ESRI.ArcGIS.NetworkAnalystTools Namespace
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ClassAddFieldToAnalysisLayer Adds a field to a sublayer of a network analysis layer.
ClassAddLocations Adds network analysis objects to a network analysis layer. The objects are added to specific sublayers such as Stops and Barriers. Objects are input as features or records.
ClassBuildNetwork Reconstructs the network connectivity and attribute information of a network dataset. The network dataset needs to be rebuilt after making edits to the attributes or the features of a participating source feature class. After the source features are edited, the tool establishes the network connectivity only in the areas that have been edited to speed up the build process; however, when the network attributes are edited, the entire extent of the network dataset is rebuilt. This may be a slow operation on a large network dataset.
ClassCalculateLocations Adds fields to the input features that contain the network location of the features. The tool is used to store the network location information as feature attributes to quickly load the features as inputs for a network analysis layer.
ClassCreateTurnFeatureClass Creates a new turn feature class to store turn features that model turning movements in a network dataset.
ClassDirections Generates direction information from a network analysis layer with routes. The direction information is written to a file in either XML or text format.
ClassDissolveNetwork Creates a network dataset that minimizes the number of line features required to correctly model the input network dataset. The more efficient output network dataset reduces the time required to solve analyses, draw results, and generate driving directions. This tool outputs a new network dataset and source feature classes; the input network dataset and its source features remain unchanged.
ClassIncreaseMaximumEdges Increases the maximum number of edges per turn in a turn feature class.
ClassMakeClosestFacilityLayer Makes a closest facility network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A closest facility analysis layer is useful in determining the closest facility or facilities to an incident based on a specified network cost.
ClassMakeLocationAllocationLayer Makes a location-allocation network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A location-allocation analysis layer is useful for choosing a given number of facilities from a set of potential locations such that a demand will be allocated to facilities in an optimal and efficient manner.
ClassMakeODCostMatrixLayer Makes an origin–destination (OD) cost matrix network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. An OD cost matrix analysis layer is useful for representing a matrix of costs going from a set of origin locations to a set of destination locations.
ClassMakeRouteLayer Makes a route network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A route analysis layer is useful for determining the best route between a set of network locations based on a specified network cost.
ClassMakeServiceAreaLayer Makes a service area network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A service area analysis layer is useful in determining the area of accessibility within a given cutoff cost from a facility location.
ClassMakeVehicleRoutingProblemLayer Makes a vehicle routing problem (VRP) network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A vehicle routing problem analysis layer is useful for optimizing a set of routes using a fleet of vehicles.
ClassPopulateAlternateIDFields Creates and populates additional fields on the turn feature classes that reference the edges by alternate IDs. The alternate IDs allow for another set of IDs that can help maintain the integrity of the turn features in case the source edges are being edited.
ClassSolve Solves the network analysis layer problem based on its network locations and properties.
ClassTurnTableToTurnFeatureClass Converts an ArcView turn table or ArcInfo Workstation coverage turn table to an ArcGIS turn feature class.
ClassUpdateAnalysisLayerAttributeParameter Updates the network attribute parameter value for a network analysis layer. The tool should be used to update the value of an attribute parameter for a network analysis layer prior to solving with the Solve tool. This ensures that the solve operation uses the specified value of the attribute parameter to produce appropriate results.
ClassUpdateByAlternateIDFields Updates all the edge references in turn feature classes using an alternate ID field. This tool should be used after making edits to the input line features that are referenced by the turn features to synchronize the turn features based on the alternate ID fields.
ClassUpdateByGeometry Updates all the edge references in the turn feature class using the geometry of the turn features. This tool is useful when the IDs listed for the turn can no longer find the edges participating in the turn due to edits to the underlying edges.
ClassUpgradeNetwork Upgrades the schema of the network dataset. Upgrading the network dataset allows the network dataset to make use of the new functionality available in the current software release.

See Also

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