| Name | Description |
| Alias | The alias for this tool's toolbox. |
| in_features | Input features can be used to define the extent of the polygon grid that is created. (In, Optional) |
| intersect_feature | Limits the output grid feature class to only areas that intersect input feature layers or datasets. When input features are specified, the default value is INTERSECTFEATURE. The intersection of input features will be used to create index features.
(In, Optional) |
| label_from_origin | Page numbers (labels) starting with the specified starting page number (default is 1) begins with the cell in the lower left corner of the output grid. The default is NO_LABELFROMORIGIN.
(In, Optional) |
| number_columns | Number of columns to create in the x direction from the point of origin. The default is 10. (In, Optional) |
| number_rows | Number of rows to create in the y direction from the point of origin. The default is 10. (In, Optional) |
| origin_coord | Coordinate for the lower left origin of the output grid feature class. If input features are specified the default value is determined by the extent of the union of extents for these features. If there are no input features specified, the default coordinates are 0 and 0. (In, Optional) |
| out_feature_class | Resulting feature class of polygon index features. (Out, Required) |
| ParameterInfo | The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. |
| polygon_height | Height of the index polygon specifed in either map or page units. If page units are being used the default value is 1 inch. If map units are being used the default is 1 degree. (In, Optional) |
| polygon_width | Width of the index polygon specifed in either map or page units. If page units are being used the default value is 1 inch. If map units are being used the default is 1 degree. (In, Optional) |
| scale | Scale must be specified if the index polygon height and width are to be calculated in page units.. If the tool is being used outside of an active ArcMap session the default scale value is 1. (In, Optional) |
| starting_page_number | Each grid index feature is assigned a sequential page number starting with a specified starting page number. The default is 1. (In, Optional) |
| ToolboxDirectory | The directory of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolboxName | The name of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolName | The name of this tool. |
| use_page_unit | Indicates whether index polygon size input is in page units. The default is NO_USEPAGEUNIT. The tool uses map units by default.
(In, Optional) |