ArcObjects Library Reference  


About the Using the ITAControlUpdate interface Sample



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.TrackingAnalyst;

namespace TAUpdateControlSample
	public partial class TAUpdateControlForm : Form
		ITAUpdateControl m_taUpdateCtrl = null;

		public TAUpdateControlForm()

		private void TAUpdateControlForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
			//Get the ITAUpdateControl interface from the TA Display Manager
			//Store it as a member variable for future use
			//The DisplayManager is a singleton so the reference should never change
			ITrackingEnvironment3 taEnv = new TrackingEnvironmentClass();
			m_taUpdateCtrl = (ITAUpdateControl)taEnv.DisplayManager;

		//Populate the controls with the current settings
		public void PopulateDialog()
			if (m_taUpdateCtrl != null)
				checkManualUpdate.Checked = m_taUpdateCtrl.ManualUpdate;
				txtUpdateRate.Text = Convert.ToString(m_taUpdateCtrl.MaxUpdateRate);
				cbUpdateMethod.SelectedIndex = (int)m_taUpdateCtrl.UpdateMethod;
				txtUpdateValue.Text = Convert.ToString(m_taUpdateCtrl.UpdateValue);

				checkAutoRefresh.Checked = m_taUpdateCtrl.AutoRefresh;
				txtRefreshRate.Text = Convert.ToString(m_taUpdateCtrl.RefreshRate);

				cbRefreshType.SelectedIndex = 0;

		//Cause a map refresh
		//The type of refresh used is determined by the refresh method combo box
		private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			enumScreenUpdateType eScreenUpdateType = (enumScreenUpdateType)cbRefreshType.SelectedIndex;

		//Output the display statistics to the Statistics text box
		//The Statistics are returned as an XML string
        //The XML string should be relatively self-explanatory
		private void btnStats_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			txtStatistics.Text = m_taUpdateCtrl.Statistics;

		//Apply any setting changes to Display Manager 
		private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			if (m_taUpdateCtrl != null)
				m_taUpdateCtrl.ManualUpdate = checkManualUpdate.Checked;
				m_taUpdateCtrl.MaxUpdateRate = Convert.ToDouble(txtUpdateRate.Text);
				m_taUpdateCtrl.UpdateMethod = (enumScreenUpdateThresholdType)cbUpdateMethod.SelectedIndex;
				m_taUpdateCtrl.UpdateValue = Convert.ToInt32(txtUpdateValue.Text);

				m_taUpdateCtrl.AutoRefresh = checkAutoRefresh.Checked;
				m_taUpdateCtrl.RefreshRate = Convert.ToDouble(txtRefreshRate.Text);

		//Just hide the dialog instead of disposing it
		private void TAUpdateControlForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
			e.Cancel = true;

		//Disable the options that aren't used when causing the display to update manually
		private void checkManualUpdate_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
			txtUpdateRate.Enabled = !checkManualUpdate.Checked;
			cbUpdateMethod.Enabled = !checkManualUpdate.Checked;
			txtUpdateValue.Enabled = !checkManualUpdate.Checked;

		//Disable the options that aren't used when the display is in AutoRefresh mode
		private void checkAutoRefresh_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
			txtRefreshRate.Enabled = checkAutoRefresh.Checked;

		private void btnHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			string sHelpDescription = "Description of ITAUpdateControl settings:\n\n" +
				"Update Settings:\n" +
				"\tDescription: Determines when to refresh the map if data is actively being received from a server.\n" +
				"\tManual Update: When enabled Tracking Analyst will not automatically update the display.\n" +
				"\t\tThe user or another application is responsible for managing display updates\n." +
				"\tUpdate Rate: The minimum duration between screen refreshes.\n" +
				"\tUpdate Method: Criteria that triggers an update to occur.\n" +
				"\t\tEvent-based: An update is triggered when the number of messages specified by the Update Value has been received\n" +
				"\t\tCPU Usage-based: An update is triggered when the time it takes to draw is less than the specified percentage of the time between updates.\n" +
				"\tUpdate Value: The threshold value of points or CPU percentage that must be met before an update will occur.\n" +
				"\t\tThe update rate will prevent a low threshold from causing the map to update too often.\n" +
				"Refresh Settings:\n" +
				"\tDescription: Determines when to refresh the map if no data is being received.\n" +
				"\t\tIf no data is being received then the map will not be updated and time windows and aging would become stale.\n" +
				"\tAutomatic: When enabled Tracking Analyst will perform maintenance refreshes even if no new data has been received.\n" +
				"\tRefresh Rate: The maximum duration between screen refreshes/updates.\n" +
				"Display Refresh:\n" +
				"\tDescription: Causes a manual screen refresh.\n" +
				"\tRefresh Method: There are five different methods for refreshing the display.\n" +
				"\t\tSee RefreshDisplay in the Developer Help for more information on the methods.\n" +
				"Statistics:\n" +
				"\tDescription: XML string containing the current TAUpdateControl settings and metrics on previous screen update metrics.\n";

			MessageBox.Show(this, sHelpDescription, "TAUpdateControl Description");
[Visual Basic .NET]


Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.TrackingAnalyst

Namespace TAUpdateControlSample
	Public Partial Class TAUpdateControlForm : Inherits Form
		Private m_taUpdateCtrl As ITAUpdateControl = Nothing

