About the Create a custom raster type Sample
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster; using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace CustomRasterBuilder { interface IThumbnailBuilder : IRasterBuilder { #region ThumbnailBuilder Members ///<summary> /// Raster Builder to which the ThumbnailBuilder is attached. ///</summary> IRasterBuilder InnerRasterBuilder { get; set; } #endregion }; /// <summary> /// The Raster Type Factory class that is used to create the Custom /// Raster Type. /// </summary> [Guid("C6629CC4-B301-451a-9481-4D7751E9701C")] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [ProgId("CustomRasterBuilder.ThumbnailFactory")] [ComVisible(true)] public class ThumbnailFactory : IRasterTypeFactory { #region Private Members IStringArray myRasterTypeNames; // List of Raster Types that the factory can create. UID myUID; // UID for the Thumbnail Raster type. #endregion #region IRasterTypeFactory Members public ThumbnailFactory() { // The Raster Type name should follow the pattern // 'Thumbnail ' follwed by the name of the built-in // Raster Type to attach the Thumbnail Builder to. myRasterTypeNames = new StrArrayClass(); myRasterTypeNames.Add("Thumbnail Raster Dataset"); myRasterTypeNames.Add("Thumbnail QuickBird"); myUID = new UIDClass(); myUID.Value = "{C6629CC4-B301-451a-9481-4D7751E9701C}"; } /// <summary> /// The UID for the factory. /// </summary> public UID CLSID { get { return myUID; } } /// <summary> /// The main function which creates the Raster Type object. /// </summary> /// <param name="RasterTypeName">Name of the Raster Type to create.</param> /// <returns></returns> public IRasterType CreateRasterType(string RasterTypeName) { try { switch (RasterTypeName) { case "Thumbnail Raster Dataset": { // Create a Raster Type Name object. IRasterTypeName theRasterTypeName = new RasterTypeNameClass(); // Assign the name of the built-in Raster Type to the name object. // The Name field accepts a path to an .art file as well // the name for a built-in Raster Type. theRasterTypeName.Name = RasterTypeName.Replace("Thumbnail ", ""); // Use the Open function from the IName interface to get the Raster Type object. IRasterType theRasterType = (IRasterType)(((IName)theRasterTypeName).Open()); if (theRasterType == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error:Raster Type not found " + theRasterTypeName.Name); return null; } // Create a new ThumbnailBuilder object and set it's InnerRasterBuilder property to // the RasterBuilder from the RasterType object. Then set the thumbnail builder to // be the RasterBuilder for the RasterType object. This inserts the thumbnail builder in // between the RasterType and it's RasterBuilder. // Create the Thumbnail Builder IRasterBuilder thumbnailBuilder = new ThumbnailBuilder(); // Set the InnerRasterBuilder property with current Raster Type's Raster Builder ((ThumbnailBuilder)thumbnailBuilder).InnerRasterBuilder = theRasterType.RasterBuilder; // Set the Raster Builder of theRasterType to the above created thumbnail builder. theRasterType.RasterBuilder = thumbnailBuilder; IName theName = theRasterType.FullName; ((IRasterTypeName)theName).Name = "Thumbnail Raster Dataset"; return theRasterType; } case "Thumbnail QuickBird": { // Create a Raster Type Name object. IRasterTypeName theRasterTypeName = new RasterTypeNameClass(); // Assign the name of the built-in Raster Type to the name object. // The Name field accepts a path to an .art file as well // the name for a built-in Raster Type. theRasterTypeName.Name = RasterTypeName.Replace("Thumbnail ", ""); // Use the Open function from the IName interface to get the Raster Type object. IRasterType theRasterType = (IRasterType)(((IName)theRasterTypeName).Open()); if (theRasterType == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error:Raster Type not found " + theRasterTypeName.Name); return null; } // Create a new TumbnailBuilder object and set it's InnerRasterBuilder property to // the RasterBuilder from the RasterType object. Then set the thumbnail builder to // be the RasterBuilder for the RasterType object. This inserts the thumbnail builder in // between the RasterType and it's RasterBuilder. // Create the Thumbnail Builder IRasterBuilder thumbnailBuilder = new ThumbnailBuilder(); // Set the InnerRasterBuilder property with current Raster Type's Raster Builder ((ThumbnailBuilder)thumbnailBuilder).InnerRasterBuilder = theRasterType.RasterBuilder; // Set the Raster Builder of theRasterType to the above created thumbnail builder. theRasterType.RasterBuilder = thumbnailBuilder; IName theName = theRasterType.FullName; ((IRasterTypeName)theName).Name = "Thumbnail QuickBird"; return theRasterType; } default: return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error: Failed to create " + RasterTypeName + ": " + ex.Message); } } /// <summary> /// Name of the Raster Type factory. /// </summary> public string Name { get { return "Thumbnail Raster Type Factory"; } } /// <summary> /// List of Raster Types which the factory can create. /// </summary> public IStringArray RasterTypeNames { get { return myRasterTypeNames; } } #endregion #region COM Registration Function(s) [ComRegisterFunction()] static void Reg(string regKey) { ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs.RasterTypeFactory.Register(regKey); } [ComUnregisterFunction()] static void Unreg(string regKey) { ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs.RasterTypeFactory.Unregister(regKey); } #endregion } ///<summary> /// This class implements the interface IThumbnailBuilder, IPersistVariant. ///</summary> [Guid("5CACFBA7-F865-4873-B57C-BE2A46E1C5E3")] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] [ProgId("CustomRasterBuilder.ThumbnailBuilder")] [ComVisible(true)] public class ThumbnailBuilder : IThumbnailBuilder, IPersistVariant, IRasterBuilderInit { #region Private Members public IRasterBuilder innerRasterBuilder; // Inner Raster Builder UID myUID; // UID for the Thumbnail Builder. /// <summary> /// The following function creates a field called "ThumbNail" and adds it to the existing /// fields in the mosaic dataset catalog as a blob. /// </summary> /// <param name="myFields">List of fields added to the Mosaic Catalog</param> private static void AddingNewField(IFields myFields) { IField pField = new FieldClass(); // Create a new field object IFieldEdit objectIDFieldEditor = (IFieldEdit)pField; // Set the field editor for this field objectIDFieldEditor.Name_2 = "ThumbNail"; // Set the name of the field objectIDFieldEditor.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob; // Set the type of the field as Blob IFieldsEdit fieldsEditor = (IFieldsEdit)myFields; // Add the newly created field to list of existing fields fieldsEditor.AddField(pField); return; } /// <summary> /// Each BuilderItem contains a Function Raster Dataset which is used to create the thumbnail. /// The thumbnail is created by Nearest Neighbor resampling of the Function Raster Dataset. /// The resampled raster is exported as a byte array and saved Into the IMemoryBlobStreamVariant. /// The blob is then inserted into the Thumbnail field. /// </summary> /// <param name="mybuilderItem">Item containing the Function Dataset to be added to the Mosaic Dataset</param> private void Resampling(IBuilderItem mybuilderItem) { try { IFunctionRasterDataset pFuncRasterDataset = mybuilderItem.Dataset; // Get the FunctionRasterDataset from mybuilderItem IRasterDataset pRasterDataset; pRasterDataset = (IRasterDataset)pFuncRasterDataset; // Cast the FunctionRasterDataset to Raster Dataset IPropertySet thePropSet = pFuncRasterDataset.Properties; // Get the properties of the raster Dataset IRaster praster = pRasterDataset.CreateDefaultRaster(); // Create default raster from the above raster dataset praster.ResampleMethod = rstResamplingTypes.RSP_NearestNeighbor; // The raster is resampled by RSP_NearestNeighbor IRasterProps pRasterProps = (IRasterProps)praster; // Raster properties are used to update the height, width of the raster pRasterProps.Height = 256; pRasterProps.Width = 256; IRasterExporter pConverter = new RasterExporterClass(); // IRasterExporter object is used to convert the raster to byte array. byte[] pBytesArr; pBytesArr = pConverter.ExportToBytes(praster, "TIFF"); // Convert the resampled Raster to a Byte array IMemoryBlobStream memBlobStream = new MemoryBlobStream(); // Create new IMemoryBlobStream IMemoryBlobStreamVariant varBlobStream = (IMemoryBlobStreamVariant)memBlobStream; // Assign to