ResolveBuildingConflicts Constructor(Object,String,Object,Object,Object)
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ESRI.ArcGIS.CartographyTools Namespace > ResolveBuildingConflicts Class > ResolveBuildingConflicts Constructor : ResolveBuildingConflicts Constructor(Object,String,Object,Object,Object)

The input layers containing building features that may be in conflict, or smaller than allowable size. Buildings can be either points or polygons. Buildings will be modified to resolve conflicts with other buildings and with barrier features. (In, Required)
The field that stores the invisibility values that can be used to remove some buildings from display in order to resolve symbol conflicts. Buildings with a value of 1 should be removed from display; those with a value of zero should remain. Use a definition query on the layer to display visible buildings only. No features are deleted. (In, Required)
The layers containing the linear or polygon features that are conflict barriers for input building features. Buildings will be modified to resolve conflicts between buildings and barriers. Orient value is Boolean, specifying whether buildings should be oriented to the barrier layer. (In, Required)
The minimum allowable distance between symbolized buildings at scale. Buildings that are closer together will be displaced or hidden to enforce this distance. The minimum allowable distance is set relative to the reference scale (i.e. 15 meters at 1:50,000 scale). The value is 0 if reference scale is not set. (In, Required)
The minimum allowable size of the shortest side of a rotated best-fit bounding box around the symbolized building feature drawn at the reference scale. Buildings with a bounding box side smaller than this value will be enlarged to meet it. Resizing may happen nonproportionally resulting in a change to building morphology. (In, Required)
Constructor that takes all required parameters for geoprocessor execution.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function New( _
   ByVal in_buildings As Object, _
   ByVal invisibility_field As String, _
   ByVal in_barriers As Object, _
   ByVal building_gap As Object, _
   ByVal minimum_size As Object _
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim in_buildings As Object
Dim invisibility_field As String
Dim in_barriers As Object
Dim building_gap As Object
Dim minimum_size As Object
Dim instance As ResolveBuildingConflicts(in_buildings, invisibility_field, in_barriers, building_gap, minimum_size)
public ResolveBuildingConflicts( 
   object in_buildings,
   string invisibility_field,
   object in_barriers,
   object building_gap,
   object minimum_size


The input layers containing building features that may be in conflict, or smaller than allowable size. Buildings can be either points or polygons. Buildings will be modified to resolve conflicts with other buildings and with barrier features. (In, Required)
The field that stores the invisibility values that can be used to remove some buildings from display in order to resolve symbol conflicts. Buildings with a value of 1 should be removed from display; those with a value of zero should remain. Use a definition query on the layer to display visible buildings only. No features are deleted. (In, Required)
The layers containing the linear or polygon features that are conflict barriers for input building features. Buildings will be modified to resolve conflicts between buildings and barriers. Orient value is Boolean, specifying whether buildings should be oriented to the barrier layer. (In, Required)
The minimum allowable distance between symbolized buildings at scale. Buildings that are closer together will be displaced or hidden to enforce this distance. The minimum allowable distance is set relative to the reference scale (i.e. 15 meters at 1:50,000 scale). The value is 0 if reference scale is not set. (In, Required)
The minimum allowable size of the shortest side of a rotated best-fit bounding box around the symbolized building feature drawn at the reference scale. Buildings with a bounding box side smaller than this value will be enlarged to meet it. Resizing may happen nonproportionally resulting in a change to building morphology. (In, Required)

See Also

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