Bind to a particular ArcGIS product and automatically initialize with the specified license level. Binding is a new requirement for all stand-alone ArcGIS Engine applications beginning at 10.0.

Namespace:  ESRI.ArcGIS

Assembly:  ESRI.ArcGIS.Version (in ESRI.ArcGIS.Version.dll) Version: (


public static void BindLicense(
	ProductCode code,
	LicenseLevel licenseLevel
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Sub BindLicense ( _
	code As ProductCode, _
	licenseLevel As LicenseLevel _
Visual C++
static void BindLicense(
	ProductCode code, 
	LicenseLevel licenseLevel


Type: ESRI.ArcGIS..::.ProductCode

The ArcGIS product code; e.g., ProductCode.Engine, ProductCode.Desktop.
Type: ESRI.ArcGIS..::.LicenseLevel

Return Value


This function will automatically call AoInitialze with the specified license level. This function only supports common AoInitialize options. To check out any product extensions to Engine or Desktop, you need to additionally call AoInitialize.CheckOutExtension.


The code below shows how to bind to a particular ArcGIS installation.
//Bind to Engine Product and License as Standard Level (Engine Runtime)
RuntimeManager.BindLicense(ProductCode.Engine, LicenseLevel.Standard);

//Bind to Desktop Product and License as Standard Level (ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo)
RuntimeManager.BindLicense(ProductCode.Desktop, LicenseLevel.Standard);

//Bind to Engine Product and License as Geodatabase Update Level (Engine GeodatabaseUpdate)
RuntimeManager.BindLicense(ProductCode.Engine, LicenseLevel.GeodatabaseUpdate);

//Bind to Engine Product and License as Geodatabase Update Level (ArcEditor, ArcInfo)
RuntimeManager.BindLicense(ProductCode.Desktop, LicenseLevel.GeodatabaseUpdate);
    'Bind to Engine Product and License as Standard Level (Engine Runtime)
RuntimeManager.BindLicense(ProductCode.Engine, LicenseLevel.Standard)

'Bind to Desktop Product and License as Standard Level (ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo)
RuntimeManager.BindLicense(ProductCode.Desktop, LicenseLevel.Standard)

    'Bind to Engine Product and License as Geodatabase Update Level (Engine GeodatabaseUpdate)
RuntimeManager.BindLicense(ProductCode.Engine, LicenseLevel.GeodatabaseUpdate)

'Bind to Engine Product and License as Geodatabase Update Level (ArcEditor, ArcInfo)
RuntimeManager.BindLicense(ProductCode.Desktop, LicenseLevel.GeodatabaseUpdate)

See Also