IMemoryBlobStreamVariant object anObject = pBytesArr; varBlobStream.ImportFromVariant(anObject); // IMemoryBlobStreamVariant object is assigned the byte array thePropSet.SetProperty("ThumbNail", memBlobStream); // and saved to the property "ThumbNail" } catch (Exception ex) { System.Exception myExc = new System.Exception( "Error: Failed to Re-Sampled the raster.Thumbnails will not be created." + ex.Message, ex); throw myExc; } return; } #endregion #region ThumbnailBuilder Members /// <summary> /// This property gets and sets the raster type of the Thumbnail Builder. /// </summary> public IRasterBuilder InnerRasterBuilder { get { return innerRasterBuilder; } set { innerRasterBuilder = value; } } public ThumbnailBuilder() { innerRasterBuilder = null; myUID = new UIDClass(); myUID.Value = "{" + "5CACFBA7-F865-4873-B57C-BE2A46E1C5E3" + "}"; } #endregion #region IRasterBuilder Members /// <summary> /// AuxiliaryFieldAlias property gets and sets the Auxiliary fields Alias /// present in the raster builder /// </summary> public ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet AuxiliaryFieldAlias { get { return innerRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFieldAlias; } set { innerRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFieldAlias = value; } } /// <summary> /// Flag to specify whether the Raster Builder can build items in place. /// </summary> public bool CanBuildInPlace { get { return innerRasterBuilder.CanBuildInPlace; } } /// <summary> /// For adding Thumbnails, a new field called "Thumbnail" of type blob is created /// and added to the Auxiliary Fields in raster builder. /// </summary> public IFields AuxiliaryFields { get { ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster.IRasterBuilder pRasterBuilder = innerRasterBuilder; IFields myFields = pRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFields; // Existing Fields present in the Raster Builder. try { int count = myFields.FindField("ThumbNail"); // Check if the Field "ThumbNail" already exists. if (count == -1) { AddingNewField(myFields); // If not add the new field "ThumbNail" pRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFields = myFields; // Assign the updated Fields back to the raster builder. } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Exception myExc = new System.Exception("Failed to add the field ThumbNail." + ex.Message, ex); throw myExc; } return innerRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFields; // Return the updated fields. } set { innerRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFields = value; } } /// <summary> /// Prepare the Raster Type for generating Crawler items /// </summary> /// <param name="pCrawler">Crawler to use to generate the crawler items</param> public void BeginConstruction(IDataSourceCrawler pCrawler) { innerRasterBuilder.BeginConstruction(pCrawler); } /// <summary> /// Call the build function of the inner Raster Type and generate a thumbnail from the Builder Item created. /// </summary> /// <param name="pItemURI">URI of the Item to be built</param> /// <returns></returns> public IBuilderItem Build(IItemURI pItemURI) { IBuilderItem pbuilderItem = innerRasterBuilder.Build(pItemURI); // Generate the IBuilderItem Resampling(pbuilderItem); // Generate the Thumbnail from the item. return pbuilderItem; } /// <summary> /// Construct a Unique Resource Identifier (URI) /// for each crawler item /// </summary> /// <param name="crawlerItem">Crawled Item from which the URI is generated</param> public void ConstructURIs(object crawlerItem) { innerRasterBuilder.ConstructURIs(crawlerItem); } /// <summary> /// Finish Construction of the URI's /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public IItemURIArray EndConstruction() { return innerRasterBuilder.EndConstruction(); } /// <summary> /// Generate the next URI. /// </summary> /// <returns>The URI generated.