Near3D Class Properties
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ESRI.ArcGIS.Analyst3DTools Namespace : Near3D Class

For a list of all members of this type, see Near3D members.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAliasThe alias for this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyangleDetermines whether the angles between the input feature and the nearest near feature will be calculated, and stored into the NEAR_ANG_H and NEAR_ANG_V fields. Both angle values are in degrees, where one degree represents 1/360 of a circle, and fractions of a degree are represented as decimal points. Horizontal angles are measured from 180° to -180°; 0° to the east, 90° to the north, 180° (-180°) to the west, and -90° to the south. Vertical angles are zero for horizontal, 90° for straight up, and -90° for straight down. (In, Optional)  
Public PropertydeltaDetermines whether the distances along the primary axes between the input feature and the nearest near feature will be calculated, and stored into the NEAR_DELTX, NEAR_DELTY, and NEAR_DELTZ fields. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertyin_featuresThe input feature class or layer containing features from which distances are calculated to each feature in the Near Features. (In, Required)  
Public PropertylocationDetermines whether six coordinate fields (two sets of x,y,z values) are added to each input feature. The values are the three coordinates of the input feature (NEAR_FROMX, NEAR_FROMY, NEAR_FROMZ), and the three coordinates of the nearest feature (NEAR_X, NEAR_Y, NEAR_Z). The fields NEAR_FID and NEAR_DIST are always added, regardless of the Location option. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertynear_featuresThe feature class or layer containing features from which distances are calculated to the closest feature in the Input Features. If multiple feature classes or layers are specified, an extra field named NEAR_FC will be added to the input feature class to identify which near feature class contains the closest feature. (In, Required)  
Public Propertyout_feature_classOutput Feature Class (out, Optional)  
Public PropertyParameterInfoThe parameters used by this tool. For internal use only.  
Public Propertysearch_radiusThe maximum distance between Input Features and Near Features for which distance and FID will be determined. If no Search Radius is specified, all Near Features will be used. (In, Optional)  
Public PropertyToolboxDirectoryThe directory of this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyToolboxNameThe name of this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyToolNameThe name of this tool.  

See Also

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