MakeGridsAndGraticulesLayer Class Members
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ESRI.ArcGIS.CartographyTools Namespace : MakeGridsAndGraticulesLayer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by MakeGridsAndGraticulesLayer.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorMakeGridsAndGraticulesLayer ConstructorOverloaded. Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAliasThe alias for this tool's toolbox.  
Public Propertyancillary_coordinate_system_1The grid template XML file creates grid components depicting coordinates or locations for a primary coordinate system and up to four ancillary coordinate systems. The number of ancillary grids is specified by the file. You cannot add or delete ancillary coordinate systems. All coordinate systems specified must share a common geographic coordinate system. If you want to change the primary coordinate system to one that uses a different datum than the default, say for example you change the coordinate system from one that uses WGS 1984 to one that uses NAD 1983, you must change each default ancillary coordinate systems to NAD 1983 as well. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertyancillary_coordinate_system_2The grid template XML file creates grid components depicting coordinates or locations for a primary coordinates system and up to four ancillary coordinate systems. The number of ancillary grids is specified by the file. You cannot add or delete ancillary coordinate systems. All coordinate systems specified must share a common geographic coordinate system. If you want to change the primary coordinate system to one that uses a different datum than the default, say for example you change the coordinate system from one that uses WGS 1984 to one that uses NAD 1983, you must change each default ancillary coordinate systems to NAD 1983 as well. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertyancillary_coordinate_system_3The grid template XML file creates grid components depicting coordinates or locations for a primary coordinates system and up to four ancillary coordinate systems. The number of ancillary grids is specified by the file. You cannot add or delete ancillary coordinate systems. All coordinate systems specified must share a common geographic coordinate system. If you want to change the primary coordinate system to one that uses a different datum than the default, say for example you change the coordinate system from one that uses WGS 1984 to one that uses NAD 1983, you must change each default ancillary coordinate systems to NAD 1983 as well. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertyancillary_coordinate_system_4The grid template XML file creates grid components depicting coordinates or locations for a primary coordinates system and up to four ancillary coordinate systems. The number of ancillary grids is specified by the file. You cannot add or delete ancillary coordinate systems. All coordinate systems specified must share a common geographic coordinate system. If you want to change the primary coordinate system to one that uses a different datum than the default, say for example you change the coordinate system from one that uses WGS 1984 to one that uses NAD 1983, you must change each default ancillary coordinate systems to NAD 1983 as well. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertyconfigure_layoutAdjusts the data frame settings to ensure they match the grid layer. The data frame's coordinate system, scale, rotation, size, extent, and clipping may be altered to enforce consistency. This setting is only available when the tool is executed from ArcMap's layout view and is not being run in the background. The default is to have this check box unchecked. (In, Optional)  
Public Propertyin_aoiThe feature layer or x,y extent used to determine the extent of the grid layer created. (In, Required)  
Public Propertyin_templateThe XML grid definition template stores the specification's graphic properties for each grid layer. In addition to the graphic properties, which cannot be altered before execution, the definition has specific default values, exposed as parameters, that can be modified before execution. (In, Required)  
Public Propertyinput_feature_datasetThe feature dataset that will store the features. Grid-specific feature classes will be created if they do not already exist. If they already exist, and a grid with the same name and type as the one being created also exists, it will be overwritten. (In, Required)  
Public Propertymask_sizeThe mask is a polygon feature that forms an outer ring around the extent of the neatline and is used to mask data that falls in the area reserved for coordinate labels. Mask size defines the width of the polygon mask feature in map or page units. The data frame may have to be resized to fit around the edge of the mask while including the coordinate labels. (In, Optional)  
Public PropertynameThe name for the cartographic grid created that allows for distinction between grids that are stored in the same feature dataset and set of feature classes, expressed in one of the following formats: (In, Optional)  
Public Propertyoutput_layerThe grouped layer of feature classes depicting grid, graticule, and border features. Each grid layer can be composed of a mask polygon, a clip polygon, segments(line), gridlines(line), ticks(line), endpoints(point), points(point), and annotation feature classes. (Out, Required)  
Public PropertyParameterInfoThe parameters used by this tool. For internal use only.  
Public Propertyprimary_coordinate_systemThe grid template XML file creates grid components depicting coordinates or locations for a primary coordinates system and up to four ancillary coordinate systems. The number of ancillary grids is specified by the file. You cannot add or delete ancillary coordinate systems. All coordinate systems specified must share a common geographic coordinate system. If you want to change the primary coordinate system to one that uses a different datum than the default, say for example you change the coordinate system from one that uses WGS 1984 to one that uses NAD 1983, you must change each default ancillary coordinate systems to NAD 1983 as well. (In, Optional)  
Public PropertyrefscaleThe scale at which the grid is created and should be viewed. When the reference scale from the XML grid definition file is defined as "Use Environment", the reference scale is derived in the following order: (In, Optional)  
Public PropertyrotationThe rotation angle for the grid components. Rotation is used to provide annotation that is level with the page. Unless otherwise specified, rotation is calculated using the area of interest feature. When the rotation type from the XML grid definition file is defined as "Use Environment", the rotation is derived in the following order: (In, Optional)  
Public PropertyToolboxDirectoryThe directory of this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyToolboxNameThe name of this tool's toolbox.  
Public PropertyToolNameThe name of this tool.  
Public Propertyxy_toleranceThe minimum tolerated distance between geodatabase features, expressed in linear units. This value is defaulted from the value set in the XML. (In, Optional)  

See Also

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