</returns> public IItemURI GetNextURI() { return innerRasterBuilder.GetNextURI(); } /// <summary> /// Get the recommended data crawler for the Raster Type based on /// properties provided by the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="pDataSourceProperties">List of properties provided by the user</param> /// <returns></returns> public IDataSourceCrawler GetRecommendedCrawler(IPropertySet pDataSourceProperties) { return innerRasterBuilder.GetRecommendedCrawler(pDataSourceProperties); } /// <summary> /// Check if the item provided is "stale" or not valid /// </summary> /// <param name="pItemURI">URI for the item to be checked</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsStale(IItemURI pItemURI) { return innerRasterBuilder.IsStale(pItemURI); } /// <summary> /// Properties associated with the Raster Type /// </summary> public IPropertySet Properties { get { return innerRasterBuilder.Properties; } set { innerRasterBuilder.Properties = value; } } #endregion #region IPersistVariant Members /// <summary> /// UID for the object implementing the Persist Variant /// </summary> UID IPersistVariant.ID { get { return myUID; } } /// <summary> /// Load the object from the stream provided /// </summary> /// <param name="Stream">Stream that represents the serialized Raster Type</param> void IPersistVariant.Load(IVariantStream Stream) { string name = (string)Stream.Read(); //if (innerRasterBuilder is IPersistVariant) // ((IPersistVariant)innerRasterBuilder).Load(Stream); innerRasterBuilder = (IRasterBuilder)Stream.Read(); // Load the innerRasterBuilder from the stream. } /// <summary> /// Same the Raster Type to the stream provided /// </summary> /// <param name="Stream">Stream to serialize the Raster Type into</param> void IPersistVariant.Save(IVariantStream Stream) { Stream.Write("ThmbnailBuilder"); //if (innerRasterBuilder is IPersistVariant) // ((IPersistVariant)innerRasterBuilder).Save(Stream); Stream.Write(innerRasterBuilder); // Save the innerRasterBuilder into the stream. } #endregion #region IRasterBuilderInit Members /// <summary> /// Default spatial reference for the MD. /// </summary> ISpatialReference IRasterBuilderInit.DefaultSpatialReference { get { return ((IRasterBuilderInit)innerRasterBuilder).DefaultSpatialReference; } set { ((IRasterBuilderInit)innerRasterBuilder).DefaultSpatialReference = value; } } /// <summary> /// Parent mosaic dataset for the Raster Builder. /// </summary> IMosaicDataset IRasterBuilderInit.MosaicDataset { get { return ((IRasterBuilderInit)innerRasterBuilder).MosaicDataset; } set { ((IRasterBuilderInit)innerRasterBuilder).MosaicDataset = value; } } /// <summary> /// The raster type operation helper object associated with this raster type. /// </summary> IRasterTypeOperation IRasterBuilderInit.RasterTypeOperation { get { return ((IRasterBuilderInit)innerRasterBuilder).RasterTypeOperation; } set { ((IRasterBuilderInit)innerRasterBuilder).RasterTypeOperation = value; } } /// <summary> /// Tracker for when cancel is pressed. /// </summary> ITrackCancel IRasterBuilderInit.TrackCancel { get { return ((IRasterBuilderInit)innerRasterBuilder).TrackCancel; } set { ((IRasterBuilderInit)innerRasterBuilder).TrackCancel = value; } } #endregion } }
[Visual Basic .NET]
Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Linq Imports System.Text Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Namespace CustomRasterBuilder Interface IThumbnailBuilder Inherits IRasterBuilder #Region "ThumbnailBuilder Members" '''<summary> ''' Raster Builder to which the ThumbnailBuilder is attached. '''</summary> Property InnerRasterBuilder() As IRasterBuilder #End Region End Interface ''' <summary> ''' The Raster Type Factory class that is used to create the Custom ''' Raster Type. ''' </summary> <Guid("C6629CC4-B301-451a-9481-4D7751E9701C")> _ <ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _ <ProgId("CustomRasterBuilder.ThumbnailFactory")> _ <ComVisible(True)> _ Public Class ThumbnailFactory Implements IRasterTypeFactory #Region "Private Members" Private myRasterTypeNames As IStringArray ' List of Raster Types that the factory can create. Private myUID As UID ' UID for the Thumbnail Raster type. #End Region #Region "IRasterTypeFactory Members" Public Sub New() ' The Raster Type name should follow the pattern ' 'Thumbnail ' follwed by the name of the built-in ' Raster Type to attach the Thumbnail Builder to. myRasterTypeNames = New StrArrayClass() myRasterTypeNames.Add("Thumbnail Raster Dataset") myRasterTypeNames.Add("Thumbnail QuickBird") myUID = New UIDClass() myUID.Value = "{C6629CC4-B301-451a-9481-4D7751E9701C}" End Sub ''' <summary> ''' The UID for the factory. ''' </summary> Public ReadOnly Property CLSID() As UID Implements IRasterTypeFactory.CLSID Get Return myUID End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' The main function which creates the Raster Type object. