| Class | Description |
| ConvertMapServerCacheStorageFormat | Converts the storage of a map service cache between the exploded (pre-10.0) format and the compact format. The tool converts the format "in place", meaning it does not make a copy of the existing format. Instead, it creates the new format cache in the same cache folder and deletes the old format. |
| CreateMapServerCache | Creates the tiling scheme and preparatory folders for a map service cache. After running this tool, run Manage Map Server Cache Tiles to add tiles to the cache. |
| DeleteGlobeServerCache | Deletes an existing globe service cache and all tiles in it. |
| DeleteMapServerCache | Deletes an existing map service cache, including all associated files on disk. |
| ExportMapServerCache | Exports tiles from a map cache to a folder on disk. The tiles can either be imported into other caches or they can be accessed from ArcGIS Desktop as a raster dataset, independent from their parent service. |
| ExtractData | |
| ExtractDataAndEmailTask | |
| ExtractDataTask | |
| GenerateMapServerCacheTilingScheme | Generates an XML tiling scheme file that defines the scale levels, tile dimensions, and other properties for a map service cache. This tool is useful when creating a tiling scheme to use in multiple caches. You can load the tiling scheme file when you create a cache in ArcCatalog or Manager, or you can run Create Map Server Cache and pass in the tiling scheme file as a parameter. |
| ImportMapServerCache | Imports tiles from a folder on disk into a map cache. The source folder can be a child of a registered server cache directory or it can be some other folder into which tiles have been previously exported. The target map service must have the same tiling scheme and the storage format as the source map cache. |
| ManageGlobeServerCacheTiles | Creates and updates tiles in an existing globe service cache. This tool is used to create new tiles or to replace missing tiles, overwrite outdated tiles, or add new tiles. All these actions can be defined by rectangular extents or by a polygon feature class. When creating new tiles, you can choose whether to create only empty tiles or re-create all tiles. |
| ManageMapServerCacheScales | Updates the scale levels in an existing cached map service. Use this tool to add new scales or delete existing scales from a map cache. |
| ManageMapServerCacheTiles | Creates and updates tiles in an existing map service cache. This tool is used to create new tiles, replace missing tiles, overwrite outdated tiles, and delete tiles. |
| SendEmailWithZipFileAttachment | |