| Name | Description |
| Alias | The alias for this tool's toolbox. |
| build_index | Specifies whether an attribute index will be created for the route identifier field that is written to the Output Route Feature Class.
(In, Optional) |
| calibrate_method | Specifies how route measures will be recalculated. (In, Optional) |
| extrapolate_after | Specifies whether measure values will be extrapolated after the calibration points.
(In, Optional) |
| extrapolate_before | Specifies whether measure values will be extrapolated before the calibration points.
(In, Optional) |
| ignore_gaps | Specifies whether spatial gaps will be ignored when recalculating the measures on disjointed routes.
(In, Optional) |
| in_point_features | The point features used to calibrate the routes. (In, Required) |
| in_route_features | The route features to be calibrated. (In, Required) |
| interpolate_between | Specifies whether measure values will be interpolated between the calibration points.
(In, Optional) |
| keep_all_routes | Specifies whether route features that do not have any calibration points will be excluded from the output feature class.
(In, Optional) |
| measure_field | The field containing the measure value for each calibration point. This field must be numeric. (In, Required) |
| out_feature_class | The feature class to be created. It can be a shapefile or a geodatabase feature class. (Out, Required) |
| ParameterInfo | The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. |
| point_id_field | The field that identifies the route on which each calibration point is located. The values in this field match those in the route identifier field. This field can be numeric or character. (In, Required) |
| route_id_field | The field containing values that uniquely identify each route. This field can be numeric or character. (In, Required) |
| search_radius | Limits how far a calibration point can be from a route by specifying the distance and its unit of measure. If the units of measure are Unknown, the same units as the coordinate system of the route feature class will be used. (In, Optional) |
| ToolboxDirectory | The directory of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolboxName | The name of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolName | The name of this tool. |