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="RasterTypeName">Name of the Raster Type to create.</param> ''' <returns></returns> Public Function CreateRasterType(ByVal RasterTypeName As String) As IRasterType Implements IRasterTypeFactory.CreateRasterType Try Select Case RasterTypeName Case "Thumbnail Raster Dataset" If True Then ' Create a Raster Type Name object. Dim theRasterTypeName As IRasterTypeName = New RasterTypeNameClass() ' Assign the name of the built-in Raster Type to the name object. ' The Name field accepts a path to an .art file as well ' the name for a built-in Raster Type. theRasterTypeName.Name = RasterTypeName.Replace("Thumbnail ", "") ' Use the Open function from the IName interface to get the Raster Type object. Dim theRasterType As IRasterType = DirectCast(DirectCast(theRasterTypeName, IName).Open(), IRasterType) If theRasterType Is Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("Error:Raster Type not found " & theRasterTypeName.Name) Return Nothing End If ' Create a new ThumbnailBuilder object and set it's InnerRasterBuilder property to ' the RasterBuilder from the RasterType object. Then set the thumbnail builder to ' be the RasterBuilder for the RasterType object. This inserts the thumbnail builder in ' between the RasterType and it's RasterBuilder. ' Create the Thumbnail Builder Dim thumbnailBuilder As IRasterBuilder = New ThumbnailBuilder() ' Set the InnerRasterBuilder property with current Raster Type's Raster Builder DirectCast(thumbnailBuilder, ThumbnailBuilder).InnerRasterBuilder = theRasterType.RasterBuilder ' Set the Raster Builder of theRasterType to the above created thumbnail builder. theRasterType.RasterBuilder = thumbnailBuilder Dim theName As IName = theRasterType.FullName DirectCast(theName, IRasterTypeName).Name = "Thumbnail Raster Dataset" Return theRasterType End If Case "Thumbnail QuickBird" If True Then ' Create a Raster Type Name object. Dim theRasterTypeName As IRasterTypeName = New RasterTypeNameClass() ' Assign the name of the built-in Raster Type to the name object. ' The Name field accepts a path to an .art file as well ' the name for a built-in Raster Type. theRasterTypeName.Name = RasterTypeName.Replace("Thumbnail ", "") ' Use the Open function from the IName interface to get the Raster Type object. Dim theRasterType As IRasterType = DirectCast(DirectCast(theRasterTypeName, IName).Open(), IRasterType) If theRasterType Is Nothing Then Console.WriteLine("Error:Raster Type not found " & theRasterTypeName.Name) Return Nothing End If ' Create a new TumbnailBuilder object and set it's InnerRasterBuilder property to ' the RasterBuilder from the RasterType object. Then set the thumbnail builder to ' be the RasterBuilder for the RasterType object. This inserts the thumbnail builder in ' between the RasterType and it's RasterBuilder. ' Create the Thumbnail Builder Dim thumbnailBuilder As IRasterBuilder = New ThumbnailBuilder() ' Set the InnerRasterBuilder property with current Raster Type's Raster Builder DirectCast(thumbnailBuilder, ThumbnailBuilder).InnerRasterBuilder = theRasterType.RasterBuilder ' Set the Raster Builder of theRasterType to the above created thumbnail builder. theRasterType.RasterBuilder = thumbnailBuilder Dim theName As IName = theRasterType.FullName DirectCast(theName, IRasterTypeName).Name = "Thumbnail QuickBird" Return theRasterType End If Case Else Return Nothing End Select Catch ex As Exception Throw New Exception("Error: Failed to create " & RasterTypeName & ": " & ex.Message) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Name of the Raster Type factory. ''' </summary> Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Implements IRasterTypeFactory.Name Get Return "Thumbnail Raster Type Factory" End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' List of Raster Types which the factory can create. ''' </summary> Public ReadOnly Property RasterTypeNames() As IStringArray Implements IRasterTypeFactory.RasterTypeNames Get Return myRasterTypeNames End Get