ArcObjects Library Reference (SpatialAnalyst)  

IDistanceOp Interface

Provides access to members that control the distance operations. Note: the IDistanceOp interface has been superseded byIDistanceOp2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Spatial Analyst Extension.


Method Corridor Calculates for each cell location the sum of the accumulative costs for two input accumulative-cost datasets.
Method CostAllocation Calculates for each output cell the zone that could be reached with the least accumulative cost.
Method CostBackLink Calculates the neighbor that is the next cell on the least-accumulative-cost path from a cell to a source cell.
Method CostDistance Calculates for each cell the least-accumulative-cost distance over a cost surface to a source cell or a set of source cells.
Method CostDistanceFull Calculates for each cell the least-accumulative-cost distance, backlink, and allocation over a cost surface to a source cell or a set of source cells.
Method CostPath Calculates the least-cost path(s) from selected cell(s) in the input data to the closest source cell.
Method CostPathAsPolyline Calculates the least-cost path(s) from selected points in the input data and returns it as a polyline.
Method EucAllocation Calculates for each cell the zone of the closest source cell (in Euclidean distance).
Method EucDirection Calculates the direction in degrees from each cell center to the cell center of the closest source.
Method EucDistance Calculates for each cell the Euclidean distance to the closest source.
Method EucDistanceFull Calculates for each cell optionally the Euclidean distance, direction, and allocation to the closest source.

CoClasses that implement IDistanceOp

CoClasses and Classes Description
RasterDistanceOp A mechanism for performing distance operations on rasters.


  • Read the Working with ArcGIS Spatial Analyst objects technical document for general information on implementing Spatial Analyst operations.
  • .NET Snippets

    Create DistanceOp Cost Back Link Raster | Create DistanceOp Cost Distance Raster | Create DistanceOp EucDistanceFull Direction Raster | Create DistanceOp EucAllocation Raster | Create DistanceOp Cost Path Raster | Create DistanceOp CostDistanceFull Cost Allocation Raster | Create DistanceOp CostDistanceFull Least Accumulative Cost Raster | Create DistanceOp Corridor Raster | Create DistanceOp EucDirection Raster | Create DistanceOp EucDistanceFull Distance Raster | Create DistanceOp CostDistanceFull Backlink Raster | Create DistanceOp Cost Allocation Raster | Create DistanceOp EucDistanceFull Allocation Raster |