radial_point_tolerance Property
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ESRI.ArcGIS.ParcelFabricTools Namespace > LoadTopologyToParcelFabric Class : radial_point_tolerance Property

The tolerance in which new, computed curve center points are matched with existing curve center points found in the fabric. Furthermore, if several computed curve center points lie within this tolerance, they are averaged and merged into a single center point. If a radial tolerance is not specified, the default of 0.5 meters is used. (In, Optional)


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property radial_point_tolerance As Object
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As LoadTopologyToParcelFabric
Dim value As Object
instance.radial_point_tolerance = value
value = instance.radial_point_tolerance
public object radial_point_tolerance {get; set;}

See Also

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