End Property #End Region #Region "COM Registration Function(s)" <ComRegisterFunction()> _ Private Shared Sub Reg(ByVal regKey As String) ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs.RasterTypeFactory.Register(regKey) End Sub <ComUnregisterFunction()> _ Private Shared Sub Unreg(ByVal regKey As String) ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs.RasterTypeFactory.Unregister(regKey) End Sub #End Region End Class '''<summary> ''' This class implements the interface IThumbnailBuilder, IPersistVariant. '''</summary> <Guid("CB37C3B0-5080-4bec-9065-AF036CEBA0F9")> _ <ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _ <ProgId("CustomRasterBuilder.ThumbnailBuilder")> _ <ComVisible(True)> _ Public Class ThumbnailBuilder Implements IThumbnailBuilder Implements IPersistVariant Implements IRasterBuilderInit #Region "Private Members" Public m_innerRasterBuilder As IRasterBuilder ' Inner Raster Builder Private myUID As UID ' UID for the Thumbnail Builder. ''' <summary> ''' The following function creates a field called "ThumbNail" and adds it to the existing ''' fields in the mosaic dataset catalog as a blob. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="myFields">List of fields added to the Mosaic Catalog</param> Private Shared Sub AddingNewField(ByVal myFields As IFields) Dim pField As IField = New FieldClass() ' Create a new field object Dim objectIDFieldEditor As IFieldEdit = DirectCast(pField, IFieldEdit) ' Set the field editor for this field objectIDFieldEditor.Name_2 = "ThumbNail" ' Set the name of the field objectIDFieldEditor.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob ' Set the type of the field as Blob Dim fieldsEditor As IFieldsEdit = DirectCast(myFields, IFieldsEdit) ' Add the newly created field to list of existing fields fieldsEditor.AddField(pField) Return End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Each BuilderItem contains a Function Raster Dataset which is used to create the thumbnail. ''' The thumbnail is created by Nearest Neighbor resampling of the Function Raster Dataset. ''' The resampled raster is exported as a byte array and saved Into the IMemoryBlobStreamVariant. ''' The blob is then inserted into the Thumbnail field. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="mybuilderItem">Item containing the Function Dataset to be added to the Mosaic Dataset</param> Private Sub Resampling(ByVal mybuilderItem As IBuilderItem) Try Dim pFuncRasterDataset As IFunctionRasterDataset = mybuilderItem.Dataset ' Get the FunctionRasterDataset from mybuilderItem Dim pRasterDataset As IRasterDataset pRasterDataset = DirectCast(pFuncRasterDataset, IRasterDataset) ' Cast the FunctionRasterDataset to Raster Dataset Dim thePropSet As IPropertySet = pFuncRasterDataset.Properties ' Get the properties of the raster Dataset Dim praster As IRaster = pRasterDataset.CreateDefaultRaster() ' Create default raster from the above raster dataset praster.ResampleMethod = rstResamplingTypes.RSP_NearestNeighbor ' The raster is resampled by RSP_NearestNeighbor Dim pRasterProps As IRasterProps = DirectCast(praster, IRasterProps) ' Raster properties are used to update the height, width of the raster pRasterProps.Height = 256 pRasterProps.Width = 256 Dim pConverter As IRasterExporter = New RasterExporterClass() ' IRasterExporter object is used to convert the raster to byte array. Dim pBytesArr As Byte() pBytesArr = pConverter.ExportToBytes(praster, "TIFF") ' Convert the resampled Raster to a Byte array Dim memBlobStream As IMemoryBlobStream = New MemoryBlobStream() ' Create new IMemoryBlobStream Dim varBlobStream As IMemoryBlobStreamVariant = DirectCast(memBlobStream, IMemoryBlobStreamVariant) ' Assign to IMemoryBlobStreamVariant Dim anObject As Object = pBytesArr varBlobStream.ImportFromVariant(anObject) ' IMemoryBlobStreamVariant object is assigned the byte array ' and saved to the property "ThumbNail" thePropSet.SetProperty("ThumbNail", memBlobStream) Catch ex As Exception Dim myExc As New System.Exception("Error: Failed to Re-Sampled the raster.Thumbnails will not be created." & ex.Message, ex) Throw myExc End Try Return End Sub #End Region #Region "ThumbnailBuilder Members" ''' <summary> ''' This property gets and sets the raster type of the Thumbnail