ESRI.ArcGIS.GeocodingTools Namespace
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ClassCreateAddressLocator Creates an address locator. The address locator can be used to find a location of an address, geocode a table of addresses, or get the address of a point location.
ClassCreateCompositeAddressLocator Creates a composite address locator. A composite address locator consists of two or more individual address locators that allow addresses to be matched against the multiple address locators.
ClassGeocodeAddresses Geocodes a table of addresses. This process requires a table that stores the addresses you want to geocode and an address locator or a composite address locator. This tool matches the addresses against the address locator and saves the result for each input record in a new point feature class.
ClassRebuildAddressLocator Rebuilds an address locator to update the locator with the current reference data. Since an address locator contains a snapshot of the reference data when it was created, it will not geocode addresses against the updated data when the geometry and attributes of the reference data are changed. To geocode addresses against the current version of the reference data, the address locator must be rebuilt if you want to update the changes in the locator.
ClassRematchAddresses Rematches addresses in a geocoded feature class.
ClassReverseGeocode Creates addresses from point locations in a feature class. The reverse geocoding process searches for the nearest address or intersection for the point location based on the specified search distance.
ClassStandardizeAddresses Standardizes the address information in a table or feature class.

See Also

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