		Public Sub New()
		End Sub

		Private Sub TAUpdateControlForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
			'Get the ITAUpdateControl interface from the TA Display Manager
			'Store it as a member variable for future use
			'The DisplayManager is a singleton so the reference should never change
            Dim taEnv As ITrackingEnvironment3 = New TrackingEnvironmentClass()
			m_taUpdateCtrl = CType(taEnv.DisplayManager, ITAUpdateControl)
		End Sub

		'Populate the controls with the current settings
		Public Sub PopulateDialog()
			If Not m_taUpdateCtrl Is Nothing Then
				checkManualUpdate.Checked = m_taUpdateCtrl.ManualUpdate
				txtUpdateRate.Text = Convert.ToString(m_taUpdateCtrl.MaxUpdateRate)
				cbUpdateMethod.SelectedIndex = CInt(m_taUpdateCtrl.UpdateMethod)
				txtUpdateValue.Text = Convert.ToString(m_taUpdateCtrl.UpdateValue)

				checkAutoRefresh.Checked = m_taUpdateCtrl.AutoRefresh
				txtRefreshRate.Text = Convert.ToString(m_taUpdateCtrl.RefreshRate)

				cbRefreshType.SelectedIndex = 0
			End If
		End Sub

		'Cause a map refresh
		'The type of refresh used is determined by the refresh method combo box
		Private Sub btnRefresh_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnRefresh.Click
			Dim eScreenUpdateType As enumScreenUpdateType = CType(cbRefreshType.SelectedIndex, enumScreenUpdateType)
		End Sub

		'Output the display statistics to the Statistics text box
		'The Statistics are returned as an XML string
        'The XML string should be relatively self-explanatory
		Private Sub btnStats_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnStats.Click
			txtStatistics.Text = m_taUpdateCtrl.Statistics
		End Sub

		'Apply any setting changes to Display Manager 
		Private Sub btnApply_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnApply.Click
			If Not m_taUpdateCtrl Is Nothing Then
				m_taUpdateCtrl.ManualUpdate = checkManualUpdate.Checked
				m_taUpdateCtrl.MaxUpdateRate = Convert.ToDouble(txtUpdateRate.Text)
				m_taUpdateCtrl.UpdateMethod = CType(cbUpdateMethod.SelectedIndex, enumScreenUpdateThresholdType)
				m_taUpdateCtrl.UpdateValue = Convert.ToInt32(txtUpdateValue.Text)

				m_taUpdateCtrl.AutoRefresh = checkAutoRefresh.Checked
				m_taUpdateCtrl.RefreshRate = Convert.ToDouble(txtRefreshRate.Text)
			End If
		End Sub

		'Just hide the dialog instead of disposing it
		Private Sub TAUpdateControlForm_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
			e.Cancel = True
		End Sub

		'Disable the options that aren't used when causing the display to update manually
		Private Sub checkManualUpdate_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles checkManualUpdate.CheckedChanged
			txtUpdateRate.Enabled = Not checkManualUpdate.Checked
			cbUpdateMethod.Enabled = Not checkManualUpdate.Checked
			txtUpdateValue.Enabled = Not checkManualUpdate.Checked
		End Sub

		'Disable the options that aren't used when the display is in AutoRefresh mode
		Private Sub checkAutoRefresh_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles checkAutoRefresh.CheckedChanged
			txtRefreshRate.Enabled = checkAutoRefresh.Checked
		End Sub

		Private Sub btnHelp_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnHelp.Click
            Dim sHelpDescription As String = "Description of ITAUpdateControl settings:" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf & "Update Settings:" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Description: Determines when to refresh the map if data is actively being received from a server." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Manual Update: When enabled Tracking Analyst will not automatically update the display." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab + Constants.vbTab & "The user or another application is responsible for managing display updates" & Constants.vbLf & "." & Constants.vbTab & "Update Rate: The minimum duration between screen refreshes." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Update Method: Criteria that triggers an update to occur." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab + Constants.vbTab & "Event-based: An update is triggered when the number of messages specified by the Update Value has been received" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab + Constants.vbTab & "CPU Usage-based: An update is triggered when the time it takes to draw is less than the specified percentage of the time between updates." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Update Value: The threshold value of points or CPU percentage that must be met before an update will occur." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab + Constants.vbTab & "The update rate will prevent a low threshold from causing the map to update too often." & Constants.vbLf & "Refresh Settings:" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Description: Determines when to refresh the map if no data is being received." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab + Constants.vbTab & "If no data is being received then the map will not be updated and time windows and aging would become stale." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Automatic: When enabled Tracking Analyst will perform maintenance refreshes even if no new data has been received." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Refresh Rate: The maximum duration between screen refreshes/updates." & Constants.vbLf & "Display Refresh:" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Description: Causes a manual screen refresh." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Refresh Method: There are five different methods for refreshing the display." & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab + Constants.vbTab & "See RefreshDisplay in the Developer Help for more information on the methods." & Constants.vbLf & "Statistics:" & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbTab & "Description: XML string containing the current TAUpdateControl settings and metrics on previous screen update metrics." & Constants.vbLf

			MessageBox.Show(Me, sHelpDescription, "TAUpdateControl Description")
		End Sub
	End Class
End Namespace