The following tables list the members exposed by DetectGraphicConflict.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| Alias | The alias for this tool's toolbox. |
| conflict_distance | Sets the conflict distance. Temporary buffers one-half the size of the conflict distance value
are created around symbols in both the
input and conflict layers. Conflict polygons will be generated
where these buffers overlap. Conflict distance is measured in page units (Points, Inches, Millimeters, Centimeters). If you enter a conflict distance in map units, it will be converted to page units using the reference scale. The default conflict distance is 0, where no buffers are created and only symbols that physically overlap one another are detected as conflicts. (In, Optional) |
| conflict_features | The feature layer containing symbolized features potentially in conflict with symbolized features in the input layer. (In, Required) |
| in_features | The input feature layer containing symbolized features. (In, Required) |
| line_connection_allowance | The radius of a circle, centered where lines join, within which graphic overlaps won't be detected. This parameter is only considered when the input layer and the conflict layer are identical. Zero allowance will detect a conflict at each line join (if end caps are overlapping). Line connection allowance is calculated in page units (Points, Inches, Millimeters, Centimeters). If you enter a conflict distance in map units, it will be converted to page units using the reference scale. The value cannot be negative; the default value is 1 Point. (In, Optional) |
| out_feature_class | The output feature class to be created to store conflict polygons. It cannot be one of the feature classes associated with the input layers. (Out, Required) |
| ParameterInfo | The parameters used by this tool. For internal use only. |
| ToolboxDirectory | The directory of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolboxName | The name of this tool's toolbox. |
| ToolName | The name of this tool. |
See Also