ESRI.ArcGIS.SampleTools Namespace
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ClassBatchDefine Batch define spatial reference for a list of datasets, featureclass or raster
ClassCADLinestoPolygonFeatures Creates Polygons from any point and line feature classes. Used customized for CAD by including CAD File filters and the introduction of the Repair Geometries and Integrate tools to ensure good polygon geometry creation for CAD data.
ClassCADtoFeatureClasswithAttributeofNearestPoint Adds the attributes of CAD Points or Annoataion to Selected CAD Lines, or CAD Points
ClassCreateFeatureClasswithAllJoinsfromStagingGeodatabase Creates feature classes from a CAD Staging Geodatabase with all of the appropriate table joins
ClassCreateFeaturesFromTextFile Creates a Feature Class based on coordinates in a text file.
ClassPolygonFeatureClasstoCADLines This model converts Polygon feature class to a CAD file with lines. This will remove any duplicate lines that occur on polygons side by side.
ClassWorkspaceToGeodatabase Loads all the rasters in the input workspace to the output workspace
ClassWorkspaceToMosaic Mosaics rasters in the given directory to an existing raster dataset
ClassWorkspaceToNewMosaic Mosaic all rasters in the input workspace to a new mosaic raster dataset, the spatial reference of the output raster dataset is the same as the first raster in the input workspace. The pixel type and number of band properties are also taken from the first raster in the input workspace
ClassWorkspaceToNewRasterCatalog This tool creates a new raster catalog and loads all the rasters in the input workspace to the raster catalog, the spatial reference of both raster column and geometry column are taken from the first dataset in the input workspace.
ClassWriteFeaturesToTextFile Writes the coordinates of a Feature Class' geometry to a Text File

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