ESRI.ArcGIS.EditingTools Namespace
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ClassDensify Inserts vertices along line or polygon features. Also replaces curve segments (bezier, circular arcs, elliptical arcs) with densified line segments.
ClassErasePoint Deletes points from the input that are either inside or outside the Remove Features, depending on the Operation Type.
ClassExtendLine This tool extends line segments to the first intersecting feature within a specified distance. If no intersecting feature is within the specified distance, the line segment will not be extended. Tool use is intended for quality control tasks such as cleaning up topology errors in features that were digitized without having set proper snapping environments.
ClassFlipLine Reverses the from-to direction of line features.
ClassGeneralize Simplifies the input features using the Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm with a specified maximum offset tolerance. The output features will contain a subset of the original input vertices.
ClassSnap Moves points or vertices to coincide exactly with the vertices, edges, or end points of other features. Snapping rules can be specified to control whether the input vertices are snapped to the nearest vertex, edge, or endpoint within a specified distance.
ClassTrimLine Removes portions of a line that extend a specified distance past a line intersection (dangles). Any line that does not touch another line at both endpoints can be trimmed, but only the portion of the line that extends past the intersection by the specified distance will be removed.

See Also

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