintMPage = docPrinter 'Code inside StartMapDocument <-----> EndMapDocument is hard coded to print the first two pages of the tiled print 'Printer and Page Bounds need to be calculated for each corresponding tile that gets printed PrintMPage.StartMapDocument() 'calculate printer bounds for the first page My.ArcMap.Document.PageLayout.Page.GetDeviceBounds(docPrinter, 1, 0, docPrinter.Resolution, docPrinterBounds) 'Transfer PrinterBounds envelope, offsetting by PHYSICALOFFSETX ' the Win32 constant for PHYSICALOFFSETX is 112 ' the Win32 constant for PHYSICALOFFSETY is 113 deviceRECT.bottom = CType((docPrinterBounds.YMax - GetDeviceCaps(hInfoDC, 113)), Integer) deviceRECT.left = CType((docPrinterBounds.XMin - GetDeviceCaps(hInfoDC, 112)), Integer) deviceRECT.right = CType((docPrinterBounds.XMax - GetDeviceCaps(hInfoDC, 112)), Integer) deviceRECT.top = CType((docPrinterBounds.YMin - GetDeviceCaps(hInfoDC, 113)), Integer) ' Transfer offsetted PrinterBounds envelope back to the deviceRECT docPrinterBounds.PutCoords(0, 0, deviceRECT.right - deviceRECT.left, deviceRECT.bottom - deviceRECT.top) If TypeOf My.ArcMap.Document.ActiveView Is IPageLayout Then 'get the visible bounds for this layout, based on the current page number. My.ArcMap.Document.PageLayout.Page.GetPageBounds(docPrinter, 1, 0, VisibleBounds) Else MsgBox("Please Use Map Layout View for this Sample") Exit Sub End If 'start printing the first page bracket, returns handle of the current page. 'handle is then passed to the ActiveView.Output() intPageHandle = PrintMPage.StartPage(docPrinterBounds, hInfoDC) My.ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.Output(intPageHandle, docPrinter.Resolution, deviceRECT, VisibleBounds, Nothing) PrintMPage.EndPage() 'end printing the first page bracket 'calculate printer bounds for the second page My.ArcMap.Document.PageLayout.Page.GetDeviceBounds(docPrinter, 2, 0, docPrinter.Resolution, docPrinterBounds) 'Transfer PrinterBounds envelope, offsetting by PHYSICALOFFSETX ' the Win32 constant for PHYSICALOFFSETX is 112 ' the Win32 constant for PHYSICALOFFSETY is 113 deviceRECT.bottom = CType((docPrinterBounds.YMax - GetDeviceCaps(hInfoDC, 113)), Integer) deviceRECT.left = CType((docPrinterBounds.XMin - GetDeviceCaps(hInfoDC, 112)), Integer) deviceRECT.right = CType((docPrinterBounds.XMax - GetDeviceCaps(hInfoDC, 112)), Integer) deviceRECT.top = CType((docPrinterBounds.YMin - GetDeviceCaps(hInfoDC, 113)), Integer) ' Transfer offsetted PrinterBounds envelope back to the deviceRECT docPrinterBounds.PutCoords(0, 0, deviceRECT.right - deviceRECT.left, deviceRECT.bottom - deviceRECT.top) If TypeOf My.ArcMap.Document.ActiveView Is IPageLayout Then 'get the visible bounds for this layout, based on the current page number. My.ArcMap.Document.PageLayout.Page.GetPageBounds(docPrinter, 2, 0, VisibleBounds) Else MsgBox("Please Use Map Layout View for this Sample") Exit Sub End If 'start printing the second page bracket, returns handle of the current page. 'handle is then passed to the ActiveView.Output() intPageHandle = PrintMPage.StartPage(docPrinterBounds, hInfoDC) My.ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.Output(intPageHandle, docPrinter.Resolution, deviceRECT, VisibleBounds, Nothing) PrintMPage.EndPage() 'end printing the second page bracket PrintMPage.EndMapDocument() 'now set the output quality back to the previous output quality. SetOutputQuality(docActiveView, iPrevOutputImageQuality) 'release the DC... ReleaseDC(0, hInfoDC) End Sub Private Sub SetOutputQuality(ByVal docActiveView As IActiveView, ByVal iResampleRatio As Long) ' This function sets OutputImageQuality for the active view. If the active view is a pagelayout, then ' it must also set the output image quality for EACH of the Maps in the pagelayout. Dim docGraphicsContainer As IGraphicsContainer Dim docElement As IElement Dim docOutputRasterSettings As IOutputRasterSettings Dim docMapFrame As IMapFrame Dim tmpActiveView As IActiveView If TypeOf docActiveView Is IMap Then docOutputRasterSettings = docActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation docOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio = CType(iResampleRatio, Integer) ElseIf TypeOf docActiveView Is IPageLayout Then 'assign ResampleRatio for PageLayout docOutputRasterSettings = docActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation docOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio = CType(iResampleRatio, Integer) 'and assign ResampleRatio to the Maps in the PageLayout docGraphicsContainer = docActiveView docGraphicsContainer.Reset() docElement = docGraphicsContainer.Next() While Not docElement Is Nothing If TypeOf docElement Is IMapFrame Then docMapFrame = docElement tmpActiveView = docMapFrame.Map docOutputRasterSettings = tmpActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation docOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio = CType(iResampleRatio, Integer) End If docElement = docGraphicsContainer.Next() End While docMapFrame = Nothing docGraphicsContainer = Nothing tmpActiveView = Nothing End If docOutputRasterSettings = Nothing End Sub End Class