Builder. ''' </summary> Public Property InnerRasterBuilder() As IRasterBuilder Implements IThumbnailBuilder.InnerRasterBuilder Get Return m_innerRasterBuilder End Get Set(ByVal value As IRasterBuilder) m_innerRasterBuilder = value End Set End Property Public Sub New() m_innerRasterBuilder = Nothing myUID = New UIDClass() myUID.Value = "{" & "CB37C3B0-5080-4bec-9065-AF036CEBA0F9" & "}" End Sub #End Region #Region "IRasterBuilder Members" ''' <summary> ''' AuxiliaryFieldAlias property gets and sets the Auxiliary fields Alias ''' present in the raster builder ''' </summary> Public Property AuxiliaryFieldAlias() As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet Implements IRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFieldAlias Get Return m_innerRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFieldAlias End Get Set(ByVal value As ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPropertySet) m_innerRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFieldAlias = value End Set End Property ''' <summary> ''' Flag to specify whether the Raster Builder can build items in place. ''' </summary> Public ReadOnly Property CanBuildInPlace() As Boolean Implements IRasterBuilder.CanBuildInPlace Get Return m_innerRasterBuilder.CanBuildInPlace End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' For adding Thumbnails, a new field called "Thumbnail" of type blob is created ''' and added to the Auxiliary Fields in raster builder. ''' </summary> Public Property AuxiliaryFields() As IFields Implements IRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFields Get Dim pRasterBuilder As ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster.IRasterBuilder = m_innerRasterBuilder Dim myFields As IFields = pRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFields ' Existing Fields present in the Raster Builder. Try Dim count As Integer = myFields.FindField("ThumbNail") ' Check if the Field "ThumbNail" already exists. If count = -1 Then AddingNewField(myFields) ' If not add the new field "ThumbNail" ' Assign the updated Fields back to the raster builder. pRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFields = myFields End If Catch ex As Exception Dim myExc As New System.Exception("Failed to add the field ThumbNail." & ex.Message, ex) Throw myExc End Try ' Return the updated fields. Return m_innerRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFields End Get Set(ByVal value As IFields) m_innerRasterBuilder.AuxiliaryFields = value End Set End Property ''' <summary> ''' Prepare the Raster Type for generating Crawler items ''' </summary> ''' <param name="pCrawler">Crawler to use to generate the crawler items</param> Public Sub BeginConstruction(ByVal pCrawler As IDataSourceCrawler) Implements IRasterBuilder.BeginConstruction m_innerRasterBuilder.BeginConstruction(pCrawler) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Call the build function of the inner Raster Type and generate a thumbnail from the Builder Item created. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="pItemURI">URI of the Item to be built</param> ''' <returns></returns> Public Function Build(ByVal pItemURI As IItemURI) As IBuilderItem Implements IRasterBuilder.Build Dim pbuilderItem As IBuilderItem = m_innerRasterBuilder.Build(pItemURI) ' Generate the IBuilderItem Resampling(pbuilderItem) ' Generate the Thumbnail from the item. Return pbuilderItem End Function ''' <summary> ''' Construct a Unique Resource Identifier (URI) ''' for each crawler item ''' </summary> ''' <param name="crawlerItem">Crawled Item from which the URI is generated</param> Public Sub ConstructURIs(ByVal crawlerItem As Object) Implements IRasterBuilder.ConstructURIs m_innerRasterBuilder.ConstructURIs(crawlerItem) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Finish Construction of the URI's ''' </summary> ''' <returns></returns> Public Function EndConstruction() As IItemURIArray Implements IRasterBuilder.EndConstruction Return m_innerRasterBuilder.EndConstruction() End Function ''' <summary> ''' Generate the next URI. ''' </summary> ''' <returns>The URI generated.</returns> Public Function GetNextURI() As IItemURI Implements IRasterBuilder.GetNextURI Return m_innerRasterBuilder.GetNextURI() End Function ''' <summary> ''' Get the recommended data crawler for the Raster Type based on ''' properties provided by the user. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="pDataSourceProperties">List of properties provided by the user</param> ''' <returns></returns> Public Function GetRecommendedCrawler(ByVal pDataSourceProperties As IPropertySet) As IDataSourceCrawler Implements IRasterBuilder.GetRecommendedCrawler Return m_innerRasterBuilder.GetRecommendedCrawler(pDataSourceProperties) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Check if the item provided is "stale" or not valid ''' </summary> ''' <param name="pItemURI">URI for the item to be checked</param> ''' <returns></returns> Public Function IsStale(ByVal pItemURI As IItemURI) As Boolean Implements IRasterBuilder.IsStale Return m_innerRasterBuilder.IsStale(pItemURI) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Properties associated with the Raster Type ''' </summary> Public Property Properties() As IPropertySet Implements IRasterBuilder.Properties Get Return m_innerRasterBuilder.Properties End Get Set(ByVal value As IPropertySet) m_innerRasterBuilder.Properties = value End Set End Property #End Region #Region "IPersistVariant Members" ''' <summary> ''' UID for the object implementing the Persist Variant ''' </summary> Private ReadOnly Property IPersistVariant_ID() As UID Implements IPersistVariant.ID Get Return myUID End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' Load the object from the stream provided ''' </summary> ''' <param name="Stream">Stream that represents the serialized Raster Type</param> Private Sub IPersistVariant_Load(ByVal Stream As IVariantStream) Implements IPersistVariant.Load Dim name As String = DirectCast(Stream.Read(), String) 'if (innerRasterBuilder is IPersistVariant) ' ((IPersistVariant)innerRasterBuilder).Load(Stream); m_innerRasterBuilder = DirectCast(Stream.Read(), IRasterBuilder) ' Load the innerRasterBuilder from the stream. End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Same the Raster Type to the stream provided ''' </summary> ''' <param name="Stream">Stream to serialize the Raster Type into</param> Private Sub IPersistVariant_Save(ByVal Stream As IVariantStream) Implements IPersistVariant.Save Stream.Write("ThmbnailBuilder") 'if (innerRasterBuilder is IPersistVariant) ' ((IPersistVariant)innerRasterBuilder).Save(Stream); Stream.Write(m_innerRasterBuilder) ' Save the innerRasterBuilder into the stream. End Sub #End Region #Region "IRasterBuilderInit Members" ''' <summary> ''' Default spatial reference for the MD. ''' </summary> Private Property IRasterBuilderInit_DefaultSpatialReference() As ISpatialReference Implements IRasterBuilderInit.DefaultSpatialReference Get Return DirectCast(m_innerRasterBuilder, IRasterBuilderInit).DefaultSpatialReference End Get Set(ByVal value As ISpatialReference) DirectCast(m_innerRasterBuilder, IRasterBuilderInit).DefaultSpatialReference = value End Set End Property ''' <summary> ''' Parent mosaic dataset for the Raster Builder. ''' </summary> Private Property IRasterBuilderInit_MosaicDataset() As IMosaicDataset Implements IRasterBuilderInit.MosaicDataset Get Return DirectCast(m_innerRasterBuilder, IRasterBuilderInit).MosaicDataset End Get Set(ByVal value As IMosaicDataset) DirectCast(m_innerRasterBuilder, IRasterBuilderInit).MosaicDataset = value End Set End Property ''' <summary> ''' The raster type operation helper object associated with this raster type. ''' </summary> Private Property IRasterBuilderInit_RasterTypeOperation() As IRasterTypeOperation Implements IRasterBuilderInit.RasterTypeOperation Get Return DirectCast(m_innerRasterBuilder, IRasterBuilderInit).RasterTypeOperation End Get Set(ByVal value As IRasterTypeOperation) DirectCast(m_innerRasterBuilder, IRasterBuilderInit).RasterTypeOperation = value End Set End Property ''' <summary> ''' Tracker for when cancel is pressed. ''' </summary> Private Property IRasterBuilderInit_TrackCancel() As ITrackCancel Implements IRasterBuilderInit.TrackCancel Get Return DirectCast(m_innerRasterBuilder, IRasterBuilderInit).TrackCancel End Get Set(ByVal value As ITrackCancel) DirectCast(m_innerRasterBuilder, IRasterBuilderInit).TrackCancel = value End Set End Property #End Region End Class End Namespace